Tag Archives: Truth

The Silent Tragedy Affecting Our Children

by in Health July 29, 2017

With just over 20% of children, or 1 in every 5, suffering from a mental disorder at some point in their life, it is surprising that this statistic hasn’t taken the internet by storm. A silent epidemic impacting our children, mental health disorders are on the rise and it is our job to educate ourselves […]

12 Foods That Will Make Your Child Smarter

by in Food July 28, 2017

Every parent wants to do well by their child, giving them every opportunity to succeed in life. Careful attention to their diets allows us to ensure that our children are happy and healthy. We choose foods that will promote their physical health, protect their teeth and support them as they continue to grow and develop. […]

11 Fast Food Items You Should Never Order

by in Food July 28, 2017

Fast food has become a regular staple of diets everywhere, providing us with food options that are quick to grab on the go and cost effective. Have you ever found yourself standing in the middle of a fast food restaurant, staring at the menu lost on what you should order? A recent Reddit thread may […]

6 Active Ways to Build Mental Strength

by in Health, Natural Cures July 25, 2017

In today’s world, it has become too easy to get caught up in materialistic ideas and standards. Today we are not only declining in physical health, but many of us are suffering from decreased mental health. Today’s world can be extremely stressful. We are always so busy with our 9-5 schedules, and fulfilling our responsibilities […]