
Study: Nutrient Found in Red Wine is as Effective as 1 Hour of Exercise

by January 12, 2017

Red wine has been a favorite of most for thousands of years! Red wine has an excellent taste and is great for entertaining friends and family. But did you know that it has some amazing health benefit as well?

I’ve always heard that one glass of red wine a day is really beneficial to your body. But I have never really heard of any specific health benefits from red wine until I researched it. It turns out that red wine can be an excellent alternative medicine for many different health conditions! Red wine also gives your immune system a powerful boost! This aids your body in fighting off pathogens, bad bacteria, and diseases. I give the red wine an A plus!

Red wine actually has tons of benefits for your body. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Red wine, in moderation, has long been thought of as heart-healthy. The alcohol and certain substances in red wine called antioxidants may help prevent coronary artery disease, the condition that leads to heart attacks.” That is really interesting, and I believe that this should be well known to the public. They Mayo Clinic also says that they do not fully understand the links between red wine and fewer heart attacks. It could be that red wine has a high content of antioxidants. These antioxidants might increase levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL’s) This is also known as the good cholesterol. It protects against the buildup of bad cholesterol.

Antioxidants in red wine called polyphenols may help protect the lining of blood vessels in your heart. A polyphenol called resveratrol is one substance in red wine that’s gotten attention. Dr. Mercola explains that polyphenols are micronutrients with antioxidant activity. He says that they are found most abundantly in whole foods such as dried spices, fruits and vegetables. He also adds that wine, chocolates, fruits and veggies, and extra virgin olive oil are good sources of polyphenols.

Red wine also contains an ingredient called Resveratrol. This ingredient helps prevent damage to blood vessels, reduces LDL’s, and prevents blood clots! This is a key nutrient for good heart health. It adds a healthy kick to your cardiovascular system. Some research shows that Resveratrol could be linked to a lower risk of inflammation and blood clotting, reducing the risk of heart disease. However, more research is needed to determine if resveratrol lowers the risk of inflammation and blood clotting.

A 2012 preliminary study done on rats suggested that resveratrol is able to provide the same benefits for heart function and muscle strength as one hour of exercise! Researchers say, “some of the benefits of regular exercise can also be mimicked by the naturally occurring polyphenol, resveratrol”. Although red wine does contain resveratrol, it does have a low percentage of the ingredient. Red wine has also been known for lowering blood sugar. This is also a benefit derived from the all powerful resveratrol. Red wine can additionally boost your brain, fight off a cold, potentially prevent cancer, and increase weight loss!

A glass of red wine a day probably won’t keep the doctor away, but it will give your body an additional health boost! If you are looking to shape up and become more healthy, I would definitely suggest having a glass of wine every afternoon. Perhaps enjoy it after your exercise routine! Bottom line, red wine is great for your cardiovascular system and your immune system! Next time you enjoy a little too much wine, don’t feel so guilty! It’s healthy, right?

Hungry For a Big Mac? You Won’t Be After You Read These 8 Dirty Facts

by January 12, 2017

Nobody has ever pretended that McDonald’s was good for you, but once you read this you might just boycott it all together.

We are all guilty of grabbing a quick meal from McDonald’s from time to time, and then not feeling so great about it after. We all know that McDonald’s is not a healthy food option, but most people have no idea why, except for the deep frying and excessive amounts of salt.

Let’s get behind the scenes, into the world of hidden ingredients, and discover why we should ditch our McDonald’s habits all together!


Do you know what azodicarbonamide is used for? It is most commonly used in the manufacturing of yoga mats. Mmmmm that sounds delicious…

They actually claim that using this chemical in their food is completely safe for consumption:

“There are varied uses for azodicarbonamide, including in some non-food products, such as yoga mats. As a result, some people have suggested our food contains rubber or plastic, or that the ingredient is unsafe. It’s simply not the case. Think of salt: the salt you use in your food at home is a variation of the salt you may use to de-ice your sidewalk. The same is true of ADA — it can be used in different ways.”


An anti-foaming agent in their McNugget frying oil. Does that really sound like a chemical you want to be consuming? Dimethylpolysiloxane is a substance commonly found in ‘cosmetic and hygiene products like nail polish, conditioners, make-up, contact lens solutions, sunscreens, deodorants, and shampoo. And to add to the disgust this chemical contains formaldehyde.

