
10 Lifestyle Changes You Can Make Today to Prevent Cancer

by January 30, 2017

Did you know that 40% of men and women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer within their lifetime? Sadly, by the end of the year, cancer would have claimed the lives of 565,000, which means we should be doing everything in our power to fight against this deadly disease.

Thankfully, according to Harvard Health, quite a bit of progress has been made to increase our understanding of cancer. Because of that, researchers maintain that there are quite a few habits that we can implement in our day to day life to cut our risk exponentially. To help you get a jump start, just check out the following:

1. Don’t Use Tobacco

The Mayo Clinic reports that smoking and chewing tobacco alike are linked to a variety of deadly cancers including lung, mouth, throat, larynx, pancreas, bladder, cervix and kidney. Choosing to quit using tobacco is one of the most important steps you can make towards a better, healthier you.

2. Improving Your Diet

Remember to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. By using these foods as the center of your diet, you are sure to find that your health will quickly improve in a variety of ways. Also, limit your fat intake, as well as the amount of processed foods that you eat on a daily basis. Processed foods are loaded with cancer causing chemicals. Start cutting these foods from your diet, and replace them with healthy alternatives.

3. Cut Down on the Booze

Cutting down on alcohol is essential for cancer prevention. If you must drink, limit your intake to two drinks a day for men, and one for women. While a glass of champagne at a party may not be a big deal, drinking a bottle of wine each day can easily lead to a variety of cancers, including liver, colon, breast, and pancreas. It will also benefit your heart to reduce your consumption.

4. Swap Out Your Chemical Laden Cleaning Supplies With Natural Alternatives

One of the most boasted cancer prevention tips is reducing the amount of toxic chemicals that you come in contact with on a day to day basis. Exposure to toxic cleaning supplies over the course of decades has been linked to a variety of cancers. Instead of those chemical-laden household cleaners, try the following substitutions:

  • Mix baking soda with apple cider vinegar to clean drains, bathtubs, or simply sprinkle baking soda with a few drops of tea tree oil in your bathtub or sink.
  • Vinegar is useful for almost any form of cleaning. It can be used with liquid castile soap, water, or essential oils to clean your floors, windows, bathrooms, kitchens, and even to wash your clothes.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is perfect for whitening and disinfecting.
  • Vodka also works as a disinfectant can remove red stains from fabric.

5. Use Protection While in Sunlight

Always wear sunscreen, no matter what the weather is like, or how much sun exposure you plan on enduring. Even a short walk from your workplace to your car puts you in the midst of the Sun’s rays and can cause damage to your skin. Opt for foundations or moisturizers that already contain sunblock for regular days. If you are going outside for sports, or just to enjoy a pretty day, make sure that you apply SPF 30 sunblock. Anything stronger is filled with too many chemicals and will defeat the purpose.

6. Don’t Top Off Your Tank

According to the EPA and the President’s Cancer Panel, when you top off an already full tank, fuel can be spilled into the pump’s vapor recovery system that is designed specifically to keep cancer-causing chemicals out of the air you breathe.

7. Enjoy that Daily Cup of Joe! (Or a whole pot….)

Coffee lovers who drank at least five cups of coffee per day thwarted off certain forms of brain cancer by 40%, and oral cancer by 39%. Men who had at least 6 cups per day reduce the risk of prostate cancer risk by 60%, and for those who think that is a bit much, drinking at least two prevents your risk for colon cancer by 25%. The amazing benefits don’t stop there, coffee has been shown to prevent breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and endometrial cancer.

8. Set Down the Phone, and Walk Away

Using your phone for important calls and texts is one thing, however, carrying the device everywhere you go as an extension to your body is likely to increase your risk for brain cancer. The energy they give off, known as radiofrequency waves have been associated with a variety of brain cancers.

