Tag Archives: dementia

Men Who Marry Smart Women Live Longer

by in Health January 27, 2017

When thinking about who you want to spend your life with do you consider their brains? If you don’t then maybe you should! New research has brought about the idea that having a brainy lady by your side might extend your life and help protect you from dementia. Professor Lawrence Whalley from the University of […]

Dementia Now Striking People in Their 40s as Mercury From Vaccines Causes Slow, Degenerative Brain Damage

by in Health December 1, 2016

There have always been rumors of toxic chemicals being in vaccines, but did you know that mercury was one of them? According to a recent study, Dementia and other neurological disorders are claiming much younger victims due to mercury in the vaccines. Dementia and other neurological diseases are striking people that are younger and younger, […]

10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s

by in Health August 20, 2016

As we age, we all experience loss of memory and cognitive function, but how exactly to we tell the difference between the normal signs of aging and mental disease? While we all may experience signs of this condition at one point or another in our life, if you are concerned, and experience various symptoms, you […]