Monthly Archives: August 2016

Sleep Trick: Spray This DIY 3 Ingredient Essential Oil on Your Feet 10 Minutes Before Bedtime

by in DIY, Health, Natural Cures August 18, 2016

Essential oils can provide even the most sleep deprived with a good night’s rest. By bringing our bodies back into balance and supporting our systems, essential oils can provide us with many benefits, especially if used correctly. This sleep rub contains specifically chosen oils that will aid in calming and relaxing your mind and body, […]

How Big Pharma Gets Away With Selling Crystal Meth to Children By Renaming it Adderall

by in Health August 15, 2016

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a commonly referred to psychiatric disorder that causes attention deficits, hyperactivity, or impulsiveness which is not behaviorally appropriate. However, most people do not realize that ADD and ADHD are not actual medical conditions? There are no brain scans, blood tests that identify or diagnose either of these “conditions” but doctors […]