Tag Archives: oxygen

What Causes Cancer and What is it Really?

by in Health March 27, 2017

When it comes to explaining the cause of cancer there is no easy answer. Just about everything we come in contact with these days has something dangerous in it. We are often told that things like low oxygen, an acidic pH level, and emotional stress are the main causes but that is not entirely true. […]

The Truth is Revealed: Here’s What Causes Cancer and How to Protect or Help Yourself in The Fight Against Cancer

by in Health, Natural Cures, Video February 26, 2017

Did you know that the main cause of cancer was discovered before 1923? This is something most want hidden from the public. German Scientist Otto Heinrich Warburg received the Nobel prize for finding the underlying cause of cancer. He discovered that cancer is the result of our anti-physiological way of life. This meaning physical inactivity […]