
Scientist Claims That Consciousness Continues After Death – Life Is Just The Beginning

by in Spirituality December 7, 2016

According to science, life after death has been confirmed! The study shocked many because it uncovered the most convincing evidence of an out of body experience on a patient pronounced dead. Dr. Christian Hellwig of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen found evidence that information in our central nervous system is phase […]

Neuroscience Student Demonstrates How Meditation Rids the Brain of Mental Illness

by in Health, Spirituality November 26, 2016

Juan Santoyo is studying neuro and contemplative sciences to help solve the problem of mental disorders in our country.  Every year, about 42.5 million American adults (or 18.2 percent of the total adult population in the United States) suffers from some mental illness, enduring conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia. Santoyo’s family migrated to the […]

5 Things A Narcissist Will Never Do

by in Spirituality July 18, 2016

Narcissists. You know the type of person they are, and the toxic behavior that accompanies their scaly personality. They are overtly egotistical, with a grandiose sense of self-importance. They have fantasies of endless success, expect special treatment, enjoy exploiting others, lack empathy, are jealous, and think of themselves as having unlimited brilliance. To say the least, they are […]