
This Vegetable Will Fix Everything Wrong in Your Body!

by in Food February 10, 2017

This veggie is one of the best to eat when it comes to curing several issues. However, we often overlook it as if we forget it exists.

The veggie I am referring to is the beet. Beets are extremely healthy and have potent medicinal properties. Beets contain something known as anthocyanins which are known for having strong anti-cancer properties. Betaine, another thing found in beets is a natural inflammatory and works well when it comes to supporting heart health.

Beets are able to regulate cholesterol levels, support healthy liver function, and boost blood flow. You can ingest beets raw, cooked, juiced, or baked but do not throw out the leaves. Studies have even shown that if you consume potassium rich foods like beets and eliminate sodium you will be able to lower your risk of heart disease or stroke by twenty-one percent.

Why You Should Be Eating Beets

When it comes to keeping our bodies healthy we shouldn’t overlook anything. If you dismiss a veggie or fruit because you don’t think it can do anything then you are being neglectful. Take the time to look into each and everything you have cross your mind. I personally love beets and the fact that their this good for me makes me want to eat them even more!