Tag Archives: life

How Many Steps a Day Can Help You Lose Weight

by in Health May 19, 2017

According to the Food Research & Action Center more than 2/3 of Americans meet the requirements to be classified as either obese or overweight. With a long list of associated health risks including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis, most Americans are searching for a way to improve their health. While some of […]

Shocking Ultrasound Pictures Of Pregnant Smokers

by in Health May 17, 2017

With all the information currently available regarding pregnancy and smoking, one would assume that the idea of smoking during pregnancy was a thing of the past. Shockingly, however, this is not the case! Researchers at Durham University in the United Kingdom completed a study during which they took 4-D ultrasound pictures of the fetuses of […]

Key Findings: First Vaccinated VS Unvaccinated Study

by in Health May 14, 2017

Vaccines have become a very controversial subject because many studies have linked them to autism and other serious health complications. However, we have never had a study that compared a group of unvaccinated people and vaccinated people – until now. The study was led by Dr. Mawson, and he found some amazing discoveries. They key […]