9. Drop 10 Extra Pounds

If you have the ten extra pounds or more to lose, go ahead and take steps to lose at least ten. Being overweight is associated with 20% of all cancer deaths among women and 14% among men. For more information, or to find out if you are in fact, obese, visit

10. Get Active

Getting at least 30 minutes of physical exercise each day can change your life in a number of ways. And it actually isn’t as hard as you think. As long as you are moving consistently, your activity counts towards the 30. For example, by cleaning your floors, and doing a pickup throughout your house for at least 30 minutes, you have met your goal. On other days, between work and running inside to cook dinner, go for a brisk walk outside. Not only will this relax you, and help you unwind, it will also reduce your risk for cancer.

Cancer prevention is actually pretty easy. Actually, chances are, if you change bad lifestyle habits and pick up better ones, you won’t ever even get cancer. According to cancer statistics, a cancer diagnosis usually follows a lifetime or poor habits. So start today. Replace a chemical filled meal with clean foods. Drink a glass or water instead of a can of soda. Take a walk to unwind, and don’t forget your coffee! See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?

Plastic-Eating Bacteria Discovered in Japan Could Solve the Problem of Plastic Pollution

by January 30, 2017

We have always thought plastic to be resistant to bacteria because of its chemical structure but now it appears that is not the case. Could there actually be a bacterium that can metabolize plastic?

Yes, researchers have actually found a bacterium that can consume plastic! It is able to consume PET Polyethylene Terephthalate, this is one of the most popular types of plastic and is used to make bottles, food packaging and things of the sort. This bacteria is called ideonella sakaiensis because it was found in the Japanese city of Sakai. This could be something monumental for the world. We might be able to get rid of plastic in a way we never thought possible.

This colony of bacteria was found growing and using plastic waste as a food source in a debris field. This is possible because the Ideonella Sakaiensis has two capable enzymes that break the molecular bonds in the plastic polymer. In doing this the bacterium is able to metabolize the pieces of plastic and convert them into things like carbon dioxide and water. The only issue right now is that the Ideonella sakaiensis eats too slowly to keep up with our vast amount of pollution. This being found leads us to believe there are possibly other bacterium like this elsewhere.

Time will only tell if this bacterium can or will be used to neutralize the plastic pollution. Mother nature is doing her best to combat the harm we are doing. We need to find a way to fix the things we have done before it is too late. What do you think on this? Will this bacteria be the answer we have been looking for?

Doctors Are Urging Parents Everywhere To Keep Their Kids’ Baby Teeth

by January 30, 2017

Did you know that your baby teeth contain something valuable? Something that can be used later in life to treat different diseases?

It’s true! A doctor from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial research, Songtao Shi has carried out a study not too long ago that revealed our baby teeth contain on to two dozen valuable stem cells. Stem cells that can be used later in life for treating diseases. How fascinating is that?

Adult teeth only contain one type of stem cell while baby teeth contain completely different stem cells. Many experts in this field have been doing extensive research on what sort of impact the stem cells can have on organs like the heart, brain, and pancreas. These stem cells may be able to repair possible damage from some diseases.

For example, we now know these stem cells can regenerate into neurons, bone, and cartilage. This meaning that if need be these stem cells can be converted into pancreatic cells and save your life. In order to properly save the stem cell, you will need to freeze it while the stem cell is still alive. So sadly that old box of teeth you’ve been saving in your sock drawer won’t do any good.

Parents can use services like Store-A-Tooth to properly preserve their children’s teeth.

The teeth are placed in a liquid nitrogen cryopreservation vault, where the stem cells will remain intact and usable for years.

If later in life, the child, who may be an adult at this point, needs their stem cells, the teeth are taken out of storage and shipped to their doctor.

It seems like all the cultures that had superstitions about the power of baby teeth were, in a strange way, actually onto something!For more information on baby teeth and why they should be preserved please watch the video below.

10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor

by January 30, 2017

Vaginal odor is something we do not like to talk about but it is something all women deal with at some point in their lives. It is not something to be ashamed of.

