
A Look at the Meridian Points Throughout the Body

by January 3, 2017

Modern science deserves to be praised for its discoveries in the last decade. However, despite the beneficial discoveries of modern science, it can hold up back in ways.

Modern science has achieved some remarkable things in the last decade. For example, in 2014 we discovered how to use young blood to defeat old age! Modern science also created the first cooperating robot in the same year! Without modern science, we wouldn’t be who we are today. We thank modern science for that. However, sometimes modern science can hold us back from discoveries.

Modern science often discards the existence of things of a spiritual nature. It is often gone by the guidelines of “if you can’t see it, it isn’t real.” Science has been known to label things like meridian points as fictitious. Nikola Tesla said that “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena,  it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” Nikola Tesla has an excellent point, and not all scientists disagree with him. In fact, hundreds of scientists around the world have been studying subjects like these for years. 

There is no doubt that we could all benefit from the study of these things. Studies have shown that aligning the energy points in your body, or chakras can make you feel better all around. Other studies show that we carry our emotional stress in our physical bodies. The emotional stress causes pain in the body. Once the emotional burden is dealt with, the pain goes away! Everyday people like you and I could benefit from the studies of spiritual elements like these. I would be especially beneficial to the healthcare community.

An example of negligence in this field is acupuncture. Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice that manipulates different pressure points in the body to cause a reaction. Acupuncture is most commonly practiced using carefully placed needles. This practice can relieve pain, stress, and tension. It effectively works for millions of people! Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years, and science still has no answer for it. Acupuncture uses a meridian system in the body. A meridian is basically a route of travel for energy; an energy highway. They flow all throughout the body and can affect you in many different ways.

The meridians flow all throughout the body. Manipulating them can have many different effects on your body. Ancient Chinese medicine has practiced this for millennials. The term ‘meridian’ describes the overall energy distribution system of Chinese Medicine and helps us to understand how basic substances of the body (Qi, blood and body fluids) permeate the whole body. The individual meridians themselves are often described as ‘channels’ or even ‘vessels’ which reflects the notion of carrying, holding, or transporting qi, blood and body fluids around the body.

Qi flows in a precise manner through the twelve regular meridians or channels. First, Qi flows from the chest area along the three arm Yin channels (Lung, Pericardium, and Heart) to the hands. There they connect with the three paired arm Yang channels (Large Intestine, San Jiao, and Small Intestine) and flow upward to the head. In the head, they connect with their three corresponding legs Yang Channels (Stomach, Gall Bladder, and Bladder) and flow down the body to the feet. In the feet, they connect with their corresponding leg Yin channels (Spleen, Liver, Kidney) and flow up again to the chest to complete the cycle of Qi.

  • Arm Tai Yin – channel corresponds to the Lung
  • Leg Tai Yin –  channel corresponds to the Spleen
  • Arm Shao Yin –  channel corresponds to the Heart
  • Leg Shao Yin –  corresponds to the Kidney
  • Arm Jue Yin corresponds to the Pericardium
  • Leg Jue Yin –  corresponds to the Liver
  • Arm Yang Ming –  corresponds to the Large Intestine
  • Leg Yang Ming –  corresponds to the Stomach
  • Arm Tai Yang –  corresponds to the Small Intestine
  • Leg Tai Yang –  corresponds to the Bladder
  • Arm Shao Yang –  corresponds to the San Jiao
  • Leg Shao Yang Channel –  corresponds to the Gall Bladder

All of these points act as reservoirs of Qi and blood for the 12 regular channels. They circulate essence around the body. They have a strong connection with the kidneys. They provide further connection with the twelve regular channels too. The meridian system of the human body is a delicate, yet intricate web of interconnecting energy lines. If a person masters an understanding of this meridian system they will know the secrets of the flow of Qi energy in the body.

10 Cancer Causers at Home You Should Get Rid Of

by January 3, 2017

Nowadays, there are all sorts of different products out there that can be cancer causing. There are many different harmful chemicals that have been incorporated into our daily lives. 

