
Don’t EVER Use Apple Cider Vinegar if You Are On Any of the Following Medications!

by July 1, 2016

Apple cider vinegar is very healthy and is recommended for treating a wide variety of things, but if you’re on certain medications you need to steer clear.

Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help With:

  • Lowering bad cholesterol
  • Prevent cardiovascular disease
  • Reduce risk of oesophageal cancer
  • Control blood pressure
  • Control fat accumulation

People who shouldn’t use apple cider vinegar and why:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar has many healing properties, but it is not meant for everyone. Consuming 8 ounces of apple cider vinegar per day, long term can lead to problems such as low potassium.
  • People with bladder cancer
  • Pregnant mother or breastfeeding mothers, there is not enough known about apple cider vinegar to say if it is safe for pregnant women or women who breastfeed. It is better to play it safe than sorry in instances such as these.
  • Diabetics (ACV can lower your blood sugar levels) People with potassium level issues (ACV will lower those even more)

If you take any of the following medications:

  • Digoxin(Lanoxin)
  • Hlorothiazide (Diuril)
  • Chlorthalidone (Thalitone)
  • Furosemide (Lasix)
  • Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ)
  • HydroDiuril
  • Microzide

These drugs lower potassium levels and so does ACV so in order to not lower your levels too severely stay away from ACV.

70% of US Apple Juice Comes From China and Laced With Arsenic

by June 30, 2016

Almost all of our apple juice comes from China, in the past two years apple juice concentrate from China has been over-running our markets here in the US.

Over 70% of the apple juice consumed here in the US comes from the People’s Republic of China, this is important because the government has acknowledged that there is a problem enforcing food safety laws there. After doing tests on dozens of samples from three different cities here in the United States, Dr. OZ has discovered that some of the best juice brands here contain Arsenic!

Yet, for some reason, the FDA is allowing us to drink this? It has been revealed that the levels report up to 35 parts per billion! Motts nor the FDA have commented on this issue. Seems we have driven all the local farmers out of business for cheap arsenic infested apple juice from China. Watch the video below for more information.

If You Have A Heart Please Don’t Ignore This Post – The Whole World Needs To Know What’s Happening

by June 28, 2016

The palm oil industry is quickly eating up rain forests in Indonesia and Malaysia as the demand for it increases. Deforestation is the primary threat to the orangutan, a species of great ape known for its keen intelligence and the fact that it is the largest animal to live primarily in trees.

Palm oil is estimated to be an ingredient in about 50% of consumer products. The products range from snack foods to shampoo, meaning it is difficult for consumers to always keep track of what is in every product in order to avoid it and so many do not even try.

Did you know that every hour, approximately 300 football fields of rain forest are cleared to make room for African oil palm trees, which can flourish anywhere that has intense heat and rainfall?

These trees make up palm oil plantations and are protected by owners who happen to see orangutans as “pests” that need to be exterminated. If the defenseless creatures are lucky, they simply become homeless and find shelter in other places, however, most of them are shot point blank by the plantation’s security personnel or are captured and sold into the illegal wildlife trade.

Orangutans are an important species to protect as they play a vital role in maintaining the health of the ecosystem. They help with spreading rain forest seeds whereby many can only germinate once passed through the gut of an orangutan, so therefore this particular primate’s existence is crucial for the forest.

Both the rainforest and the Sumatran orangutan population have decreased by 80% since the rise in palm oil demand. If this trend continues then wild orangutans could be extinct in 20 years.

Palm oil can be very difficult to avoid, but it is well worth the effort in order to avoid killing both our world’s rainforests and orangutans. Could you imagine a world in which children do not know what a rainforest looks like or that orangutans once lived in the wild simply because we could not be bothered to check the ingredients of our everyday products?

You can make a difference, one product at a time! Get educated on how to cut it out of your life and support organizations to protect the rainforest and the orangutans even when other consumers are not.

How To Make Your Own Organic Garden Insect Spray

by June 28, 2016

Sometimes store bought garden sprays or pesticides just don’t seem to do any good. They either don’t work or they wind up killing your garden instead, this homemade spray will keep the bugs away and have your garden looking great.


The recipe below will have your garden flourishing in no time

Things Needed:

  • 4 whole heads of garlic (separated and peeled.)
  • 6 mint leaves and stems
  • 4 teaspoons dry cayenne pepper
  • 4 small squirts of eco-friendly dish-washing liquid


  • Pulse or blend the garlic up with the mint for about ten seconds.
  • put this mixture into a pot of about 15 cups of water and add the cayenne
  • bring this mixture to a boil
  • remove from heat and let it sit overnight
  • strain the mixture and fill as many spray bottles with the remaining water as possible.
  • add in the dish soap to each container and shake.

Be sure to shake the mixture before each use. Try it out a few times and wait to see your results before continuing use as you may only need to apply this mixture a time or two. Your garden will be bug free and healthy in no time!

