
3 Mineral Waters That Can Remove Aluminum from the Brain

by June 22, 2016

Aluminum is everywhere and in everything from tap water to most foods and formulas, cookware and even the air you breathe. The number of neurological diseases connected to aluminum toxicity has been continuously increasing.

Aluminum is a toxic metal so persuasive in our environment that it is practically impossible to avoid. It has been linked to neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and some research has even linked it to cancer.

According to Dr. Chris Ecley, Ph.D., we have come into the aluminum age. Many trolling commentators love to explain how aluminum is the most common mineral on the planet and therefore harmless. Dr. Exley has dedicated over two decades of his scientific life to researching aluminum toxicity. He called the period of time from the early 20th century to now the “age of aluminum.”

Before then, aluminum remained in the ground as the most abundant mineral in the earth that had not yet been mined. Exley claims that by mining aluminum and using it in so many ways corresponds to the marked increase of neurological diseases.

Mineral Water to Detox Aluminum

Dr. Exley’s study followed 15 patients with Alzheimer’s as they drank a liter of silica-rich Malaysian water called ‘Spritzer’ every day for 13 weeks. Over the course of the study, their cognitive decline came to a halt and the aluminum levels in their bodies dropped by up to 70%. Three of the participants even showed an improvement in their mental health.

“There were two parts to our research. The first is that drinking silicon water does remove aluminum from the body. When you drink silicon-rich mineral water aluminum throughout the body is gathered up into the blood and then excreted through the urine. We now know we can use this silicon-rich “therapy” water to reduce aluminum.”

“The most interesting thing was that we did see this potential relationship between the removal of aluminum and the positive improvement in cognitive function.”

“The second part of our research was looking at the cognitive abilities of people with Alzheimer’s and whether these changed as the aluminum was reduced.”

The mineral water studied contained 35mg of silicon per liter, it can be hard to find in North American stores. Similar water brands made available are ‘Volvic’ which has 20mg/liter and Fiji water, which contains 45mg/liter.

Foods Naturally High in Silica:

  • Oats, 100g – 595mg
  • Millet 100g – 500mg
  • Barley 100g – 233mg
  • Potatoes 100g – 200mg
  • Jerusalem artichoke 100g – 36mg
  • Red beets 100g – 21mg
  • Asparagus 100g – 18mg
  • Banana (yellow, peeled), 250g – 13.60mg
  • Green beans (cooked), 250g – 6.10mg
  • Carrot (raw, peeled), 200g – 4.58mg
  • Brown rice, 200g – 4.14mg

You Wont Believe What is Really in Your Sugar!

by June 21, 2016

You might think that the sugar you consume on a daily basis is safe, but I am sorry to say that you thought wrong. Many foods that you might consider to be vegetarian, from bagels to wine, aren’t always free of animal products, and that includes your sugar.

Refined white sugar is made from either sugar beets or sugarcane, and while the two taste and look the same, their refining process is vastly different. To make sugar from sugar beets, the juice is removed with a diffuser and mixed with additives that make it crystallize.

However, when the juice from sugarcane is separated from the pulp, it is heated until it crystallizes and is then filtered with bone char to remove impurities, giving the sugar its white color.

Bone char, as you imagine comes from animal bones, mostly the pelvic bones of cows. The bones are ground and heated to high temperatures, reducing them to carbon, which is used in sugar refineries.

While bone char is used to bleach and filter cane sugar, not all cane sugar is refined with bone char. Some companies rely on alternatives like granular carbon, which does not contain animal products. You will not be able to tell the difference by looking at the sugar or by tasting it, and loose sugar packets and packaged foods with non-descriptive ingredients, making it impossible for a person to distinguish sugar refined with bone char from its counterpart.

Fortunately, there are vegan sugars on the market, but it takes a little effort to purchase. If you can’t find vegan sugar at your local food market, I recommend going online. Here is a list of vegan sugars available on Amazon. If you know of any other, please share and the list will be updated!