It’s true, in modern day times, there is nothing you touch that cancer doesn’t. It’s an exhausting villain to fight and it wipes you out in so many ways that are hard to explain to people who haven’t felt the impact of this horrific disease in their own lives. It is despicable that we have to be concerned with cancer causing chemicals being in our food, water, shampoos, or cosmetics. These chemicals often find their ways into our homes because they are cheaper to use than other ingredients. Profiteering CEO’s are more interested in saving a buck or two than the health of the public.

Here are 10 common household items that are directly linked to cancer.

  1. Baby Powder – Baby powder contains a chemical labeled as TALC. It is highly carcinogenic and puts women at risk for ovarian cancer.                                                                 
  2. Makeup – Cover Girl Replenishing Finish Makeup (foundation) contains several carcinogens. It contains BHA, TALC, Triethanolamine, Lanolin, and Parabens.  All of these are carcinogens. TALC is a lung irritant too!                                                                  
  3. Crest Toothpaste – Crest Toothpaste contains carcinogens FD&C Blue #1, Saccharin, and fluoride.                                                                                                                                                                                               
  4. VO5 Conditioner – Contains Formaldehyde, polysorbate, and FD&C Red #4.
  5. Lysol Disinfectant Spray – Contains ORTHOPHENYLPHENOL (OPP). This chemical is highly carcinogenic and is a harsh irritant.                                                                                                                          
  6. Beef Frankfurters – Oscar Mayer brand contains a whopping 9 different carcinogens! These include DDT, Hexachlorobenzene (neurotoxin), and feminizing hormones!                                                                                                                                                                                         
  7. Whole Milk – Milk contains chemicals that cause allergies, drug resistance, and cancer of the breasts, colon, or prostate.                                                                                                                                     
  8. Clothing Detergent – Clothing detergents contain Linear Alkyl sodium sulfonates. They are high cancer causing, and is a reproductive and neurotoxin.                                                                    
  9. Weed Killer – Weed-B-Gon weed killer contains Sodium 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetate. It is a classified carcinogen. There is also evidence of it being related to sarcoma, lymphoma, and other cancer. It is a Neurotoxin and reproductive toxin.                                                                                                                               
  10. Flea Collars – Zodiac brand flea collars contain harsh ingredients like Propoxur. It is a carcinogenic neurotoxin.            

Stop Throwing Away Empty Toilet Paper Rolls. Here’s 12 Ways to Reuse Them Around the House

by January 3, 2017

There are several different uses for toilet paper rolls. Toilet paper rolls are trashed by the dozens when they are actually quite useful! 

Over 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown away each year. That’s enough to fill the Empire State Building. Twice. Every minute, Americans throw away 32,280 toilet paper tubes. That is a lot of toilet paper tubes! Toilet paper tubes can be used for a number of things! There is no sense in throwing away so much paper. It is an excellent way to start recycling. The average American family uses about 240 rolls of toilet paper per year. That is about 20 12 packs.

You can also use paper towel tubes for these crafts too. Start saving up all of your toilet paper rolls and use each one for a different craft! They can be used to make a multitude of things! You can make a rocket, cat toy, eyeglass holder, and even fake Christmas lights! Here are 12 ways to reuse toilet paper tubes and paper towel tubes!

