
Beer Company Develops Edible Six-Pack Rings That Feed, Rather Than Kill, Marine Life

by January 14, 2017

Plastic six-pack rings that hold six drinks together are extremely dangerous for our marine life. The six pack rings find their ways into our oceans and water, and they can get wrapped around marine animals necks! Thankfully, a brewery has created an edible six pack ring!

Six pack rings or six-pack yokes are a set of connected plastic rings that are used in multi-packs of beverage, particularly six-packs of beverage cans. Since the late 1970s, six-pack rings were cited as a particularly dangerous form of marine litter as marine wildlife were found entangled in the rings, sometimes strangling to death. But since 1989, six-pack rings in the USA have been manufactured to be 100 percent photo-degradable, so the plastic will begin to disintegrate in just a few days, allowing animals to easily free themselves from the brittle and crumbling rings. But recently, this brewery created a six-pack ring that will feed animals instead of harming them.


According to Greenpeace, approximately 70% of Seabirds and 80% of Sea Turtles are now ingesting plastic. As a result, 1,000,000 birds and 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles are dying each year. Consequently, In partnership with We Believers ad agency, the Saltwater Brewery in Delray conjured the brilliant idea to create edible six-pack rings that feed, rather than kill, marine life to offset the damage being done by plastic pollution. The rings are created from beer by-products during the brewing process, such as barley and wheat, and are completely safe for humans and fish to eat. In addition, the invention is 100% biodegradable and compostable.


This is a huge advancement in environmental technologies. Americans drank 6.3 billion gallons of beery in 2015, and 50% of that volume was from cans! This invention will have a huge impact on our environment and sea life! I promise the sea turtles are thanking you for this!

Doctors Are Pleading Parents to Stop Letting Their Kids Eat Hot Cheetos

by January 14, 2017

As you know Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are marketed as ‘dangerously cheesy.’ This is all too accurate as they are actually dangerous!

Quite a few doctors are actually urging parents to not let their children ingest these dangerous snacks. Overeating these can land you a hospital stay, and lots of unnecessary side effects. Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are made with the right amount of salt, sugar, and saturated fats to get you addicted according to Dr. Kathleen Berchelmann at the St. Louis Children’s Hospital.

Eating a whole bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos is really bad because of all the red hot spices you are ingesting. This can and will damage your stomach. These spices can stick to your gastrointestinal tract and cause pain in the upper abdomen that rises to the chest. If the patient has a history of heartburn or acid reflux then these spices create even more of a negative response.

These Cheetos can even cause the stool of some people including children to change from normal color to red. This is because of all the red dye. Many parents assume the redness they find in the stool is blood but it is not. It takes more than just a ‘small amount’ to change the color of your stool. A change in stool color means you have definitely ingested more food dye than you should have.

Overeating any processed food is not a good thing. These Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are no exception. Please limit your intake of these in order to be healthier. Your body will be much better off without eating a whole bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.

Spanish Scientists May Have Just Discovered A Cure For Cancer

by January 13, 2017

One Spanish scientist has done something quite amazing. Thanks to this study we now better understand what is responsible for initiation metastasis in several types of human tumors.

This study was done in IRB Barcelona and has managed to identify the cells that are actually responsible for initiating and promoting metastasis. For those of you who do not know cancer metastasis is, it the spread of cancer cells to organs and tissues beyond where the tumor originated. It is also what causes the formation of new tumors, and generally results in the death of most cancer patients. Watch the video below for a little more information on metastasis.

In this groundbreaking, study mice were given a diet overly high in fats. These mice were the ones who developed the most aggressive metastases. Because of this, the researchers were able to come to the conclusion that the fat intake itself was enhancing the metastasis process. When the protein CD36 was absent human tumors that were analyzed did not develop any form of metastasis. Inhibition of the CD36 protein was able to actually dramatically reduce the size of existing metastases in the cases involved.

Few of the tumors analyzed were actually capable of metastasis until CD36 was introduced. Tests have not yet been done on all forms of cancer it is definitely a set general marker for metastasis of cells. Thanks to this finding more research can be done on the CD36 protein and we can determine just how intense its part is when played.

Finding a treatment through this will likely be able to dramatically decrease the chances of metastasis in cancer patients. The possibilities with this small amount of research are endless. We may soon be able to save lives in a new way.

This Is Why You Need To Stop Using Vaseline!

by January 13, 2017

Vaseline can be found in almost all of American homes. It is a commonly trusted brand, and is used for many different things! But research shows that Vaseline is actually really harmful.

You might use Vaseline for chapped lips or burns, but you should stop immediately. This goes for petroleum jelly specifically. It was initially discovered in the mid-1800’s, when it was used for coating the bottom of oil rigs. Vaseline turns out to be completely unnatural and contains ingredients that can threaten your health!

Petroleum jelly’s primary purpose is to soothe and take care of the skin. This isn’t quite the case though. Vaseline actually creates an environment on your skin that is perfect for the multiplication of bacteria! It also causes your pores to shut down! Vaseline is full of hydrocarbons.

