Tag Archives: cannabis oil

8 Health Benefits of Cannabis Oil

by in Natural Cures July 11, 2017

Cannabis has been such a controversial topic in the last decade. However, while it isn’t medicinally legal in all states, it has been long proven to have some amazing health benefits. Cannabis essential oil has been a lifesaver for millions of people – literally. Many people have even died waiting for it to become legal […]

50-Year-Old Man Cures Lung Cancer With Cannabis Oil, Stuns CBS News

by in Food, Health, Natural Cures February 22, 2016

A combination of cannabis oil and chemotherapy healed this man’s “incurable inoperable” lung cancer. Now, he’s paying it forward by helping others heal their lives, too. Credit: CBS St. Louis Not too long ago, a 50-year-old man from Illinois was diagnosed with “incurable inoperable” lung and pericardial heart sac cancer. The doctors told him he had […]