
Medical Breakthrough: Any Type of Cancer Can be Cured in Just 2-16 Weeks

by in Food, Health, Natural Cures, Video February 11, 2017

There are tons of people out there in the world today suffering from cancer. Cancer is an epidemic we have been looking to put an end to for quite some time now.

Nowadays, almost every single person I know has had a close family member die of cancer. It is something we consider common in households. Cancer affects us all in one way or another. If you have lost a loved on to cancer or are battling it yourself then you know how hard it can be. Cancer eats away at the people you love and there is nothing you can do about it, you feel powerless watching them wilt away.

The cancer industry as I have said many times is making too much of a profit in keeping us sick to ever offer a cure. Chemotherapy costs everything a person has. It leaves them with nothing even if they by chance happen to make it through the dangerous ordeal. If anything all chemotherapy does is make matters worse. None of the people benefiting from the profit made in the cancer industry care about our wellbeing. They want us sick and then after they have drained us and our families for all we have they want us dead.

One man, a Dr. Leonard Coldwell has been through a lot when it comes to cancer. All seven brothers and sisters from his mother’s side of the family suffered carcinoma. his father and grandmother also died from cancer. he saw exactly how this terrible disease was killing his friends and family viciously and dedicated his life to finding a cure that actually worked.

Dr. Coldwell has seen over 35,000 patients and has one of the leading roles in the search for a cure. His website was actually blocked by the federal government at one point when he found a cure! He claims that cancer in most patients can be cured without chemotherapy or radiation. The sad part of this story is, he is no longer allowed to tell anyone that. Big Pharma will not allow it.

That being said some things have come about, according to Dr. Coldwell cancer can be cured in 2-16 weeks if we eat more veggies! He says that a diet consisting mostly of veggies provides the body with lots of oxygen and adding things like calcium will make a big difference. He says that we need to alkalize our bodies in order to stop the progress of cancer and begin reversing it.

We should be obtaining 100 cc every single day of vitamin C. This can be done by injection according to the Doctor. If injections are not your thing then I highly suggest upping your vitamin C intake as much as possible. Avoid chemicals, they won’t help when it comes to cancer. What it all boils down to is that if you want to cure cancer you need to consume fresh organic veggies and other fresh raw foods.

Dr. Coldwell is a very smart man and we obviously have a lot to learn from him. To hear more of what he has said on how to cure cancer please take the time to watch the video below. Enjoy!