Prescription Medications

Prescription medications can be traced back to McDonald’s chicken products. This is due to the feed the poultry is receiving. An extensive study was done to show evidence of banned antibiotics in the poultry industry.

Kinda makes that McChicken sound unappetizing, doesn’t it?

Carminic Acid

Carminic acid is produced by insects to repel predators. Producers create a red dye out of the insect’s bodies to add color to a variety of products, such as; food, pharmaceuticals, and toiletries.

It can be an eye and skin irritant, as well as causing respiratory tract or digestive problems.

Silicone Oil

Silicone oil is essentially used in eye surgery and the production of contact lenses. Unfortunately for us, it is also found in McDonald’s chicken nuggets!

Ammonium Sulphate

Ammonium Sulphate was originally produced from ‘ammonia released during the manufacturing of coal gas or from coal coke used to generate steel, and is now a co-product of manufacturing nylon.


TBHQ is an additive used to preserve food for longer periods of time. If you are someone who tends to glance at the ingredients list on packaging and stumble across TBHQ, then it might be wise to put that product back down.

Exposure to TBHQ can cause dry skin, erythema, burning and hypersensitivity reactions. It can also cause; ‘Nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, delirium, tinnitus, green or brownish urine, elevated liver enzymes, muscle twitching, and dyspnea’


While cellulose may be a natural product produced from wood pulp, who wants to eat lots of indigestible wood fibers? Cellulose is added to nearly every fast food item as a way to add volume. It can be found in cheese, salad dressing, muffins and strawberry syrup, among many others. You name it, and chances are wood pulp is in there.

So with all that being said, it is safe to say EVERYONE should avoid McDonald’s food at all costs! Making your own healthy versions at home is so much better, and a lot easier than you think. The next time you consider going through the drive-thru, think about this!

9 Ways to Beat A Cold or Flu as Fast as Possible

by January 11, 2017

The common cold is something with millions of cases reported each year. As adults, we are likely to come down with a cold up to three times annually!

Seasonal influenza itself is something we consider extremely severe and it is unpredictable, to say the least when it comes to each year. We can do things to beat the cold and flu quickly. While we already do some of these it is imperative that we do all of them if possible.

First and foremost you need to know the difference between the cold and the flu. They have distinct differences yet are often mistaken for each other. See the image before for information on the differences between the two.


9 Ways to Beat a Cold/Flu Quickly

Eat Light

Every time you ingest food you are taking resources away from your immune system that are in the process of fighting off your illness. You are moving these things and forcing them to work towards protecting you from bacteria that can be in the food you are ingesting. When you’re sick only eat foods that will boost your immune system.

Use Healing Herbs

Herbs are one of the best ways to eliminate contaminations in your body. The following herbs are known to effectively treat the cold and flu.

  • Oregano
  • Ginger
  • Thyme
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Chamomile

The garlic and onion actually go well with the first thing I mentioned. They are some of the best foods you can eat when it comes to combating your symptoms.

Stay Hydrated

You are most likely aware of this one. Your immune system relies on a well-hydrated body in order to stimulate detoxification. Drink plenty of water and if you can handle it herbal teas as well.

Essential Oils (Diffusion) 

Aromatherapy will do great things for you. Many of the essential oils contain things like antiseptic compounds. This means they can combat bacteria, viruses, fungus, and inflammation.

Sun Exposure

Vitamin D is important when it comes to regulating your overall health. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked with some types of abnormal immune system complications. As you may know, vitamin D is required when it comes to detoxing pathways and stimulating immune system responses.

Grounding Exercise

This exercise is something that should be done to reduce stress and anxiety. It will bring your mind and body closer together and allow you to become in sync with nature. This has been shown to help remove interferences from the immune system through reduced cortisol levels.

Take Vitamin C Supplements

This is going to help you significantly when it comes to having the best possible immune function. Vitamin C supports reactions that lead to both DNA and RNA synthesis. Good amounts of vitamin C can be found in spinach, chives, and kale.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care has been shown to boost the immune system response and improve your overall quality of life. The better your chiropractic health is the less likely you will become sick.

