Tag Archives: health

Don’t EVER Use Apple Cider Vinegar if You Are On Any of the Following Medications!

by in Health July 1, 2016

Apple cider vinegar is very healthy and is recommended for treating a wide variety of things, but if you’re on certain medications you need to steer clear. Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help With: Lowering bad cholesterol Prevent cardiovascular disease Reduce risk of oesophageal cancer Control blood pressure Control fat accumulation People who shouldn’t use apple […]

7 Foods to Avoid if You Have a Thyroid Disorder

by in Health June 27, 2016

Having issues with your thyroid is a very big deal. Your thyroid has a major influence on just about all of the metabolic processes in one’s body, this can cause some awful problems. Thyroid disorder can be a slight enlargement of the thyroid or even something as life threatening as cancer. The most frequent issues […]