
9 Amazing Uses of Aspirin That You Probably Didn’t Know

by November 27, 2016

Aspirin is a painkiller which can be taken to relieve pain such as a headache, toothache and period pain. Aspirin is an antipyretic analgesic. It can also be taken as a blood thinner and can help reduce high blood pressure

  1. Aspirin can be used for drying up pimples. Crush an aspirin pills and mix it with a little water, then apply the mixture on the affected areas and leave it for a couple of minutes. Repeat the process until all the pimples are gone.
  2. You can also use Aspirin to treat hard calloused areas of your skin. You should crush 5 aspirin pills, and mix them with some lemon juice and half a teaspoon of honey. Apply the paste on the hard calluses on your feet and wrap the foot in a warm towel. Secure it with plastic wrap. After 10 minutes, remove the wrap, and the effects will surprise you!
  3. Aspirin has also proven to be effective in solving dandruff. Crush 2 aspirin pills and make a fine powder. Add this powder to your shampoo and after a couple of minutes, you can wash with it as usually. This will effectively treat and prevent dandruff.
  4. Aspirin can make your flowers last longer. All you have to do is add one crushed aspirin to the water in the bottom of the vase. It helps preserve nutrients in the stem of the flower.
  5. It can also get rid of perspiration stains on clothing. : just crush a couple of aspirin pills and add them to half a cup of water. Then, soak the stained part in the mixture and leave it thus for a few hours.
  6. It is also known to restore hair color!  dissolve 6-8 aspirin pills in a glass of warm water and rinse your hair with the solution. Leave it to work for 10-15 minutes and voila! Your hair is bright and nice again! Now you can swim in a chlorinated pool without worrying about your hair fading.
  7. It also cleans grease from cookware. It makes washing dishes a breeze. All you have to do is  Prepare a cleaning paste by mixing a few crushed aspirins and a bit of water. Then, rub the cookware with it, and the results are impressive!
  8. It relieves the sting of insect bites and stings. Rubbing an aspirin over insect bites or stings can relieve the inflammation and itching, but if you’re allergic to bees seek medical attention immediately.
  9. It can rejuvenate your skin too. It helps draw out bacteria and oil. crush 5 aspirin pills and add them to a ¼ of a cup of water, then add a teaspoon of honey and mix well. Apply the paste on your skin and let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Shocking: The Effects Of Negative Thoughts And Emotions On Your Body

by November 27, 2016

Emotional pain can have several different effects on you, but did you know that it can make you feel physical pain? It can. Modern medicine has always ignored the connection between mind, body and spirit. Recently, though, the effects of emotional pain have been proven to affect you physically.

Emotional pain can make your head hurt; stress has a lot to do with this one. Relieving stress can almost always help at least ease the pain of your headache. Neck pain has also been strongly related to emotional pain. Pain in your neck often is known as a spiritual sign that you need to forgive. To help with this, consider the things you love about people.

Pain in your shoulders can be a sign that you’re carrying an emotional burden, often referred to as “shouldering”. It can help to unload this burden by telling someone you love about it. It is also a helpful approach to try and solve the emotional issue.

Pain in your back has some direct correlation to your emotional support. Pain in the upper back can commonly mean that one does not feel appreciated or loved. If one is in a relationship it can be helpful to have a discussion of feelings with your significant other. If single, it may be time to branch out. Lower back can signify one’s financial stress. Try to sit down and make a personal budget. Being able to manage your finances can be critical to one’s health.

Pain in your elbows can mean a lack of flexibility in your life. It can be a sign that you have a resistance to change in life. If you have stiff arms, you may have a stiff life. Change things up a little bit! A lack of friends can make your hands hurt. It could be an indicator that either you aren’t reaching out to other people appropriately, or they aren’t reaching out to you. Discuss this issue with your friends and try and make a deeper emotional connection with them.

The fear of change can make your hips hurt. If you’re waiting to make an important decision it is likely that your hips have been hurting. Make the change that is needed and move on from it. You will feel much relief. Knee pain can mean that your ego is a little over-sized. You may think a little too highly of yourself if you have ongoing knee pain.

It is really fascinating that the universe can let us know ways to solve our emotional pain through physical pain. Take a deep breathe and try to figure out the root of your emotional pain and you may also solve your physical pain.


Say Goodbye To Diabetes Forever Without Any Medications!

by November 27, 2016

Diabetes is a very common metabolic disease that can be very difficult to live with. It occurs when a person has too much glucose in their blood, due to the pancreas having an inability to make the correct amount of insulin.

