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5 Ways Eggs Can Prevent Hair Loss!

by September 12, 2017

Hair loss is one of the worst things to experience, and there aren’t that many options to choose from when it happens. However, the most effective remedy is sitting right in your fridge!

Thousands of people around the world experience it at some point. There is no other way of saying it; hair loss sucks. Everyone loves a full head of attractive hair! Hair loss can really damage your self-esteem, but do not let it! Hair loss is completely natural and there isn’t much you can do about it. Modern medicine offers an implantation of hair follicles, but it is expensive, dangerous, and often little effective. This recipe not only stimulates hair growth, but it can also restore the natural shine and volume in your hair. If you feel like you hair is constantly dry and frizzy, try this recipe. It has amazing results!

Commercial cosmetic hair care products can be extremely dangerous for your hair. They can weaken the hair follicles and increase your risk for hair loss. They also damage individual strands of hair, making it appear essentially fried. Chemicals are honestly the last thing you want to apply to your hair. However, one of the best ingredients for your hair is sitting right in your refrigerator – Eggs! Eggs are awesome for your hair, and there are even a variety of different ways you can use them to prevent hair loss.

Egg Pack – Whisk eggs in a bowl and make them fluffy and frothy. Apply it to the scalp and throughout strands of hair. Leave it for thirty minutes before washing out with cold water!

Eggs and Lemon – Lemon is great for your hair too, especially combined with eggs. Blend two tablespoons of lemon juice with two eggs and massage the mixture thoroughly to your hair. Leave it for 45 minutes, then rinse with cold water!

Eggs and Yogurt – Yogurt and egg can ward off fungal infections of the scalp. All you have to do is whisk two tablespoons of yogurt with one egg. Apply it your hair and cover with a shower cap. Leave for thirty minutes and rinse with warm water.

Egg Yolk and Coconut Oil – Coconut oil is fantastic for your scalp because of its incredibly hydrating properties. It can eliminate dandruff and make your hair look much healthier! Combine 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 whisked egg. This can repair the broken hair because of the fatty acids present in coconut oil.

Eggs and Olive Oil – Olive oil replenish the vitamin E in your hair. It can slow down the overall loss of moisture in your scalp too! With two tablespoons of olive oil and one egg, all you have to do is apply the mask to your hair strands and leave for 15 minutes before rinsing.

Here’s What Your Blood Type Could Tell About Your Health

by September 12, 2017

The best and most effective medicine is prevention. The only real way to protect yourself from deadly diseases and health issues is by preventing them! Little did you know that you can use your blood type to do so!

Although all blood looks the same, it is all very different. There are many different types of blood. Each blood type still contains the same basic components of blood like RBC, platelets, plasma, etc.,. The different blood types are classified by the antigens, which are proteins and sugars that our body uses to identify blood cells as belonging to its own system. It is an amazing process! The blood type classifications are A, AB, B, O. Each blood type reacts differently and have their own traits.

Digestion Problems

This was confirmed by naturopath, Peter J. D’adamo. He says that various blood types result in varying nutritional need. Type O tends to digestion problems. Type A has sensitive immune systems. They should eat lots of vegetables and fruits.

Fertility Issues

Blood type can affect a woman’s fertility. Studies show women with type O blood tend to be the least fertile. The study looked at several women. They found that women with type O blood type carry fewer eggs. They also have a hard time maintaining fertility.

Cognitive Decline

Studies have found that people with type AB blood type have a higher risk of cognitive decline. One study showed that AB blood type results in an 82% increased chance of developing memory loss with age. Blood types can also make you feel angry, happy, or sad! People with blood type A carry more cortisol, so their stress levels tend to be higher than average. People with type O blood are susceptible to having outbursts of anger.


Some studies show that people with type O blood are more likely to develop stomach ulcers. This is because your immune system sends antibodies to defend against pathogens, and people with type O blood tend to send out antigens that cause inflammation, swelling, and ulcers.

