Tag Archives: antioxidants

The Powerful Drink That Stops Infections, Improves Digestion and Gives You An Energy Boost!

by in Natural Cures July 19, 2017

You might have recently heard of how corrupt the big pharma and food industry have become. Sadly, it’s all true, but you can always escape your health issues with natural ingredients. There are many different natural remedies you can use to treat yourself instead of pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals cause a world of health issues, they’re expensive, […]

Researches Discover the Vegan “Holy Grail” – A Sea Plant That Tastes Like Bacon, More Nutritious Than Kale

by in Environment, Food February 5, 2017

Would you eat algae that tastes like bacon? Sure, it sounds gross but is it? This strain of seaweed can provide a much-needed solution to some of out most pressing issues. Oregon State University has cultivated a strain of red marine algae. This strain has researchers and some vegans very excited. This seaweed itself grows […]