Tag Archives: news

Fleas in Arizona Counties Test Positive for the Plague!

by in Health August 21, 2017

Navajo County Public Health officials released a statement on Friday confirming that fleas in the region have tested positive for the Bubonic Plague, a disease that killed over 100 million people during the 14th century. This follows similar reports that were released by Coconino County Public Health Services officials earlier this summer.   The Navajo […]

According to Scientists, If You Suffer from Headaches and Migraines You Have 40% Higher Risk of Hypothyroidism

by in Health, Pain Management August 15, 2017

Headaches are an awful thing to experience, especially in recurrence. Regular headaches can make life miserable, and a new study has found that it makes you much more susceptible to another serious health illness. Headaches can be caused by many different things. They stem from pain sensitive areas in your head that are overactive, including […]