
Blend Turmeric + Ginger with Coconut Milk Drink Before Bed to Flush Liver Toxins While You Sleep

by December 22, 2016

Ever heard of golden milk? It is the name of this amazing mixture.

This is a beverage that should be consumed throughout your day, and possesses many healing benefits. It is also known as Haldi Ka Doodh. That is something that translates to turmeric milk and is assumed to be from Indian cuisine originally. This golden milk has been used for things like detoxification, inflammation, high blood sugar, and many other health issues.

By adding this drink to your daily life you will effectively cleanse your liver and receive a multitude of benefits. It is a simple mixture of coconut oil, ginger root, turmeric, black pepper, coconut milk, and honey. Oftentimes it is made and then heated as a drink, but you can also use it when preparing pastes and smoothies. This beverage is beneficial because of the ingredients. Each of the ingredients happen to be extremely fantastic for overall health.

Golden Milk Recipe:

  • Ingredients
    • 2 teaspoons of turmeric
    • 2 small pieces of fresh peeled and minced ginger root
    • 4 cups of coconut milk
    • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
    • 2 pinches of black pepper
    • 2 teaspoons of honey
    • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (optional)
  • Directions
    • Blend them together in a pan and heat them (do not allow them to boil.)
    • Only allow them to heat for around five minutes.
    • You can substitute the coconut milk with any other milk besides dairy if need be.
    • Drink this on an empty stomach in the morning and afternoon.

Simple enough, right? Doing this is going to make you much healthier overall. For more information on the ingredients of this fantastic milk please watch the videos below.

Pharma Execs Arrested in Conspiracy to Create Opioid Addicts for Profit

by December 22, 2016

Opioid addiction is one of the biggest issues here in the United States right now. Overdose from opioids is killing tens of thousands of people each year, what is being done to combat this?

We are being showered in different types of opioid drugs. The market for illegal and legal opioids is so large that these pills are being mass produced and shipped to the United States from places like China. Emergency services are swamped and people are abusing anything they can get from synthetic opioids to heroin.

Pharmaceutical makers are continuing to create stronger pain medications and allowing doctors to over-prescribe them all because of greed. For once something has happened for the good of the people. While it may not last long several pharmaceutical executives have been arrested for scheming to create addicts. They were intending to create fentanyl addicts. Fentanyl is one of the most addictive and deadly synthetic opioids out there in the world today. It has an effect on the body that matches that of heroin. However, when it boils down to it fentanyl is at least fifty times stronger than heroin.

These executives were arrested earlier this month in the State of Massachusetts. They were executives for Insys Therapeutics, Inc. Their scheme was well organized and as it turns out they intended to get doctors to over-prescribe the fentanyl-based products coming from their company. They conspired to bribe doctors in several different states (mostly doctors who worked in pain clinics.) One Florida doctor is said to have made $275,000 in speaking free bribes from this company over the course of three years. This means that the executives paid doctors to give educational speeches on the use of their product. Something that is seemingly illegal.

The list of things going on behind the curtains with this company is almost endless. Medications like this are a gateway to heroin use without a doubt. This company was plotting to create addicts as I am sure many other companies are doing as well. They are ruining people’s lives, families. and even killing many. Greed is truly the root of all evil. We are in a national overdose crisis.

DEA Adds Seizure-Halting Cannabinoids to Schedule One

by December 22, 2016

It appears the DEA has decided to sneak cannabinoids onto the schedule 1 Controlled Substance Act. Cannabinoids are now being targeted by the government.

Of course, it would be targetted at some point. Cannabinoid extracts can be used to help with many diseases. This change has been pushed through a piece of legislation called “Establishment of a New Drug Code for Marihuana Extract“. This new ‘rule’ has been hidden because the DEA decided to use the obsolete spelling, substituting the ‘j’ with an ‘h’. This is why when you search for it, it is not as easy to find online.

This is obviously another attempt by the government and big pharma to keep us ill. Is there no end to the madness? By implementing this ‘rule’ the DEA is covering all of the different extracts.

