
This Powerful Ancient Breathing Exercise Can Regenerate Your Body and Mind

by December 20, 2016

Breathing is essential to life. However, we often overlook its importance.

The key to good heath lies in how you breathe. It can enhance all parts of your life if done properly. You have the right to breathe fully and freely. This is something that cannot be taken away from you.

Each breath we take should be effortless, it should be a process of receiving from the universe and giving back to it. We oftentimes neglect ourselves in more ways than we thought possible. We sacrifice ourselves for the approval of others. This should not happen.

By doing this we are without knowing or realizing, tightening our muscles and restricting breathing. We should not be breathing small shallow breaths we should be inhaling the world deeply and taking things as they are. By constricting our breaths we are losing touch with the things happening in our present moment. We are not enjoying things as the magical experiences they should be.

Don’t worry, if you have developed this habit it is not too late. By directing your consciousness back to your breathing and learning how to work with it you can become whole again. The art of conscious breathing is quite amazing.

As you become more aware of your breathing and work to make it more full you will gain accesses to parts of yourself you forgot existed. As your breathing gets fuller and deeper you will notice a big difference in your life. If you deal with a lot of stress daily this is something you should work on immediately. Relaxing and breathing properly will reduce stress and tension dramatically even within a few days.

The Complete Breath:

Step 1:

  • Sit straight
  • Relax, allow your breaths to flow deep into the lower belly.
  • Create a bit of lift and traction with each inhale.
  • When exhaling allows your body to deflate and round forward a bit.
  • End the exhale by gently squeezing your abdomen.
  • Repeat.

Step 2:

  • Put one hand on your lower belly and one hand on your upper chest.
  • Fill the lower hand with an expanding breath and then allow it to expand up into your chest.
  • Always focus on feeling the breath move not only in front but in the back as well.
  • Repeat.

Step 3:

  • Turn inward with each breath.
  • Feel deeply into your body and turn your attention inward.
  • Feel and perceive your heart breathing and circulating through your body.
  • Repeat.

Whenever you have free time this is something you should implement as it will not take long at all. Focusing on your breathing will really improve the overall quality of your life. If something this simple can make you feel better and stress less why not give it a try?

People Over 40 Should Not Be Taking Ibuprofen, Experts Warn

by December 20, 2016

Doctors are urging people that are over the age of 40 to stop taking one of the most common pain relievers ever! This drug is Ibuprofen and here is why doctors everywhere are urging people to stop taking it.

Doctors are warning people that the risks of taking Ibuprofen might outweigh the benefits. Ibuprofen might temporarily lessen the pain of a headache, but is it worth heart disease? In 2005, the FDA issues a warning stating that Ibuprofen can significantly increase your chances of getting heart disease! They say that even with short term use, a persons heart attack and stroke risk increases significantly.

The FDA said:

This risk increases the longer one continues to use ibuprofen”

“You do not need to have an existing heart condition to be at risk, although such a condition does increase your chances”

“These risks make ibuprofen especially dangerous to individuals over 40 – the age at which one’s risk of heart disease begins to skyrocket”

Ibuprofen can increase the chance of a heart attack by almost 20%. The health warning over the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) comes after analysis involving almost 10 million patients published in The British Medical Journal. NSAIDs are a drug class that groups together drugs that provide an analgesic and antipyretic effects. The chance of having a heart attack is a large price to pay for the relief of a headache. There are many natural ingredients out there that can help relieve pain just as well as the leading NSAID. Additionally, you get the benefits while skipping out on the harsh effects of these drugs.

Antidepressants are a Money Scheme! Use These Natural Methods of Mental Illness Treatment!

by December 20, 2016

It seems as if mental illness is becoming more of an epidemic every day. Chances are if you aren’t struggling with it, you know someone who has.

Mental Illness is a serious issue, but of course the big pharma reps are going to take advantage of it for personal gain.

Mental illnesses are claiming more lives than ever! When I say claiming lives, I do not mean people are generally dying. When living with a mental illness, it can prohibit your ability to function as a normal human being. They can take the joy out of the things you used to enjoy the most! Essentially, Mental Illness creates a lifeless body just going through the motions of a day to day schedule. In modern times, everyone has succumbed to the hustle and bustle. People are working 60 and 70 hour work weeks, and still living paycheck to paycheck. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that this lifestyle can lead to mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression.

Anxiety disorders are the most common form of mental illness. Anxiety disorders affect over 40 million adult Americans 18 years of age and older. This is about 18% of the US population. Similarly, depression affects more than 15 million people 18 years or older. That is about 6.7% of the population. All together Mental illnesses affect about 26.2% of the United States population. At this rate, mental illnesses could be seriously debilitating to the future of our country and world. These illnesses should be taken very seriously, not abused for profits. However, that is exactly what is happening.

With the discovery of the mental illness, came along with the invention of something called an Anti-depressant. The name of the drug really sounds convenient, although they are exactly the opposite. An antidepressant is solely known as a drug used to alleviate depression. Scientifically, antidepressants are supposed to correct an imbalance of brain chemicals that might be the cause of depression. They are used for a wide variety of mental disorders including anxiety, social anxiety, and panic attacks. The usage of Antidepressants has increased by about 10 million users. In 1996, there were about 13.3 million people prescribed antidepressants. By the year 2010, the figure stood at a whopping 23.3 million!

