
Take This And You Will Never Have To Suffer From Sciatica Or Back Pain Again!

by in Natural Cures January 22, 2017

If you experience it you will agree – sciatica pain is terrible! Sciatica pain is terrible to deal with, but the pain killers for it are even worse. Instead, try these 8 natural remedies!

The term sciatica describes the symptoms of leg pain—and possibly tingling, numbness, or weakness—that originate in the lower back and travel through the buttock and down the large sciatic nerve in the back of each leg. Sciatica can be caused by a number of things. However some back injuries can cause it too such as lumbar herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis.

Spine Conditions

Sciatic Pain Brings Along These Symptoms:

  • Constant pain in only one side of the buttock or leg (rarely in both legs)
    Pain that is worse when sitting
  • Leg pain that is often described as burning, tingling, or searing (versus a dull ache)
  • Weakness, numbness, or difficulty moving the leg, foot, and/or toes
  • A sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand up or walk
  • Pain that radiates down the leg and possibly into the foot and toes (it rarely occurs only in the foot)

The pain can vary from infrequent and irritating to constant and unbearable. Symptoms are usually based on the location of the pinched nerve. While symptoms can be painful and potentially debilitating, it is rare that permanent sciatic nerve damage (tissue damage) will result, and spinal cord involvement is possible. Instead of taking toxic painkillers, try these natural methods instead.


“You can get relief as soon as the first session, though it takes about 12 sessions to see improvement,” says Jingduan Yang, MD, assistant professor at the Jefferson Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University. A small study in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that of 30 people with sciatica, 17 got complete relief and 10 saw symptoms improve with warming acupuncture, in which the needles are heated.


Yoga is a great solution to sciatica pain. It is effective and comes with many other benefits. Hamstring stretches and hip openers play a significant role in relieving sciatica pain. Here are some yoga poses for you to incorporate into your daily routine to help sooth your sciatica.


In this instance, trigger-point therapy is best, says Jeff Smoot, vice president of the American Massage Therapy Association. The sciatic nerve sits underneath a muscle called the piriformis, which is located beneath the glutes. “When the piriformis muscle gets tight, it pinches the sciatic nerve, causing tingling and numbness down into the leg,” says Smoot. He applies pressure to irritated and inflamed areas, or trigger points, in the piriformis muscle, as well as in muscles in the lower back and glutes. Typically, Smoot schedules treatments 7 to 10 days apart.


Because the sciatic nerve is buried deep within the buttock and leg, ice or heat on the surface of the body won’t ease that inner inflammation. But the time honored treatments can act as counterirritants—that is, “they give your body other input in the painful area, and that brings the pain down a notch,” says Ruppert. Apply an ice pack or a heating pad as needed for 15 minutes.


Moving is usually the last thing people dogged by sciatica want to do, but it’s important to be physically active. “Lying in bed makes it more likely that the pain will last longer,” says Ruppert. “Exercise increases blood flow to the disk and the nerve, helping to get rid of the chemicals causing the inflammation.”

Physical Therapy

give swimming or water aerobics a try; there’s not as much pressure on the back when you’re in the water, says Ruppert. It may also be worth seeing a physical therapist, who can prescribe stretching exercises to restore flexibility to the back or moves that strengthen core muscles, helping to stabilize the spine and reduce the likelihood of a similar injury.


Natural herbs work as as natural anti-inflammatories. They work wonderful for sciatica pain. These herbs can be used via infused oils, capsules, salves, and liniments.


Make sure you get enough sleep, in order to relax the muscles and the body, and strengthen and rebuild the nerves. Although science has not confirmed these alternative sciatica pain remedies, numerous people have experienced significant relief due to them, and have succeeded to control cramps, spasms, pain and numbness.