Vaginal odor can happen because of a large number of different reasons. Things like bacterial growth, yeast infections, hormonal changes, STDs, and in some cases poor hygiene.If the issue is infection related you will likely notice other symptoms as well like redness, itching, or burning. Generally, a fishy odor is usually caused by bacterial vaginosis.

Having a stinky vagina can be extremely embarrassing, you may even be silently suffering hoping no one can smell the issue at hand. This is no way to live. You should do something about this. There are tons of natural remedies for vaginal odor. These remedies will help you tremendously and allow you to put that fishy smell behind you.

Here are the 10 best natural ways to rid yourself of vaginal odor:

  1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is something that can be used to balance the pH level in your body. If your body’s pH level is the issue at hand the problem will go away using this method of treatment.

  • Put one cup of baking soda in your bath water
  • Soak your body for about thirty minutes.
  • Dry yourself off with a clean towel and do this again in a day. This will fight yeast infections as well.

2. Garlic

Garlic is a natural antibiotic and can deal with most vaginal infections easily. The antifungal properties found in garlic are great for helping your body get rid of bad bacteria.

  • Eat garlic whether it be raw or cooked daily.
  • Eating raw garlic on an empty stomach is probably best.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is an antibacterial and an antiseptic. it can be used to fight vaginal odor in most cases. It will fight off toxins and bacteria that could be causing your strange odor.

  • Mix 4 cups of apple cider vinegar into a warm bath.
  • Soak in this for 30 minutes at least.
  • Do this several times a week until you see results.

4. White Vinegar

Yes, something as simple as white vinegar can help you. It is capable of neutralizing odors because it breaks down the odor proteins.

  • Mix one cup of white vinegar and salt into a warm bath.
  • Soak in it for 30 minutes.
  • Do this a few times a week.

5. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil can be used to get rid of unpleasant smells because it can get rid of the bacteria causing them. it is a very strong antifungal and is perfect for treating vaginal odor.

  • Add six drops of this into a cup of water.
  • Rinse your vagina with this several times a week.
  • Be sure to rinse the whole vagina and not just the outside.

6. Fenugreek

This is something that all women need in their lives. It is very beneficial to us and when consumed regularly it can help balance hormones and promote regular menstruation cycles.

  • Soak four teaspoons of these seeds in one cup of water before bed.
  • When you wake the next morning strain the seeds out and drink the water on an empty stomach.

Now if you notice any side effects like skin irritation or diarrhea please stop using these seeds. They are amazing but can in some cases cause these things. Pay attention to what happens to your body.

7. Indian Gooseberries

This is also known as amla and can be used to control the infections that cause vaginal odor. This is also good for those who deal with a thick vaginal discharge issue as well.

  • Just eat these fantastic gooseberries daily to benefit from them.

8. Neem

This is another antifungal that is commonly used for a wide variety of issues. It can be used to fight off vaginal infections as well and thus rid you of your vaginal odor.

  • Boil about a handful of neem leaves in a pan of water.
  • Strain them and allow this to cool.
  • Rinse the vagina with the solution daily for about a week.

9. Fresh Fruit and Veggies

Organic fresh fruits and veggies are the key to maintaining a healthy body. Be sure to consume the right amount of vitamin C, leafy greens, and avocado in order to promote vaginal health.


This is something I cannot begin to stress the importance of, you see the mucous vaginal membranes need water in order to be able to function properly. This means we need to make sure they are hydrated properly. Water aids in diminishing vaginal smells. This one boils down to hygiene, you need water in order to keep your vagina in check. Going without showering is never a good thing, be sure to pay extra attention to your lady parts each time you shower.


Eat This 2-Ingredient Pancake Every Morning and Watch Your Body Fat Disappear

by January 29, 2017

Pancakes are something we eat all the time and while they are delicious they are not all that healthy. How often do you make pancakes for your family?