There is no cure for this illness, and it can oftentimes be deadly. While there is no cure for diabetes, it is controllable. By keeping the disease under control, you can live a normal and healthy life.

Insulin normalizes blood sugar levels, so in order to control your diabetic disease, you need insulin. There are various ways to induce your pancreas into creating more insulin, and much of that has to do with what you eat. There are many hollistic approaches to controlling your diabetes, and most of them revolve around nutrition.

We have provided a recipe that will help you to reduce excess fluids, and also balance your body’s blood sugar levels.

You will need:

  • One Leek with roots
  • 2-liter bottle of mineral water

How to Make It:

Wash the leek. Pour out about two ounces of the mineral water. Place the leek in the bottle, and let sit for 24 hours. Now, simply drink the water. Go ahead and prepare another bottle for the next day, and repeat.

Leeks are an amazing source of vitamin K, manganese, vitamin b6, iron and vitamin C. They also contain allicin, which is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. They are also wonderful for the normalizing blood sugar levels, as well as working similar to a diuretic. All of these health properties help to reduce diabetic discomfort and aid in increasing your quality of life.

THIS Sickening Reason Is Why You Should NEVER Buy Food From Jimmy John’s Again!

by November 27, 2016

Many people have decided to boycott Jimmy John’s restaurant. The reason that people are so upset, is due to photographs of the company owner, posing with endangered animals that he murdered on hunting expeditions.

According to Business Insider, Jimmy John Liataud has been visiting Africa for some time, and he has taken part in various trophy hunting expeditions. During the expeditions, he has killed elephants, zebras, leopards, and rhinos.

In this photo, you can see Jimmy posed with a ‘gravely endangered’ black rhino. In order to shoot an animal of this magnitude, Jimmy had to obtain a $350,000 dollar license.


In this photo, Jimmy is shown in a disturbing “thumbs-up” pose, beside and elephant that he has obviously just killed.


Sadly, between 2011-2014, poachers killed an astounding 100,000 elephants. Unfortunately, the popularity of elephants in the poaching community has taken them to the point of near extinction. Some experts even believe that they could be completely extinct in Africa by the year 2020.


It is beyond disgusting that anyone could participate in the trophy hunting of these beautiful animals. People like Jimmy John should be ashamed of themselves, especially considering the fact that due to their hobby, many of these beautiful species are dying out completely. What purpose does it serve to shoot and innocent animal? Is it entertaining to murder something for sport? Apparently, if you are a psychopath like Jimmy John. Needless to say, I won’t be eating there anymore. What about you?

12 Reasons To NOT Sign The Refusal To Vaccinate Form

by November 27, 2016

Due to the growing number of parents who have done their research and opted out having their children vaccinated, the CDC developed the “Refusal to Vaccinate” form. According to the CDC, children must receive 37 doses of vaccines from 0-16 years of age. While a refusal form would appear to be innocent enough, the opposite is true in this case. There are many reasons to not sign this form, and we have compiled a list of 12.

1. Listed on the document is a child ID number that can be identified through electronic records systems across the nation. Any government agency or school will be able to use the number to identify who is or isn’t vaccinated.

2. Terms are changed up for the HPV vaccine, in order to sway parents into allowing their child to have the dangerous Gardasil vaccine.

3. Vaccination histories are used as a part of the Police State Registry system that tracks our vaccination status.

4. The CDC Vaccine Information Statement is propaganda in its purest form. The Health Hazards of Disease Prevention (2011) was a paper which exposed this exact vaccination information coverup.

5. The form is misleading in reference to the CDC’s procedure of providing truthful vaccine risks. Physicians keep pamphlets and information in their office regarding the risks of the vaccines, but typically do not explain said risks during the procedure. Why? Because they know that if you were fully informed, that you would not take the vaccinations.

6. “I understand the following: The risks and benefits of the recommended vaccine(s).” If you agree to this statement, you are lying. There is not a way to understand the risks or benefits unless you have read the package inserts. There is quite a bit of necessary information that is left out of the inserts as well, which really has to make you question exactly how much you truly do understand.


7. The CDC pushes the vaccinations on children by telling parents that without the vaccine their children could suffer from deadly illness. However, what they don’t tell you is about the diseases or health issues you could suffer from by taking their vaccinations.

8. If you refer to the “herd immunity myth” of 1933, you would notice that there is no scientific basis for said myth and that it has been proven as false over and over again. Basically, if other children have had their vaccines, and the vaccinations work, they will not contract a disease from your child.