  1. Messy Cords – Wrap up your cords and wires and stick them in cardboard tubes to help with organization and storage.                                                                                                            use-toilet-paper-for-cable-organization              
  2. Candy Popper – Stuff them with candy and sweets and close off the two ends to create a fun candy popper.                                                                                                                                    
  3. Pen/Utensil Holder – Close off one end by gluing a piece of paper to it and use the toilet paper rolls to hold makeup brushes, markers, pencils, pens, and little office supplies.                                                                                                                                                                  
  4. Bird Feeder – Cover them in peanut butter and then roll in bird seed.  Hang outside and you’ve got an easy and inexpensive bird feeder.                                               homemade-bird-feeder-craft-for-kids       
  5. Storing Toy Cars – This is an easy, fun, and creative way to use toilet paper tubes. Simply stick the rolls in an upward faced box and fill them with toy cars!                             many_ways_to_use_toilet_paper_4                         
  6. Hair Elastics – To keep the bathroom vanity tity, use toilet paper rolls to keep your hair ties. Simply place them on a toilet paper roll.                                                                                                            
  7. Storing Children’s Artwork – Take a child’s artwork, important papers, or other paper-based projects safe by rolling them up and placing them in a toilet paper tube! You can also write the child’s name and date on the tube!                                                      
  8. Cat Toy – Toilet paper rolls are great for an entertaining feline. Here is the DIY instructions.                                            simple-cat-toy-diy-600x399
  9. Wrapping Paper – Slide a toilet paper roll atop your wrapping paper to keep it from unrolling. Simply cut a slit all the up on side of the roll, and slide it on!                                                      
  10. Compost – Tear toilet paper rolls up into smaller pieces, and add them to your compost pile. In the world of compost, they count as a brown.                                                      
  11. Start Seedlings – Wrap them in brown packing paper and tie it up with a string! The tubes are a lightweight and pleasant growing environment for the seedlings!                                                      
  12. Smartphone Speaker – To maximize the volume of your smartphone, simply prop your iPhone in the middle of the tube.                                                                                                                           ded03efc3739ac07131f44064d2ed09e    

Eat 2 tbs of Coconut Oil Twice a Day for 60 Days and This Will Happens to Your Brain!

by January 3, 2017

Dr. Mary Newport has introduced a theory with tons of benefits! It also may be beneficial in the fight against the infamous Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Newport’s theory suggests that coconut oil is profound in fighting Alzheimer’s disease. She actually has a personal back story with Alzheimer’s disease. Her husband, Steve, suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for at least five years. He was only in his mid 50’s. Dr. Mary Newport says, “Many days, often for several days in a row, he was in a fog; couldn’t find a spoon or remember how to get water out of the refrigerator… One day I would ask if a certain call came that I was expecting and he would say ‘No.’ Two days later he would remember the message from so-and-so from a couple of days earlier and what they said.”

When Steve was treated, all he resulted in was depression. This is a common side effect of the medications prescribed for the disease. He eventually forgot how to do everyday tasks like use a calculator and cook. He spent most of his days working in the garage and in the yard. Due to the side effects of the medications he lost interest in his favorite hobbies. However, Dr. Newport found hope in an alternative treatment.

Dr. Newport discovered that medium chain triglycerides or ketone bodies have been cropping up a lot in Alzheimer’s studies recently. They are thought to not only treat, but prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Newport explains, “Ketone bodies may help the brain recover after a loss of oxygen in newborns through adults, may help the heart recover after an acute attack, and may shrink cancerous tumors. Children with drug-resistant epilepsy sometimes respond to an extremely low carbohydrate ketogenic diet.”

Dr. Newport’s discovery; Coconut oil. Coconut oil has a high content of ketone bodies. She began to implement a daily dose of coconut oil to her husband. 60 days later, Steve was happy, alert, talkative, and even joking! He had begun to grow a tremor, but it was significantly reduced after the treatment! One year on from the start of her husband’s treatment, Dr. Newport says she sees him as a different person. Although he has difficulty in finding some words, she notes, he recognized relatives on a family trip, participated actively in conversations, and his facial expressions were more animated.

The Toxic Truth about Baby Carrots & Why You Should Stop Eating Them!

by January 3, 2017

I can remember getting baby carrots every day in the school lunch line. They seemed to have been a healthy choice! Studies show that might not be the case.

Carrots are an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants. Carrots are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin B8. They also contain high contents of pantothenic acid, iron, potassium, copper, and manganese! Carrots can improve your eyesight, increase cardiovascular health, and boost immune health. You wouldn’t expect there to be such a nutritional gap in between carrots and baby carrots, but studies show there is. Baby carrots tend to not only have little nutritional value, but they are almost a mutated version of a regular carrot!

