
Harvard University Research: ‘Cannabis Combats Tumor Growth in Half in Just Three Weeks’

by December 28, 2016

There are finally scientific answers for the legendary concept of medical marijuana. The study was performed at Harvard University almost 10 years from now!

All over the United States, there have been debates on whether Marijuana should be legal for medicinal or recreational purposes. Studies have found that THC, the primary chemical in Marijuana can reduce the size of or eliminate cancerous tumors! Marijuana is the most common name for Cannabis. Cannabis can be used by smoking, vaporizing, in food, or as an extract.

The study on medical marijuana was done at Harvard University in 2007. They tested the main chemical in marijuana, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) on cancerous cells in mice. The demonstration showed that certain doses of THC reduced or eliminated the growth of and spread of cancer cells. Anju Preet, Ph.D., lead researcher, says that “When the cells are pretreated with THC, they have less EGFR stimulated invasion as measured by various in-vitro assays”. The results truly are astonishing. It makes you wonder why we aren’t using this for modern day cancer treatment, rather than the poisonous Chemotherapy.

The lab rats in the study were implanted with cells of human lung cancer, were dosed with THC. They found that in three weeks time, the tumors were reduced in both size and weight! Not only were they reduced, but they were reduced by 50%! According to Preet, cancer lesions on the lung were also reduced by nearly 60%, and there was a remarkable reduction in protein markers, which are associated with cancer progression.

Researchers predict that THC had such a positive effect on the tumors because it activates the molecules that arrest the cell cycle. They say this might also interfere with the processes of angiogenesis and vascularization. These processes are what leads to cancer. Cannabis has a significant effect on cancer and should be further researched. This is one of the most important study releases about cannabis to today’s date, and the study was performed almost 7 years ago! Hopefully, we will find out more soon.

Never Buy Tangerines Again! Plant Them In A Flowerpot and You Will Always Have Hundreds Of Them!

by December 28, 2016

Tangerines are one of the most popular acidic fruits and with good reason. They are delicious and can offer many health benefits.

This fruit can boost the immune system as well as fight off inflammation. You can use them for a large number of health related issues and while they are usually readily available in the supermarket can be grown at home. Growing tangerines at home is actually quite simple.

Growing Tangerines At Home:

Things needed:

  • Flower pot (medium in size)
  • Small stones (lace these at the bottom)
  • Organic soil
  • Sand (for ventilation)


  • Place the tangerine seeds in the soil. Be sure to cover them well but do not press them firmly into the soil.
  • Leave the pot in a sunny place.
  • Add fertilizer that is high in magnesium, iron, and zinc.
  • Water the tangerines when toe soil is dry (about an inch deep dry.)
  • Cut away any broken or withered branches as your plant grows.

In doing this you will be able to enjoy healthy, pesticide free tangerines. Upon eating some you will be able to notice a big difference. These tangerines will work wonders on your health as well. Tangerines are able to do things like:

  • Improving cognitive function
  • Improve blood pressure issues
  • Promote heart health
  • Help with fighting off infections
  • Promote skin health
  • Promote hair health
  • Improve digestive issues

See, there are many reasons as to why we should be ingesting tangerines. If you or someone you know is dealing with the early stages of Alzheimer’s try getting them to eat more tangerines. It just might help prevent further memory loss. Why waste money in the supermarket on pesticide riddled tangerines when we can grow our own? Enjoy!

Why You Should Eat Avocado Seed and How to Make it Tasty

by December 27, 2016

Avocado itself is loaded with benefits for your health but the part if the avocado we often overlook is the seed. Did you know the seed held amazing benefits as well?

The seed is actually the most nutrient dense part of the avocado. We should never throw it away. We should take advantage of all the avocado has to offer than the includes the seed itself. Avocado seeds are packed with soluble fiber and antioxidants that help regulate things like intestinal function. Ingesting the seed will also up the amount of collagen in your skin giving you a younger wrinkle-free look.

In order to implement the seed in your diet simply cut it into quarters and throw it into a food processor or grinder. Add it to your meals or even smoothies. The powder itself will be bitter but added to other things will make it almost seem tasteless. For more information on the avocado seed and its benefits please watch the video below.

Give Your Dog a Tbsp. of This Golden Turmeric Paste to Relieve Inflammation and Prevent Cancer

by December 27, 2016

Turmeric is known for its health benefits when it comes to humans but did you know it can be good for your dog as well? Do you have a dog suffering from joint pain?

Turmeric has powerful antioxidant properties and is a natural inflammatory. It can be used to treat a number of things including cancer. By implementing this in your life as well as your dogs life you will be doing a great thing. This paste will have your dogs joint pain reduced and in some cases eliminated in almost no time at all.

Golden Paste

Things needed:

  • 1 cup of organic turmeric powder
  • 2 cups of filtered water
  • 2 teaspoons of ground black pepper
  • 1/2 cup of organic cold pressed virgin olive oil or coconut oil


  • Mix the turmeric in with the water in a pan of some sort. begin with just one cup of water and add more as needed.
  • Stir the liquid on low heat for about ten minutes.
  • This should form a thick paste if it looks watery then you should add more turmeric and allow it to heat for a few more minutes.
  • Once you have achieved a paste add in the oil and pepper.
  • Stir this well and allow it to cool. Place this in a jar with a lid and store it in your fridge.
  • Store this paste for only two weeks, if longer than that throw it out and make more.

You can add this paste directly to your dog’s meals. Most dogs actually enjoy the taste. Depending on the dog size you should start anywhere from a fourth of a teaspoon to a half of a teaspoon. For more information on turmeric please watch the video below.

A Good Way to Detox in Natural Way – Remove All Toxins With This Simple Method

by December 27, 2016

Toxins are things that are bad for your health, They work towards damaging our bodies and should be removed from our bodies as quickly as possible.

We take in toxins through just about everything the food we eat, the water we drink, and even the air we breathe. Detoxing frequently will help in many ways. In order to detox, you will need to make some detox foot pads. These are not hard to make and work wonders when it comes to eliminating toxins from your body. After doing this you will feel much better overall. You will experience fewer headaches and less fatigue as well.

Things needed:


  • Peel the garlic and onion into small chunks.
  • Allow the water to boil and add the garlic and onion into the mix.
  • Boil this for ten whole minutes and remove it from the heat.
  • Allow it to cool for an hour then put the mix into the center of the gauze just enough to make it moist.
  • Do not add too much liquid to the gauze.

Put this gauze on the sole of your foot in the center. Cover with socks and go to bed. Sleep through the whole night with these on and in the morning throw them out. You will see major results in just a few uses. This is something many people use for detox and it works wonders.

She Put a Ball of Aluminum Foil in Her Washing Machine. Only a Few People Know This Awesome Trick

by December 27, 2016

No one really likes doing laundry but it is a part of our daily activities. In most cases, it can be time-consuming and quite frankly annoying.

Luckily for us, people are coming up with new tricks each day. Most people have tin foil lying around in the kitchen, why not put it to use? You won’t ever have to use dryer sheets again after watching this video. This is actually one of many other ‘tin foil hacks.’ Tin foil funnels, tin foil scissor sharpener, and much much more. Enjoy!

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