(Federal Register 90194)

“This listing includes (unless specifically excepted or unless listed in another schedule) any material, compound, mixture, or preparation, which contains any quantity of the substance, or which contains any of its salts, isomers, and salts of isomers that are possible within the specific chemical designation. For practical purposes, all extracts that contain CBD will also contain at least small amounts of other cannabinoids. However, if it were possible to produce from the cannabis plant an extract that contained only CBD and no other cannabinoids, such an extract would fall within the new drug code 7350.”

DEA Administrator Chuck Rosenberg justifies the rule by quoting outdated international treaties:

“The United Nations Conventions on international drug control treats extracts from the cannabis plant somewhat differently than marihuana or tetrahydrocannabinols. The creation of a new drug code in the DEA regulations for marihuana extracts will allow for more appropriate accounting of such materials consistent with treaty provisions.

The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 (“Single Convention”) and the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances (“Psychotropic Convention”) provide for the international control of marihuana constituents. Many of the CSA’s provisions were drafted to comply with these Conventions.”

This awful new ‘rule’ is going to be damning to farmers who had hoped to sell their CBD extracts across state lines. Many of these extracts come from industrial hemp which is nothing like normal marijuana. The rule being set into place does not distinguish between the two and bans them from crossing state lines no matter which kind they are.

Cannabinoids are highly beneficial and can do many great things for our health. It is a shame that the government has allowed their greed to run this deep. Conventional medical treatment has not been helping very many people in the past few years while cannabis and cannabinoids have been working wonders. It appears big pharma will stop at nothing to remove anything remotely healing.

Cannabinoid extracts can do things like:

  • Reduce nausea
  • Combat psychosis disorders
  • Suppress seizures
  • Fight off inflammatory disorders
  • Fight tumors and cancer cells
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Reduce depression
  • Aid sleep
  • Promote bone growth
  • Stimulate appetite
  • Treat psoriasis
  • Reduce risk of artery blockage
  • Reduce blood sugar levels
  • Treat fungal infections

For more information on the benefits of CBD please watch the video below. It is clearly one of the most beneficial extracts on this planet. We should work together in order to help rid ourselves of this new rule the DEA has pushed so secretively.

Say Goodbye To Varicose Veins Naturally!

by December 22, 2016

Varicose veins are bulging veins that are often discolored too. They can be annoying and make you feel insecure at the same time, and they can even be painful too. Solve your varicose veins naturally with this recipe!

Varicose veins are most commonly found on the legs. The veins and arteries can be particularly distressed in the legs because they are forced to work against gravity to circulate blood back to the heart. Muscles in your lower legs act as a pump for the blood. The muscle contracts to pump the blood in an upward direction towards the heart. Over time, the elastic walls of your veins and arteries can become a workout. They lose elasticity and begin to stretch. The varicose vein itself is caused by a pooling of blood in your veins. The blood builds up because your veins are struggling to get it back up to the heart. The veins appear blue because they contain deoxygenated blood.

Varicose veins usually come with age, but you can also get them while you’re pregnant. Pregnancy increases the volume of your blood, but decreases the flow of blood from your legs to your pelvis. Your body is designed to do this to support the growing fetus, varicose veins are simply a side effect. If you already have Varicose veins, they may worsen if you get pregnant. There are pharmaceutical creams out there for this issue, however, they are usually rather expensive and show little effects.

If you suffer from Varicose Veins, try this natural remedy! You will not be disappointed by the results and it won’t break the budget either. The recipe contains Garlic. Garlic is a natural anti-inflammatory and works amazing when treating varicose veins. It stimulates blood flow, breaks down toxins, and helps remove them! Garlic is one of the most praised ingredients for natural cures.

