Tag Archives: FDA

Infant Twins Die Simultaneously After 1st Vaccinations

by in Health, Video June 14, 2017

Vaccines have been a growing controversy lately. There have been more and more incidents where vaccines have caused some serious adverse side effects. There were two studied recently released that were led by Anthony Mawson, an interdisciplinary epidemiologist. The first one was published in the peer reviewed open access journal of Transnational Science. It was […]

Ladies – Know These 4 Signs of Ovarian Cancer

by in Health June 8, 2017

Ovarian cancer is ranked as the fifth highest mortality rate among women in the United States, with an estimated 22,440 new cases expected to be diagnosed in 2017. Often found at advanced stages, the SEER Program of the National Cancer Institute reports that the 5-year survival rate stands at only 46.2% The question then becomes, […]

Essential Oils that Stop Cancer in Its Tracks

by in Natural Cures June 5, 2017

Essential oils are one of the best forms to obtain the benefits of natural ingredients. They are amazing for you to breathe in and they smell nice too! Essential oils are concentrated organic compounds extracted from plants with tremendous healing properties. The practice of healing using essential oils is typically referred to as aromatherapy, and […]