Tag Archives: gmo

These Are the Warning Signs of a Stroke

by in Health June 27, 2017

Strokes are a serious health complication and are extremely life threatening. When it comes to a stroke, nothing matters more than how fast you can react. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced. This deprives the brain of oxygen-rich blood, resulting in the rapid death of brain cells. […]

The Scary Reason You Need To Skip The Baby Carrots

by in Food June 23, 2017

Carrots are awesome, and not only because they taste good either. Carrots are fantastic for our health, but you have to make sure that you’re eating the correct ones. We have probably all been told by our parents that carrots will make or eyes stronger and healthier. While we probably hated hearing this, we scarfed […]

How the Bacteria in Our Gut Influences Our Minds

by in Health June 22, 2017

For most of the time we always thought that mood, emotional, and mental issues were an internal issue. However, these problems might be derived from the bacteria in your gut. Psychologists and therapists have become recently interested in the role bacteria plays in our mood. Yes, we know that bacteria can cause sickness or disease, […]

How Your Makeup Is Killing You

by in Beauty June 22, 2017

In today’s society, makeup has come somewhat of a standard that women feel as if they do not have a choice. Makeup does not only hide your natural beauty, but it’s bad for you too. According to research by the College of Optometrists over half of makeup, users do not check the instruction to see […]

Signs You May Have Clogged Arteries

by in Health June 14, 2017

We have to keep our bodies performing at their peak, or at least try. The most essential part of the body is probably the cardiovascular system. If you want anything to be performing well, you’ll have to start there. In the United States alone, over 700,000 people suffer from a heart attack every year! Almost […]

Essential Oils that Stop Cancer in Its Tracks

by in Natural Cures June 5, 2017

Essential oils are one of the best forms to obtain the benefits of natural ingredients. They are amazing for you to breathe in and they smell nice too! Essential oils are concentrated organic compounds extracted from plants with tremendous healing properties. The practice of healing using essential oils is typically referred to as aromatherapy, and […]