We often get caught up in convenience and opt for the commercial pancake mixes which we should try to avoid. These mixes are packed with extra processed sugars, gluten, and bleached white flour. You can make your own healthy pancakes without the mixes just as easily so, why not? You will love these pancakes and so will your family!

For this recipe, you will only need two things banana and egg. Sounds easy enough, right? Bananas and eggs are very healthy for us so making pancakes out of them only makes sense. The banana in this will give your pancakes a solid shape and provide you with a plethora of minerals and vitamins. As for the egg, they are high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids that can help reduce inflammation. You should always include an egg in your breakfast.

Banana & Egg Pancakes

Now, of course, the amounts will vary depending on how many people you intend to feed. This recipe will make 8-10 pancakes.


  • 1 cup of ripe finely mashed bananas
  • 4 eggs (organic if possible)


  • Put the bananas and eggs into a bowl and mix them well.
  • put about a fourth of this on a pan over medium heat.
  • When you notice it bubbling flip it and cook the other side.
  • This is one pancake, do this with the remaining batter until all the pancakes have been made.

See, it is that simple. If you love bananas then you will love these pancakes even more. I hope you enjoy!

Chinese Face Map Reveals What Part Of Your Body Is Sick and How To Fight It

by January 29, 2017

Reading faces can detect a whole lot more than you would think. The skin on our faces is much more sensitive than we are aware of and can be used to detect all sorts of things.

Any sort of imbalance we may be dealing with is shown in our faces. This happens though rashes, skin color, and even pimples. Chinese healers have actually been using face readings to diagnose diseases for quite some time now.

Ancient Face Reading Technique:

Between The Eyebrows – Liver

Any type of blemish or such coming up in this area can mean that your stomach is not getting the rest it needs. This can lead to chronic tiredness and could also be the sign of some sort of food allergy. When it comes to resolving this issue I suggest eating some fresh and healthy foods and spending more time out in fresh air with nature.

Forehead – Bladder and Small Intestine 


This can be something that comes up because of overconsuming canned foods and fats. Doing that will slow your digestion. Now, if you do not eat too much canned food this can be something that comes from too much stress, alcohol, or sugar. This is something that can be easily corrected if you avoid alcohol and make sure to drink plenty of water.

Eyebrow Arch- Kidneys


Blemishes here can be caused by poor circulation, a weakened heart smoking, or alcohol. In order to fix this one you will need to reduce your caffeine intake and just like the one before drink plenty of water. Dehydration can negatively affect our kidneys in a big way so we must stay hydrated.

Upper Cheeks – Lungs


Issues here can be caused by things like asthma, pollution, smoking and things related to these issues. Often when something like this is becoming an issue you will also have dark circles around your eyes. In order to help correct this limit your exposure to smoke and polluted air. If you smoke then you should probably quit as soon as possible. For this reason and many others.

Nose – Heart


Hypertension can cause problems in this are as well as things like a bloated stomach. Be sure to check your cholesterol levels if you notice something happening to your nose and regulate your blood pressure. You will need to drink plenty of green tea in order to eliminate toxins from your body and exercise.

Cheeks – Lungs and Kidneys


Issues on your cheeks can come from poor food choices and high stress. You will need to do your best to make healthier food choices, exercise, and reduce stress in your life. Nourish your kidneys and lungs by staying properly hydrated. Use any anti-aging kidney nourishing herbs you can get your hands on and you will be better in no time.

Mouth and Chin – Stomach


Skin issues around your mouth and chin are often the result of eating too much fat and sweet foods. Be sure to maintain a balanced diet and eat plenty of fruits and veggies.

Neck and Jaw – Hormones


Issues in this area comes from being under artificial lighting and overall being disconnected from the Earth. We need to be out in the sun sometimes. avoid foods that are contaminated with hormones and be sure to get more of the correct saturated fats your body needs.

While this may all seem a bit strange and seem like a lot to take in. The video below will help you to better understand this technique and why it actually works. Who knew our faces were telling us so much?

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