Top 10 Vaccines You NEVER Need And Exactly Why The CDC Has To Scare Everybody Into Getting Them

by June 28, 2016

Our country is overrun with people and businesses looking to make money off the misfortune of others these companies should not exist and these people should spend serious time behind bars!

Of course, we all know that seems like a long shot. In America, we are so closed off that most of us aren’t aware of the natural foods, herbs, minerals, etc that can be used to cure diseases and we rely solely on medicine created by people who don’t really care about us and oftentimes want us to stay sick.

Everything we see on television and in ads exaggerates the diseases to the extreme, making everyone believe that the worst case scenario is going to happen to them. Ads that depict the worst possible things that could happen and multiply it ten fold with photos of children who lost limbs from polio and even covered with smallpox from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet and even ads with young girls being injected with a toxic jab for a STD!

These girls are being forced by parents who have been brainwashed by ads and the medical industry into getting the HPV vaccine and it is causing many of them to go into anaphylactic shock! This sick cycle needs to stop, people should not be dying from side effects and forced into thinking that vaccines are the only answer to their problems.

The mass media has helped the CDC spread word of these imaginary diseases for far too long. The media lies just to get everyone rushing into the nearest doctors office. These pandemics are not real. The needles we are being stuck with are loaded down with MSG, mercury, aluminum, genetically engineered organisms, bacteria, and live viruses! The live viruses are being injected into us and the CDC doesn’t even have a cure for them! How is this good for us? How is this making us better? This is only a way to keep us sick.

Just because the CDC and the FDA approve something doesn’t make it okay for us to use. Some people who go in for vaccines actually become more susceptible to the disease they’re trying to avoid as is!

These 10 vaccines are something you will NEVER need and they will not protect you from anything

1. Chicken Pox Vaccine (Varicella)

2. Measles Vaccine (MMR)

3. Zika Virus Vaccine

4. Influenza Vaccine (Flu Shot)

5. Swine Flu Vaccine (H1N1)

6. Bird Flu Vaccine (H5N1-Avian)

7. Polio Vaccine

8. Anthrax Vaccine

9. HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

10. Whooping Cough Vaccine

You see, the real reason why babies and children have much weaker immune systems than adults is because they receive over 50 toxic vaccines before they reach seven years of age. This is recommended by the CDC and even enforced so severely that it has come to holding people at gun point in states like California for example. Chicken pox is something that only lasts a few days and then most children become immune to it.

Measles can cause a severe cough and a rash. These are nothing to be overly alarmed about. If one’s normal human body was not beaten down by these vaccine toxins we could fight off infections with ease.

We have no reason to be afraid of these things, what we should fear is the vaccine industry and what they are doing to us. We need to take the time to build up our immune systems with organic foods and holistic medicines there is no need to listen to the lies we are being fed by the CDC!

CDC Scare tactic Ad:

If You Still Go to Starbucks Get Ready to Never Want to Again

by June 28, 2016

If you take the time to examine your personal buying habits closely, it is extremely obvious that those habits are based on decisions, informed or not. Often times we are forced to reexamine out habitual choices in the light of new information or based on negative experience, this is one of those times.

If Starbucks is on your list of favorites, the time has passed to reconsider that choice and perhaps redirect your dollars elsewhere.

“In the past 2 years alone, Starbucks has been a part of a GMA-led coalition that has donated more than $70 million dollars to defeat GMO labeling efforts in California and Washington State. By opposing GMO labeling, Starbucks has willingly climbed in bed with Monsanto and the GMA and is intentionally misleading customers about their commitment to “sustainability” and “ethical sourcing.”


On March 4, 2014, Green America’s GMO inside announced the launch of an anti-GMO campaign that was aimed to pressure Starbucks to stop using milk sourced from cows raised on GMO feed. So far 150, 505 letter have been sent to Starbucks through the combined efforts of GMO Inside, Food Democracy Now!, Organic Consumers Association, and Friends of the EARTH.

Now it is your turn to tell Starbucks you are against the use of GMO’s in the products you are consuming, send your own letter or the template letter to Howard Schultz, and urge him to use only GMO-free organic milk in all their stores.

“The days when a global company like Starbucks can hide GMOs from the customer are over. The age of transparency is here and I expect Starbucks will shortly realize it’s in its best interest to eliminate GMOs from its supply chain,” exclaims GMO Inside Co-Chair John W. Roulac.

As of now Starbuck’s milk comes from factory farmed cows. The poor cows are injected with antibiotics throughout their lifecycle and fed an unhealthy diet of GMO feed including:

  • Corn
  • soy
  • alfalfa
  • cotton seed

Just in 2011 alone Starbucks used over 93 million gallons of milk, or enough milk to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

Make the ethical choice and take action now!

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