Hydrocarbons are compounds containing carbon and hydrogen only. The hydrocarbons involved in air pollution are gases (or those that are volatile) under ordinary conditions. The important sources of hydrocarbons in the natural environment are bacterial decomposition of organic matter, forest fires and vegetation. Incomplete combustion of gasoline fueled vehicles and industrial emissions account for 1/6 th of all hydrocarbons in atmosphere. These compounds can be extremely harmful for your body! the side effects of petrolatum include finding the petroleum byproduct in breast tumors, suffocation of the skin, premature aging and aggravated acne.

A study linking the petrolatum impurity polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAHs to breast cancer was completed at Columbia University. The study indicates that breast tissue of women with breast cancer were 2.6 times more likely to have increased amounts of PAHs attached to their DNA than the breast tissue of women without breast cancer. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are found in oil, coal and tar deposits as byproducts of fuel burning. Researchers June K.Dunnick, Michael R.Elwell, James Huff and J.Carl Barrett of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, NC also found that PAHs were found in the mutated genes of test animals with mammary gland cancer.

Other studies show that Petroleum jelly suffocates the skin. Research at the Herb Research Foundation noted that skin absorbs up to 60 percent of the chemicals in products that it contacts and these chemical move directly into the bloodstream. The Organic Make-up company notes that the petrolatum developed for its cost effective glide in makeup application suffocates the skin by absorbing these chemicals directly into the bloodstream decreasing oxygen absorbed through the skin.

With many carcinogens such as nicotine, environmental pollution and chemical additives ingestion and absorption of these products can increase free radicals that can cause the skin and organs to age at a rapid rate or wear prematurely. Petrolatum found in many cosmetics can cause skin irritations and rashes. Skin that does not receive sufficient oxygen as noted in the Herb Research on skin suffocation can cause the death of skin cells and thus premature aging to skin cells.

You can replace Vaseline with many natural ingredients. Organic Shea butter is an excellent replacement for the toxic Vaseline. It is great for making homemade and natural beauty and skin products. I included a recipe below.


  • 1 ounce or 1/8 cup Beeswax
  • 1/2 c. olive oil

Mix the ingredients together in a saucepan and heat on a very low heat until the beeswax has melted. While it’s warm, pour into a jar or another container. Use as you would Vaseline. This recipe made enough to fill a little half pint glass jelly jar.

If You’re Bad at Math, It’s Because You Didn’t Learn These 12 Simple Tricks

by January 13, 2017

Sometimes we are taught differently from other people especially when growing up. Some people think that these tricks are unnecessary however they helped me in a big way when I was younger!

If you don’t already know about these 12 tricks you may think you struggle when it comes to math or just aren’t quite as knowledgeable at some math related things. I am sure these tricks will help you and your family just as much as they did fo me. Next time your child comes home needing help with math homework you can show them these tricks.

How To Multiply Large Numbers Without Paper

large numbers

How To Remember What The Multiples Of Nine Are






Adding and Subtracting Fractions


Method To Finding The Multiple Of Nine


How To Remember The Numbers In Pi


Easy Way To Multiply By 11


Figuring Out Percentages The Easy Way


How To Convert Fahrenheit To Celsius


Finding Fractions Of Whole Numbers

Fractions of a Whole Number

How To Remember Which Is Less Than And Which Is Greater Than


Eating Chocolate To Improve Your Math Skills


Find The Square Of Any Two-Digit Numbers

Cure All Infections And Kill All Parasites With This DIY Antibiotic!

by January 13, 2017

Prescription medication for colds and infections can have really harmful side effects and even contain really carcinogenic chemicals. Skip the dangerous Pharma meds, and use this DIY antibiotic!

This antibiotic can be used to cure almost any infection. It was used centuries ago, in medieval times. People used this remedy to fight off the plaques and many other epidemics. The antibiotic uses a parasite. It is a traditional cleansing tonic. It kills gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is a powerful anti-fungal formula, and is also an antiviral! It increases blood circulation and lymph flow in all parts of the body. The remedy is plant based.

The tonic has proven effective by curing many different cases of viral diseases. It also kills bacterial, parasitic, and fungal diseases. It has even shown to be successful in fighting off the plague! It cures many different severe diseases. The secret? The combination of high-quality natural ingredients! Studies show that the remedy is successful in curing almost every disease out there. It strengthens the immune system, acts as an antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic! The recipe contains really hot peppers, so you may need to wear gloves.


  • 24 oz /700 ml apple cider vinegar (always use organic)
  • ¼ cup finely chopped garlic
  • ¼ cup finely chopped onion
  • 2 fresh peppers, the hottest you can find (be careful with the cleaning – wear gloves!!!)
  • ¼ cup grated ginger
  • 2 tbsp grated horseradish
  • 2 tbsp turmeric powder or 2 pieces of turmeric root


  • Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, except for the vinegar.
  • Transfer the mixture to a Mason jar.
  • Pour in some apple cider vinegar and fill it to the top. It is best if 2/3 of the jar consist of dry
  • ingredients, and fill in the rest with vinegar.
  • Close well and shake.
  • Keep the jar in a cool and dry place for 2 weeks. Shake well several times a day.
  • After 14 days, squeeze well and strain the liquid through a plastic strain. For better results put a gauze over it. Squeeze well so the whole juice comes out.
  • Use the rest of the dry mixture when cooking.
  • Ready for use!

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