
Survival Hack: How to Create Homemade Penicillin

by in Food, Health, Natural Cures, Video April 22, 2017

If for some reason you cannot get ahold of any penicillin and you need it, you can make your own. This is especially great for those living in poverty.

You know that nasty green mold that develops on oranges and bread when you leave it sitting? That is actually called Penicillium and it can be used to fight infections. While I don’t suggest using it for severe infections if you have a minor issue this is something you could benefit from. Find out how to use/make this below.

Homemade Penicillin:


  • Bread
  • Water
  • Ziploc bag


  • Place the bread into the Ziploc bag.
  • Let this sit until spores begin forming.
  • When they begin forming break the bread up into smaller pieces.
  • Add a bit of moisture to the bag, a light misting will do the trick.
  • Monitor the mold growth and do not remove until the majority of the mold has turned green.


  • Once the mold is green, take the bread clumps and place them in a cup of warm water.
  • Mix well and consume.
  • This can cause upset stomach in some cases however, it will not taste good but will get rid of the infection. Repeat as needed for a daily dose.

If you find yourself in the middle of a terrible situation this may be necessary and is well worth knowing. If you want to know more about penicillium I recommend taking the time to watch the video below. Enjoy!