Pancreatic Cancer

Studies reveal that people with type A blood have a 32% increased risk for pancreatic cancer. Type AB blood has 51% increased risk and 72% increase for Type B.


Diabetics Should Avoid These 12 Foods

by September 8, 2017

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that more than 29 million Americans have diabetes, while another 86 million American adults are dealing with a condition called ‘prediabetes,’ in which their blood sugar levels are higher than the average adult, however not high enough to warrant a classification of diabetes.

Of those Americans with prediabetes, approximately 15-30% will develop full blown diabetes within 5 years unless they take the necessary steps to manage their condition and make smart dietary choices. They can work to lower their risk of diabetes through healthier food choices, moderate physical activity and working towards a healthy weight.




Ann Albright, Ph.D., R.D., director of the CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation stated, “These new numbers are alarming and underscore the need for an increased focus on reducing the burden of diabetes in our country. Diabetes is costly in both human and economic terms. It’s urgent that we take swift action to effectively treat and prevent this serious disease.

When considering their food choices, those that are looking to manage their diabetes, or lower their chances of developing diabetes, need to reduce calories and consider which choices will help to balance their blood sugar levels. There are some foods that will work towards improved blood sugar levels, whereas others will work against them.

Here are 12 different foods that diabetics and those with prediabetes should avoid:

  1. Fruit Juices

While many believe that fruit juices are a healthy alternative to other sugary drinks, these juices actually contain a significant amount of sugars. In fact, in some cases, they actually contain more sugar than a soda drink! Rather than drinking fruit juices enjoy a glass of cold water with slices of lemon for a much healthier alternative.


  1. High-Fat Cuts of Meat

When selecting meats for your diet, it is advised to avoid those with a high-fat content as this means that they are high in saturated fats, which promotes high cholesterol levels and triggers inflammation throughout the body. Instead, select lean protein options such as fish, skinless chicken or lean cuts of beef.


  1. Processed Foods

A staple in the diet of most Americans, processed foods may be convenient, however, they contain little to no nutritional value. Instead, they contain high levels of additives, trans-fats, sodium, artificial sweeteners, sugars, color, preservatives and countless other chemicals. All of these ingredients work together to boost blood sugar levels as well as promoting a number of other diseases and ailments.


  1. Dried Fruit

While fruit is generally a great option for a healthy diet, the process of drying fruit concentrates the sugars causing dried fruit to send your blood sugar through the roof. If you do enjoy fruit, stick with fresh fruit options, such as grapefruit, strawberries, cantaloupe, and peaches.


  1. Pasta, White Bread, and Rice

Pasta, white bread, and rice are all examples of high-carb, processed foods. They increase blood sugar levels within the body and promote weight gain. These specific carbs are low in fiber content, which would help to slow down the body’s ability to absorb sugar into the bloodstream.


  1. Pre-Made Smoothies

While you can make incredibly healthy smoothie options at home, paying careful attention to the ingredients that you are using, purchasing already prepared smoothies, such as those available in a fast food drive-thru, contain incredibly high levels of sugar, as well as a significant amount of carbs.


  1. Fried Foods

Fried foods are generally high in hydrogenated oils, a type of oil that is high in trans fats. These trans fats will increase cholesterol, increase the risk of heart disease, cause weight gain and send the level of blood sugar in the body completely off balance.


  1. Root Vegetables

Root vegetables include high amounts of both sugar and starch, causing the body to experience insulin spikes when they are consumed. This includes turnips, yams, potatoes, sweet potatoes, taro, and carrots.


  1. Regular Soft Drinks

The next time that you are thirsty it might be best to avoid the regular soft drinks. The amount of sugar in a single glass of soda is surprisingly high, causing the blood sugar levels in the body to spike. Also high in carbs, these drinks are also responsible for promoting weight gain.


  1. Flavored Coffee Drinks

While fancy coffee drinks seem to be all the rage, they are not going to help promote healthy blood sugar levels in those who struggle with these conditions. The coffee itself isn’t the problem, it is the additional ingredients that are added such as sugars, whipped cream, and syrups. Stick with regular coffee instead.