  • Zulka – an Ordinary Vegan favorite and available at most mainstream grocery stores!
  • Wholesome Sweeteners Fair Trade Organic Sugar
  • Wholesome Sweeteners Fair Trade Organic Light Brown Sugar
  • Wholesome Sweeteners Fair Trade Organic Dark Brown Sugar
  • Now Foods Beet Sugar
  • Trader Joe’s Organic Sugar Evaporated Cane Juice
  • Sugar In The Raw
  • Imperial Granulated Sugar
  • Imperial Powdered Sugar
  • Rapunzel Rapadura
  • Woodstock Farms Organic Pure Cane Sugar
  • Florida Crystals Organic Cane Sugar
  • Red Path Sugar
  • Billingtons
  • The Raw Cane

Without Saying a Word This 6 Minute Video Will Leave You Speechless!

by June 21, 2016

This is nothing short of raw, straight up truth. This 6-minute film will leave you searching for words.

The video below is a short segment from a documentary called “Samsara”, which is an artistic examination of the production of modern food. The outrage toward the meat industry is a growing issue these days, so much so that there are even greater attempts to protect the food industry by law from the prying eye of the public.

And before you watch it, it is important to tell you that this documentary was filmed over a 5 year time period, in 25 different countries. The aim of this is to show you “how our life cycle mirrors the rhythm of the planet.”

How To Stop a Heart Attack In 60 Seconds

by June 21, 2016

Did you know that you could stop a heart attack in just 60 seconds with cayenne pepper? Yes, you read that right; cayenne pepper has the power to stop a heart attack in exactly 60 seconds!

“In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is, whenever I go in–if they are still breathing–I pour down them a cup of cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within minutes they are up and around).”This is from farmer healer Dr.John Christopher, a man speaking from personal experience, and not just speculation.

The cayenne pepper must be at least 90,000 heat units to be able to stop a heart attack. If the person is still conscious, it is recommended to mix the cayenne in with some warm water to let the person drink. But, if the person is unconscious it is recommended to use a cayenne tincture of extract and to place a few drops under the tongue again 90,000 heat units.

Reverse Cavities and Heal Tooth Decay With These 5 Steps!

by June 21, 2016

No one likes cavities they are uncomfortable to say the least. What if you could reverse the tooth decay and feel better naturally? You can!


Cavities happen when bacteria produce acid, the acid begins to destroy the tooth enamel.There was a study done that actually proved that tooth decay could be reversed with the proper diet.

What Causes Tooth Decay?

  • Lack of fat-soluble vitamins
  • Sugars being left on the teeth
  • Too much phytic acid rich foods
  • Too much processed sugar
  • Lack of minerals

How To Reverse Cavities:

  • Cut Out The Sugar


Sugar needs to be cut out if you want your teeth to be healthy. Sugar prevents the healthy flow of dental fluids and we can’t have that! Sugars do lots of damage to our teeth.

  • Oil Pulling

oil pulling

Oil pulling, Swishing a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for about twenty-five minutes then spitting it out will reduce cavities and prevent gingivitis.

  • Use Mineralizing Toothpaste

Making your own toothpaste might be the best option as these things can be rather pricey but are easily made at home, recipe below.

  • Cut Out Phytic Acid

This type of acid is known for blocking minerals it is found in grains , seeds, nuts, and beans. This type of acid can pose a serious health threat as is. It has been known to cause osteoporosis.

  • Consume Foods Rich In Nutrients

Eat more veggies. Adding in some greens, nuts, seeds, and avocado will help tremendously with your fight against tooth decay.

Try doing all of these things I guarantee you will see results in no time!

How to Train Your Brain to Fall Asleep in 60 Seconds

by June 21, 2016

The vast majority of people require seven to eight hours of sleep to feel fully rested, but 40 percent of Americans get less than that amount. That sleep debt that you have adding up has serious ramifications for productivity, motivation, creativity, and health; there is no need to worry, using this method you will be asleep in under 60 seconds.

This simple breathing technique requires a 4 second inhale through the nose, a 7-second hold of your breath, and then an 8 second exhale through the mouth. This technique is repeated for 4 breath cycles.

According to Dr.Weil, “Once you develop this breathing technique by practicing it every day, twice a day, it will be a very useful tool that you will always have with you. Use it whenever anything upsetting happens – before you react. Use it whenever you are aware of internal tension. Use it to help you fall asleep. Use it to deal with food cravings. Great for mild to moderate anxiety, this exercise cannot be recommended too highly. Everyone can benefit from it.”

Give it a try tonight, you have nothing to lose but SLEEP!

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