Tag Archives: remedy

The Powerful Drink That Stops Infections, Improves Digestion and Gives You An Energy Boost!

by in Natural Cures July 19, 2017

You might have recently heard of how corrupt the big pharma and food industry have become. Sadly, it’s all true, but you can always escape your health issues with natural ingredients. There are many different natural remedies you can use to treat yourself instead of pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals cause a world of health issues, they’re expensive, […]

Neuroscience Reveals What Fasting Does To The Brain (And Why Big Pharma and the Food Industry Won’t Study It)

by in Natural Cures July 18, 2017

Fasting is something practiced by many different groups, cultures, people, and religions. There are many different reasons why someone might fast, but there are even more benefits to doing it! Fasting is typically defined as abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance. It is a common practice […]

4 Natural Ways To Regrow Hair In 10 Days

by in Natural Cures July 14, 2017

While many conversations regarding hair loss, and the necessity to mitigate for it, revolve around men, this is a problem that is also associated with women, however, female hair loss is far less acceptable in today’s society. The American Hair Loss Association advised that women make up 40% of Americans that are suffering from hair […]