9. There are entities listed who “strongly recommend” the vaccination schedule. However, it is important to note that parents are not told who these entities are or what their motivations are. Listed on the form are the following entities and brief descriptions of their motivations.

  • The ‘physician’ – is rewarded for administering vaccines by higher reimbursements for his fees. His vaccine “rates” are checked to determine whether or not he/she is entitled to more money. Physicians, public health workers, and drug companies have all been given immunity from any possible lawsuits that may arise as a result of vaccine-caused injury or illness. In other words, if a vaccine harms your child or causes autism you cannot sue any of them. They all have a liability exemption.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF ILLINOIS – that receives lots of money from drug corporations for advertising in their journal, etc. This organization relies heavily on what they falsely believe to be a “government” health advocacy agency known as the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
  • The American Academy of Family Physicians which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF KANSAS – that also receives lots of money from drug corporations for advertising in their journal, etc. This organization also relies heavily on what they falsely believe to be a “government” health advocacy agency known as the Center for Disease Control (CDC).
  • The Center for Disease Control (CDC) which is a corporation headquartered in the STATE OF GEORGIA. The CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT. Repeat: the CDC IS NOT PART OF A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT! It is a private for-profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet that is chartered under the umbrella of the private for-profit UNITED STATES corporation with extremely close ties to the pharmaceutical companies and a sordid history of corruption.

10. This is possibly the worst part of the entire form. When you read the words, you will see why, but basically, it is you saying that because you chose to not vaccinate your child that you are endangering their lives and the lives of others.

“Nevertheless, I have decided at this time to decline . . . I know that failure to follow the recommendations about vaccination may endanger the health or life of my child and others . . . I, therefore, agree to tell all healthcare professionals in all settings what vaccines my child has not received because he or she may need to be isolated or may require immediate medical evaluation and tests that might not be necessary if my child had been vaccinated.”

11. By signing the form, you are admitting that you understand the document entirely. If you sign the form, you are accepting false information. You are saying that you are negligent and that you are ok with your children being tracked by the government.
When you sign it, you are pledging the following:

  • You understand you are signing a contract with performance requirements
  • You accept false information as factual and don’t care
  • You don’t care if your child or others are harmed by your decision
  • You agree to volunteer to all pretend healthcare workers your child’s vaccine record
  • You agree to allow others to test and/or isolate your child for unproven exposure to a disease

12. To make matters worse, you sign, initial and date the form in front of a witness, so if a custody dispute ever occurs, the form could be used against the parent who signed it.

Of course, when physicians are told that they must force you to sign the form, they are told that parents can come back and sue them if their children end up sick due to lack of vaccination. Scare tactics are used against them, to have them use scare tactics against you, and the cycle goes on and on and on. Instead of having parents sign the Refusal to Vaccinate form, they should use the Vaccination Notice. The notice corrects misconceptions regarding vaccines, as well as the herd immunity myth, and the CDC.

Germany To Ban Combustible Engines By 2030 To Combat Climate Change

by November 26, 2016

The effects of global climate change are here, and it is time to seriously take them into consideration. Countries across the globe are taking giant leaps to try and reverse the effects of it. The German parliament has voted to ban internal-combustion engines by the year 2030.

The resolution implores the EU Commission to ban the sale of new vehicles powered by gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engines starting in 2030. Previously sold vehicles that run on fossil fuels will still be allowed, but the law prohibits the production and sale of them in the future. The ban includes both gasoline and diesel engines. The auto industry is one of Germany’s top grossing industries. At the current 2016 Paris Auto Show  almost all of the German auto producers released electric vehicle (EVs) models.

In 1886, Carl Benz produced the first ever gasoline powered motor vehicle. Today his company is known as Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes have invested $1.1 million dollars into battery production. They plan to launch 10 new all-electric vehicles by 2025. They intend to release a new electric model to each of their series. BMW follows right behind with the release of their all-electric models, the i8 and the i3.

The German and European economy could likely take a hit from this movement, though. Automobile manufacturing and other related business’ employ over 770,000 people. It inhabits 1/5th of all German revenue. US manufacturers do big business over there as well.  General Motors sold 244,000 vehicles in Germany in 2015, while Ford is on track to sell 280,000 vehicles this year.

Emission-free vehicles could rise up to bring in more revenue than fossil fuel powered vehicles at some point in time. Regardless, emission free traveling is crucial for stopping the effects of global climate change. What do you think?

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