You may ingest garlic on a regular daily basis, and you will still see results. You can also take garlic supplements. If you’re looking for best results in fighting varicose veins, then you can apply garlic topically to the affected area. The recipe consists of garlic, olive oil, and orange juice. All of which have an abundance of natural healing abilities. Here is the recipe:


  • Garlic cloves, finely grated
  • A tablespoon of olive oil
  • Half a glass of orange juice

Method of Preparation:

You should combine all the ingredients, and leave the mixture to stay aside for 12 hours before use. Apply it on the affected areas with circular motions, until it is absorbed into the skin. Then, wrap the area with a warm towel or bandage, and leave it for 50 minutes.

He Drank This Natural Juice and His Gout Vanished in 3 Days! Amazing!

by December 22, 2016

Gout can be an extremely painful condition! More people are diagnosed with gout every day! It has a rapidly growing rate of diagnosed patients!

Gout has an extensive medical history, as it has been around for centuries. Common OTC pain relievers don’t really get the job done, and they’re toxic for your organs. One man avoided them completely by vanishing his gout symptoms successfully by drinking this juice! Try it yourself!

This complex form of arthritis is characterized by the onset of sudden and severe pains. A veteran visiting a VA Hospital in Birmingham, AL, said, “I’ve been shot, beat up, stabbed and thrown out of a helicopter, but none of that compared to gout.” Gout is caused by an excess of uric acid in the blood. Uric Acid is produced in the body through the breakdown of purines. Uric acid is supposed to dissolve in the blood and be excreted through the kidneys. However, if too much uric acid is produced or not enough is excreted then it can build up and form the needle-like crystals that trigger inflammation and pain in the joints and surrounding tissue.

Gout is more commonly found in older men. Men naturally produce more uric acid than women. If you suffer from gout you might have inherited. Family history in gout can increase your risk of getting it. You can also get gout from lifestyle choices. Alcohol consumption affects the body’s ability to dissolve Uric acid. Excessive alcohol consumption can seriously prohibit the body from excreting the uric acid, causing gout. Eating red meats can also be a contributing factor.

It is important to get with your doctor and discuss your symptoms. The intense pain caused from gout can often be mistaken for more serious health issues. For those of you that have diagnosed gout, evidence shows that cherry juice can be a savior in the field of gout. Cherry juice is loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Cherries contain properties that help dissolve uric acid resulting in lower levels of uric acid. Lower levels of uric acid mean that there is no buildup! No buildup equals no gout! Cherry juice also has many other uses including fighting disease, protect against muscle damage, treat insomnia, and much more!

Neuroscientists Discover A Song That Reduces Anxiety By Sixty-Five Percent

by December 22, 2016

Millions of Americans suffer from anxiety disorders, many people even suffer from a Chronic Anxiety Disorder. With anxiety, it can feel impossible to find anything to help.

Although you do not always realize it, there are some ordinary and strange things that may alleviate your symptoms. According to Neuroscientists, this one song can reduce anxiety by 65%!

Anxiety can be a debilitating disorder. Side effects of anxiety include numbness or tingling, dizziness, chest pain, headaches, and an upset stomach. Anxiety is defined as a state of uneasiness or apprehension. Anxiety occurs when we behave in an apprehensive manner, such as worrying about an upcoming event. There are many drugs out there that are said to treat anxiety. While some may work temporarily, they also come with harsh side effects and dangerous chemicals. The Pharmaceutical Industry is a nothing more than a money scheme, so try listening to this song!

Neuroscientists have proven in a study that a particular song can reduce your anxiety by 65%.  The study was done at Mindlab International in the U.K. The researchers wanted to know what kind of music makes a person feel the most relaxed sensation. They study involved participants trying to solve different puzzles, while connected to a sensor.  While they did the puzzles, the participants listened to a variety of songs. Researchers recorded their brain activity, heart rate, blood pressure, and rate of breathing.

The song Weightless by the Marconi Union, resulted in a 65% decrease in the participant’s overall anxiety! They also had a 35% reduction in their usual physiological resting rates! The song was specifically designed to induce a feeling of relaxation. The musicians teamed up with sound therapists to create the song. You can listen to it below.

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