  1. Sugary Snack Foods

Many of the snack options that are regularly consumed in American society are incredibly high in sugar content such as candies, cookies, cakes, and soda. These foods send the blood sugar levels in the body into a dangerously high territory. Fruit makes a great alternative the next time that you are craving a snack such as berries, oranges, pears, and apples.


  1. Full-Fat Dairy Products

Full-fat dairy products contain high levels of saturated fats, much like the high-fat cuts of meat. This doesn’t mean that you have to avoid dairy products entirely. Rather than consuming the full-fat products choose the reduced-fat or fat-free versions.

9 Ancient, Egyptian Beauty Secrets that Would Make Cleopatra Jealous

by September 8, 2017

Ancient Egyptians were highly focused on their appearances, going to great lengths to appear their best at all times. In fact, many experts will say that the extreme preoccupation with beauty and appearance that was prevalent throughout ancient Egyptian culture is the precursor to our current perceptions of beauty.

Source: Marie Claire


The priority placed on appearance was so high that it even continued after death. As Alastair Sooke wrote in an article for BBC Culture, “…this was just as true in death as it was in life: witness the smooth, serene faces, with regular features and prominent eyes emphasized by dramatic black outlines, typically painted onto cartonnage mummy masks and wooden coffins.”

Beauty efforts at the time were heavily reliant upon natural options, as women couldn’t simply take a trip to the drug store to pick up the latest beauty products. Their knowledge of natural ingredients and solutions were compounded with a deep knowledge of how these products would work, a knowledge that was passed down through the generations.

Here are 9 beauty secrets that date back to the times of Cleopatra herself:

  1. Aloe Vera

Still recognized as an effective treatment for burns, ancient Egyptians were also aware of additional uses for this plant. They would use it on their hair and skin to moisturize and promote a healthy shine. It was also known that eating the aloe vera plant would help to improve digestion.


  1. Sea Salt

Crediting the Dead Sea for being a miracle beauty treatment, sea salt from the Dead Sea was used to rejuvenate skin, as well as to treat skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema.


  1. Coconut Butter for Hair

With no hair gels available, ancient Egyptians required a similar type of product in order to hold their hair in place once it had been styled. Coconut butter worked to style their hair as well as promoted optimal hair health.


  1. Almond Oil

Ancient Egyptian women replied on the antioxidant powers of almond oil in order to fight the signs of aging. This oil was used as a moisturizer, applied directly to the skin.


  1. Fenugreek Seed Face Masks

In order to keep their face healthy, smooth and soft, ancient Egyptian women would create face masks out of fenugreek seed. They also believed that they could increase their breast size by drinking fenugreek seed tea.


  1. Oils to Stimulate Hair Growth

The current trend for essential oils has significant roots in the time of the ancient Egyptians. Various oils were used to condition their hair, promote hair growth, as well as for overall hygiene and for the purposes of aromatherapy. The most popular oils were myrrh and frankincense.


  1. Milk and Honey Baths

Both milk and honey work towards nourishing and exfoliating the skin. Honey has been found to work as a natural antibacterial, fighting infections, while the lactic acid in milk worked to remove dead skin cells.


  1. Natural Makeup

In lieu of being able to purchase modern day makeup, ancient Egyptian women created their own natural makeup options. This included the use of saffron for eye shadow, henna both to color hair and tint nails, burnt almonds to darken eyebrows and red ochre as a lip color.


  1. Coffee Facial Scrub

This is one beauty trick that still continues to be discussed in beauty and cosmetic circles. Mix 3 tablespoons of coffee grounds with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 teaspoon of honey to create a facial scrub that will effectively cleanse your skin.

Image via

Try This Simple, 8-Minute Posture Correcting Workout Routine For Fast Results

by September 7, 2017

Our health and well-being are influenced by many different factors in our lives, ranging from what we eat to how active we are, how much sleep we are getting to the activities that we take part in each day. One area of concern that has been gaining attention as of late is the discussion of our posture and the impact that our posture has on our overall health.