Antidepressants are also known as SSRI’s (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). They work by controlling the amount of serotonin entering the brain. Besides the fact that antidepressants more commonly cause depression, rather than solving it, they can have horrible side effects. These side effects consist of physical symptoms, sleep disturbances, daytime sleepiness, Migraine headaches, and more. Antidepressants, in a nutshell, is basically this: In the process of alleviating depression, antidepressants are more commonly known to induce symptoms of depression, rather than alleviate them…

Antidepressants are horrible for your body. Pretty much anything that disturbs the chemistry of your brain is awful for you. If you suffer from Depression, Anxiety, or other mental disorders, try these natural ingredients and methods that are shown to reduce the symptoms of depression. Acupuncture, for example, has been shown to effectively treat depression. Acupuncture works to redirect your body’s flow of energy using carefully placed needles. For depression, pressure points in the hands and feet are known to increase the flow of Serotonin to your brain naturally. Hypnosis and magnesium supplements have also been shown to effectively treat depression!

If you suffer from anxiety disorders, look no further than Yoga. Yoga has been practiced for centuries in defeating anxiety and depression. Yoga has an emphasis on breathing which is beneficial to those in search of anxiety relief. Focus on breathing to lower the heart rate and effectively alleviate the feelings of anxiety. Though the safety of long-term use is debated, kava extract has been found to be effective in the short-term treatment of anxiety. Studies have shown that users feel the symptoms of anxiety less often, and depression levels also drop. But the supplement should only be taken for a short period of time for acute anxiety and stress.

There are natural methods of treatments out there for virtually any health issue. Antidepressants are expensive, laboratory born, and are toxic to our bodies. Do not partake in the profiteering of the big Pharmaceutical Industry. Resort to only mother nature’s cures!

5 Of The World’s Most Powerful Antibiotics That Don’t Require A Prescription

by December 19, 2016

Antibiotics are one of the most prescribes medicines today. Why go to the doctor when you can get safer antibiotics at home?

There are actually a large number of antibiotics you can get without a prescription, but five definitely stand out among the group. Doing things the natural way will have you feeling much better a whole lot quicker than using prescription.

When it comes to antibiotics here are the best ones you can get without a doctor:

  • Manuka Honey
    • This is something that can be applied to almost any issue. It can kill things like flesh eating bacteria as well as MRSA’s.
  • Oregano Oil
    • While this one may sound a little weird it is very effective. It works as an antifungal and antiviral as well so you’re getting the best of the best.
  • Colloidal Silver
    • This has been used as an antibiotic for ages now and has been wonderful when it comes to killing pathogens.
  • Echinacea
    • This is something that has been used to treat wounds as well as blood poisoning. You can use it for the cold and flu and even staphylococcus aureus! This will help you to avoid MRSA.
  • Garlic
    • I would say this is the most common of the five on this list. Garlic is able to remove unwanted bacteria and is overly high in antioxidants that work to destroy free radicals. It is effective in supporting a strong immune system. Be sure to crush it before use for the best benefits.

For more information on these five superb antibiotics please watch the following videos. Try consuming some of these and you may just be able to avoid a doctors visit. Enjoy!

Flush Nicotine Out of Your Lungs NOW With This Simple Mixture

by December 19, 2016

Quitting any habit is hard but as you may know the battle between smoking and not smoking is quite fierce. What if I told you that you could quit smoking by drinking this?

The reason why it is so hard for most people to quit smoking is because of nicotine. Nicotine is highly addictive and causes many different withdrawal symptoms for those trying to quit. Have you ever noticed how cranky someone is who hasn’t had a cigarette in a few hours?

If you or someone you care about wants to quit smoking it can be done. Whether you have tried everything you can think of or this is your first attempt you will love this method. In order to quit smoking, you will need to drink this every day.

Things Needed:

  • Orange juice
  • Cream of tartar
  • A glass


  • Pour one whole glass of orange juice.
  • Add one tablespoon of cream of tartar into this.
  • Mix well and drink all of it.

Yes, it really is that simple. You see this is able to help you to quit smoking because of the added vitamin C to your life. Cigarette smokers do not absorb vitamin C well so adding more to the diet can be crucial. Cream of tartar is known to pull nicotine from the body.

Now, cream of tartar is not for everyone as it has a very high level of potassium. However, as I have said before the right amount of a good thing can be amazing. Doing this will improve your health and allow you to work towards a smoke-free life. Why not give it a go?

Root That Kills 98 Percent of Cancer Cells in 48 Hours

by December 19, 2016

Why is it we have yet to find a cure for cancer? Should we accept radiation and chemotherapy as our only options?

Sure you may have heard of some strange remedies or natural cures for cancer, but have you every considered using dandelion? As it turns out the strong roots from the dandelion could potentially build your immune system up to the point where you can fight off prostate and lung cancer. Dandelion root might just be able to shoot chemotherapy out of the ballpark.

Dr. Carol Hamm considers dandelion root to be the only cure for cancer. This is not something we assume without evidence there are stories backing the use of dandelion root as well. One cancer patient by the name of John Di Carlo was sent home to live out the last few days of his life with family. He was fortunate enough to find out about dandelion root tea and managed to save his life!

The root itself when ingested, goes straight to work attempting to break down cancer cells and replace them with healthy cells. Now just because you aren’t riddled with cancer yet does not mean you can’t benefit from this amazing root. You too should add it into your diet. This is because it is also known to be able to reduce risks of developing some cancers as well as fighting off things like diabetes.

To learn more on the benefits of drinking dandelion root tea please watch the video below. Adding this into your life could be one of the best things you ever do. Give it a try!

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