
This Simple Ingredient Removes Cellulite Fast!

by in Beauty, DIY, Video March 23, 2017

Cellulite is an issue most people have to deal with. While it is nothing to be ashamed of, it can be quite embarrassing.

Cellulite is something that occurs when fat deposits lump together under your skin. This is normal and happens to everyone. It is a sign of poor circulation and if you don’t like it there are many ways to get rid of it. Do not just assume that you have to live with your cellulite forever. You can do a number of things to resolve this issue.

If you have ever tried a commercial product to reduce or eliminate your cellulite you know that caffeine is one of the most common and important ingredients. If you are looking to tighten things up and not break the bank you can cut out those creams and just use this homemade cellulite remover.

The key ingredient in these is caffeine as well, in the form of coffee grounds. Using these will get the circulation going and make your cellulite reduced more and more with each use. You can actually use coffee grounds for a lot of different things. You can exfoliate your hair with them when you want it to look darker, clean your grill, and even remove under eye bags. Continue on for the recipe.

Coffee Cellulite Scrub Bars


  • 6 tablespoons of coffee grounds
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of corn starch
  • 2 teaspoons of baking soda
  • 3 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil


  • Mix well and spray with water as you mix.
  • Dampen when spraying but do not pour water in no matter what.
  • Place them into a mold.
  • The size and shape of the mold do not matter, just pick the ones you like.
  • Press them well and leave them to sit overnight.
  • Then use this to scrub your cellulite away.

Coffee grounds are great for lots of things. When it comes to reducing your cellulite no cream is going to do the trick. Taking things into your own hands will be the only way to help yourself. The scrub bars above will work wonders! For more things, you can use coffee grounds for please take the time to watch the video below.