Tag Archives: youtube

How To Instantly Stop A Migraine With Salt

by in Natural Cures January 9, 2017

Just ask anyone who suffers from them; Migraines are horrible. There are many advertised cures for migraines, but they often contain harmful chemicals and do very little good. Try this natural remedy for migraines, and you’ll never have to purchase an expensive pharmaceutical ever again. If you suffer from migraines, it is likely that you […]

Genius! How to Make Fire from Ice

by in DIY January 6, 2017

Who knew you could virtually bend the elements? Just about anyone can! Here is how you make fire from ice! The video below explains how to make fire from ice. The process includes ice and black powder! This is an excellent method of survival in the wilderness. All outdoorsman should know this. When water molecules […]

10 Cancer Causers at Home You Should Get Rid Of

by in Health January 3, 2017

Nowadays, there are all sorts of different products out there that can be cancer causing. There are many different harmful chemicals that have been incorporated into our daily lives.  It’s true, in modern day times, there is nothing you touch that cancer doesn’t. It’s an exhausting villain to fight and it wipes you out in […]

Eat 2 tbs of Coconut Oil Twice a Day for 60 Days and This Will Happens to Your Brain!

by in Natural Cures January 3, 2017

Dr. Mary Newport has introduced a theory with tons of benefits! It also may be beneficial in the fight against the infamous Alzheimer’s. Dr. Newport’s theory suggests that coconut oil is profound in fighting Alzheimer’s disease. She actually has a personal back story with Alzheimer’s disease. Her husband, Steve, suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for at […]