The American Posture Institute recently stated, “it’s no surprise that with the postural decline of society and with children spending more time seated in slumped postures than being outside playing, that there are serious side effects.” As experts continue to research and study the role our posture plays in a number of health situations, this concern grows!

In one study a total of 9,567 participants between the ages of 12 and 22 were monitored and asked to complete a questionnaire, allowing researchers to determine the potential connection between back pain and asthma. It was found that there was a positive correlation between lower back pain and several different health concerns such as asthma, headaches, and migraines.

In a similar study 2 years later for the ‘European Journal of Pediatrics,’ researchers found that patients who suffered from persistent asthma were more likely to demonstrate problems with their posture. This poor posture increased airway resistance, which I turn made it more difficult for them to breathe, compounding their asthma.

This problem isn’t just limited to those with asthma either! In fact, the Arthritis Disease Center reports that 50-80% of Americans will complain about back pain during their lifetime! The problem is wide spread, but the good news is that there is something you can do.

Fitness instructor Caroline Jordan released a video that would allow every American to work on improving their posture from the comfort of their own home. The video includes an 8-minute routine that includes exercises designed to combat the effects of poor posture and restore proper posture in our daily lives.


Start improving your health by improving your posture today!

Study Finds That Diet Soda Can Increase Your Risk Of Dementia

by September 7, 2017

Diet drinks are mostly thought of to be healthier than regular soda. However, this is a widely known misconception as diet drinks are actually much more dangerous.

Many people don’t question the ingredients that are really in their foods, especially today. People automatically assume that diet drinks are healthy for you just because they have less sugar and calories. Most people are not aware that companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsico. replace sugar and calories with ingredients that are not the same, but taste similar. Although their products might be rather tasty, they’re horrible for your body.

One of the main ingredients that are in diet soda is aspartame. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener to replace the sugar from a regular soda. While it tastes very similar, it is nothing like sugar. Aspartame is a laboratory engineered chemical that is terrible for your body. It’s not just ‘bad’ for you either; it’s literally poison. It can triple your risk of stroke and Dementia according to a recent study.

The study was performed by scientists from Boston University. They studied over 4,400 different adults to really find out the effects of chemicals in diet drinks. They concluded that adults who have one diet drink per day are three times more at risk at suffering from stroke and dementia. The researchers conducted this study for almost ten years. The daily mail reports that the team concluded adults who had more or more diet drinks a day were 2.9 times more likely to develop dementia and 3 times more at risk for strokes or other cardiovascular issues.

Matthew Pase, a senior fellow in the department of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, states:

“Our study shows a need to put more research into this area given how often people drink artificially sweetened beverages. Although we did not find an association between stroke or dementia and the consumption of sugary drinks, this certainly does not mean they are a healthy option.”

“We recommend that people drink water on a regular basis instead of sugary or artificially sweetened beverages,” Pase added.

The team urges healthcare professionals to stop promoting diet drinks as a suitable replacement for regular soda. This isn’t the only study that has been performed on diet drinks and their effects either. Other findings were revealed by research performed by the Imperial College in London. It was published in the American Heart Association’s Journal Stroke, and it followed 4.372 adults over the age of 45. Each participant filled out a questionnaire about the daily food and drink intake.

In regards to the latest research, Dr. Rosa Sancho, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said:

“As people are becoming more aware of the consequences of a high-sugar diet, many are turning to artificially-sweetened diet fizzy drinks as an alternative to those with lots of sugar. Future studies will need to confirm these findings in other groups of people, and explore what might be underlying any link between artificially-sweetened soft drinks and dementia.”

Gavin Partington, director-general of the British Soft Drinks Association, disagrees with the empirical data. He commented on the finding,

“Despite their claims, the authors of this observational study admit they found no cause and effect and provide no science-based evidence whatsoever to support their theories. In fact, based on the evidence, Public Health England is actively encouraging food and drink companies to use low-calorie sweeteners as an alternative to sugar and help people manage their weight.”

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