Get Plenty of Bone Broth

Add the veggies I mentioned above to your bone broth and this will help fight off infection in no time.


How to Make Homemade Extracts – Vanilla, Lemon, or Almond

by January 11, 2017

Did you know that you could make these extracts in your home? They are easy to make and are perfect for adding extra flavor to most recipes.

When making these extracts of course you need to make sure all of your equipment is clean. You will be using alcohol to create these extracts so I suggest all proper safety measures be taken.  Because we are using alcohol the extract itself will have a much longer shelf life and lower risks of bacterial problems. Here we go:


Homemade Vanilla Extract:


  • 4 ounces of vanilla beans
  • 2 pints of vodka (One for every pint of extract that you intend to make)
  • If you intend to just make one cup only use one ounce and so forth.


  • Chop the beans into 1/2 inch long pieces. You can slice or scrape if you’d like however regardless you will get the same results.
  • Put these vanilla beans in a lidded glass jar with eighty proof vodka (40% by weight.) The brand does not matter I actually would go with whatever is on sale, to be honest.
  • Shake the bottle once a day for at least a month and then you will have successfully made your own vanilla extract. It doesn’t hurt to do this for up to three months. The flavor will be much deeper if you choose to do so.
  • Once you have waited at least a month strain the extract through a coffee filter and place it in a dark bottle.
  • Store this in a cold dark location.


Homemade Lemon Extract:


  • Zest from 2 lemons
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • 1 cup of 80 proof vodka (40% alcohol by weight)


  • Stick to the yellow part of the lemon only try to get as little white as possible.
  • Place the zest, vodka, and sugar in a lidded glass jar.
  • Shake daily for at least one month as you did with the vanilla.
  • Strain the extract with a coffee filter once you have waited at least one month.
  • Store this in a cold, dark location.


Homemade Almond Extract:


  • 24 whole raw skinless almonds
  • 2 pints of  80 proof vodka (40% alcohol by weight.) This will be enough for two pints of extract.


  • If you intend to only make one cup of extract only use six almonds.
  • Chop the almonds and place them as well as the vodka in a lidded glass jar.
  • Shake the container one time a day for at least one whole month.
  • Strain the extract with a coffee filter after at least one month.
  • Store this in a cold, dark location.

How The Human Heart Functions as a Second Brain

by January 11, 2017

The human heart is the organ that generates the strongest electromagnetic field out of all of our other organs. It can actually be measured from a few feet away!

Information is stored in your hearts electromagnetic field. It has an intelligence like no other. You could safely refer to it as the second brain. The heart is not only made of muscle cells but also neurons. According to researchers at the Institution of HeartMath the heart plays much more of a role in your life than you’d think. It does more than just pump blood.

We use the heart as means to connect with each other and the universe. As you may be aware sometimes the heart and brain work against one another. Our hearts allow us to feel what is best for us on an internal level that is connected with our intuition. We cannot operate on one of these two alone we need our brain and our heart. Our minds are all too often afraid to do things like step out of the comfort zone which can hurt us in the long run.

The decisions our heart makes can sometimes be risky however using your brain and your heart to make your decisions will bring about great clarity when done correctly. Some neuroradiologists are actually pushing the idea that the heart itself can actually act as a second brain. We only hope to gain a better understanding of this in the future.

Our heartbeats have been found to be directly affected by our emotions which seems to go all the more with the idea that our heart is a second brain. Without our hearts, we would not be able to understand the world through our feelings. We are able to create great bonds because of our hearts. Thinking with our hearts is almost second nature. Please watch the video below to learn more about your second brain.

Thin and Balding Hair Magic! Grow Your Hair Fast Overnight With Only 3 Ingredients

by January 11, 2017

As we age our hair tends to become thin and dry, however, restoring our hair is not as hard as we think it is. We can restore it overnight!

The best thing you can do for your hair is to give it an intense massage with natural oils. Sure this may sound a bit strange, but it works wonders! As you may have already heard coconut oil is one of the best oils you can use.

For this method, you will need coconut oil (or any oil you prefer the video uses castor), egg yolk, and honey. Three simple things that will do amazing things for your hair. If you want thicker healthier hair then I highly suggest following the video below. Who knew this could be so easy?

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