Tag Archives: minerals

Why Most People Are Deficient In Magnesium: The Signs and What You Can Do

by in Food, Health June 2, 2017

Researchers have found that low magnesium levels have been associated with osteoporosis, asthma, colon cancer, type 2 diabetes, migraine headaches, metabolic syndrome, atherosclerotic vascular disease, elevated C-reactive protein, hypertension and sudden cardiac death. With some estimates suggesting that the rate of magnesium deficiency in the United States could be as high as 90% of Americans, […]

Researches Discover the Vegan “Holy Grail” – A Sea Plant That Tastes Like Bacon, More Nutritious Than Kale

by in Environment, Food February 5, 2017

Would you eat algae that tastes like bacon? Sure, it sounds gross but is it? This strain of seaweed can provide a much-needed solution to some of out most pressing issues. Oregon State University has cultivated a strain of red marine algae. This strain has researchers and some vegans very excited. This seaweed itself grows […]

What Aloe Vera Does To Your Body: Why The Egyptians Called it The Plant of Immortality

by in Food, Health, Home, Natural Cures August 30, 2016

Aloe is overflowing with vitamins and minerals. It is considered one of the most healthy nutrient rich foods on this planet. While it is typically used as a topical aid for things like burns and scratches, the real benefits come about when it is consumed. Aloe Vera has anti-bacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties that help […]