Tag Archives: health

Each Tooth Is Associated With An Organ In The Body – Pain In Each Tooth Can Predict Problems In Certain Organs! Each Tooth Is Associated With An Organ In The Body – Pain In Each Tooth Can Predict Problems In Certain Organs!

by in Health March 19, 2017

The world of acupuncture is vast, and not many people have explored within it. You probably didn’t even know that each one of your teeth are connected to a certain organ! Yes, every single tooth is connected to a separate part of the body! In fact, if the tooth becomes infected it is likely that […]

5 Most Common STDs That Even Condoms Can’t Stop

by in Health March 18, 2017

Condoms are advertised to be the safe haven for safe sex; and this is an enticing lie. Because of this, STD’s are on the rise everywhere. Because they are said to be the ‘safe sex’ opportunity, many teens and young adults are having mindless sex because they’re trusting these evil corporations. Condoms are often advertied […]

The Fibromyalgia Mystery is Solved at Last!

by in Health March 16, 2017

A new study debunks the myth that fibromyalgia is all in the patient’s head. Fibromyalgia has been a mysterious disease, causing pain throughout the body and deep tissues with no apparent cause. People always say that it is in people’s heads, but research has found that the pain is actually in your skin, NOT in […]