
This 85-Year-Old Woman Had a Hunchback for Decades. THIS Fixed It!

by in Health, Natural Cures August 21, 2016

Similar to most people who live with various types of pain, and age-related health issues, Anna Pesce had suffered for decades a herniated disc, scoliosis, and osteoporosis: all of which caused the 85-year-old grandmother to walk around with a hunchback.

Unfortunately, on top of that, in 2014, Anna nearly collapsed as she attempted to climb a set of stairs while visiting her children. Enough was enough and Anna then reached out to a certified yoga instructor for help. What happened after that changed Anna’s life.


She had attempted acupuncture and visited a chiropractor with no relief. However, when she contacted Rachel Jesien, a yoga instructor who specializes in back care, she began learning restorative poses, such as child’s pose and chair savasana. Within a month, Anna could walk again.

The major game changer was that “After two months, another big milestone was that Anna knew what poses to do whenever the usual pains would come up for her,” Rachel said. “For example, if she was having hip pain, she’d sit on a chair and do an ankle-to-knee pose.”

Four months after beginning the yoga practice, Anna had gained the ability to achieve a modified headstand! For an 85-year-old who had trouble only months ago being able to walk on her own, this was a major achievement!


According to Rachel, and many other experts, yoga has proven benefits for improving back function. Meaning that it reduces back related problems that interfere with daily activities such as walking, standing, climbing stairs, and so on.  This increase in back function can mean the world to people who are in a similar bind as Anna was, and as yoga is not only safe but also easier on the body, it is a very practical method for people who are handicapped with various back issues.