Baby carrots were invented by a California carrot farmer, Mike Yurosek. In the early 1980s, Yurosek found that many of his carrots were not saleable because they were “ugly” — they weren’t the size or shape that could be sold at the grocery store. Instead of tossing these “ugly” carrots, he used an industrial bean cutter to shape them into what are now called “baby carrots.” The success of baby carrots was overwhelming. By 1987, carrot consumption had increased by 30 percent. Today, baby carrots consist of 70 percent of total carrot sales.

Nowadays, baby carrots are formed from larger carrots. The carrots are cut down, reshaped, and designed to be naturally sweeter. However, prior to the mid-1980’s, this wasn’t the case. Broken and misshapen carrots were often thrown out. This caused for carrot farmers to lose about 30% of their crops before they got to sell them. Inventively, Mike Yurosek, California carrot farmer, would take a potato peeler and reshape them into small pieces. This made them more desirable for a quick munching! Eventually, Yurosek purchased an industrial green bean cutter to quickly whittle the carrots into familiar 2-inch portions! Thus, the baby carrot was born!

Recent studies show they are covered in toxic chemicals. One of these chemicals is the infamous Chlorine. You may wonder why baby carrots look so fresh and remain edible for such long periods of time. This is because of the Chlorine. The baby carrots are soaked in a chlorine based water solution. The chlorine is used to limit the risk of diseases, like E. coli. Although this helps in the prevention of food-borne diseases, it also has harmful side effects. Chlorinated tap water has shown an increased risk of cancer. The U.S. Council of Environmental Quality states, “cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine.” Obviously, we shouldn’t have any chlorine in our water if it damages our health, so why is it in there? More relatively, why is it in our baby carrots?

Chlorine belongs to the same chemical group as fluoride, another toxic ingredient. According to the EPA, Americans consume 300-600 times the amount of chlorine that is considered safe to ingest.

Modern day baby carrots can be dangerous for our health. They contain man-made poisons that humans were never made to ingest. Mike Yurosek, the inventor of baby carrots would surely be disappointed in them today. Baby carrots have not produced the way he demonstrated they should be. However, there are rumors of baby carrots that aren’t true. Although baby carrots contain harsh chemicals, they are real carrots. Many people have believed and spread around the rumor that they aren’t. Also, due to popular concern, the white foam that forms inside of a baby carrot is not a reaction from chloroform. It is the result of a chemical but is actually an indicator that the carrot is drying out. Do not let the corruption of baby carrots make you afraid of real carrots. Organic carrots are amazing for our health and contain tons of natural vitamins and antioxidants. Just be sure to purchase your carrots from an organic brand only!

Eating Raw Weed Prevents Bowel Cancer, Fibromyalgia and Neuro-Degenerative Diseases

by January 2, 2017

Cannabis can be found in several different forms across the globe. Did you know eating it raw can provide benefits even more so than smoking it?

Marijuana can be considered as quite the superfood. It contains over 400 chemical compounds that include multiple beneficial vitamins. oils and acids. Dr. William Courtney is one of many to label weed as a ‘dietary essential.’ Cannabis contains cannabinoid acids that when heated through vaping, smoking, or even cooking break down into different chemicals. These cannabinoids include THCa and CBDa.

These chemicals change into the psychoactive THC and CBD. This process is called decarboxylation and of course, these active chemicals have health benefits to offer us we are only able to cope with a specific amount at a time. When you eat cannabis raw you are allowing your body to process a much larger amount of THCa and CBDa. These acids are then converted into the nutrients your body needs through the metabolism itself.

Doing this can relieve issues like:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Migraines
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Glaucoma

Just to name a few, this is said to be caused by an actual deficiency of the cannabinoids. Doses of CBDa and THCa are actually considered much more effective in their raw form according to Dr. Courtney. Marijuana really is a nutrient powerhouse and we should not overlook the things it can do for us regarding our health. For more information please watch the video below.

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