Tag Archives: remedy

Could this Be the World’s #1 Food to Prevent Strokes, High Blood Pressure, and Cholesterol?

by in Natural Cures January 3, 2017

Not everyone is completely familiar with date fruits. You might’ve seen them at your grandma’s house! Chances are, she also used dates for their amazing health benefits! Dates are berries that grow on a date palm tree. Dates are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They have been taken advantage of medicinally since 6000 B.C. […]

Eat 2 tbs of Coconut Oil Twice a Day for 60 Days and This Will Happens to Your Brain!

by in Natural Cures January 3, 2017

Dr. Mary Newport has introduced a theory with tons of benefits! It also may be beneficial in the fight against the infamous Alzheimer’s. Dr. Newport’s theory suggests that coconut oil is profound in fighting Alzheimer’s disease. She actually has a personal back story with Alzheimer’s disease. Her husband, Steve, suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for at […]

Prepare it Before The Pharmacists Erase it! 4 Tablespoons of This And You Can Say Goodbye to High Blood Pressure and Clogged Arteries

by in Health, Natural Cures December 31, 2016

It wouldn’t take long for this mixture to put the pharmacy companies out of business, so you can expect to see it disappear at some point. This mixture will cure your high blood pressure and clogged arteries, and you can stop taking those pills forever. This mixture contains natural ingredients that are particularly helpful for […]