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Grandma Told Me This Trick. It Healed My Cracked Heels in Just a Few Days

by May 12, 2017

Cracked heels can be painful, irritating, and can in extreme cases affect your quality of life. There are some simple ingredients that will fix this problem. And once you learn this trick you will never need to suffer from cracked heels again. 

Here is how to do it:

Step 1 – Warm water treatment


  • Luke warm water
  • 2 spoons baking soda
  • Pumice stone
  • 2 spoons salt


Pour the lukewarm water in a tub. Add baking soda and salt and mix well. Soak feet in the mix and let it act for 15 minutes. Finally, exfoliate feet with pumice stone and dry them off.

Step 2 – Scrub


  • 2 spoons oil
  • Sugar


Take a bowl and mix the 2 oil spoons and 1 spoon sugar. Massage feet with this scrub for 5 minutes. Finally, rinse them as per usual.

Step 3 – Moisturizer


  • A candle
  • Oil


Add 2 spoons of oil, and a piece of the candle in a bowl. Place bowl in hot water until ingredients melt. Let the mix cool off and rub it on your feet. Put socks on before going to bed to maintain moisture.

This is What Can Happen to Your Heart When You Drink Energy Drinks

by May 12, 2017

Today there are over 500 different brands of energy drinks on the market. However, these drinks have been known to cause death.

A recent study has shown that drinking just 32 ounces of energy drinks a day can cause potentially harmful changes to heart function as well as blood pressure. These changes go well beyond what caffeine can do alone.

Energy drinks are notorious for containing other energy blends than just caffeine, these ingredients are often questionable in nature.

“Some of these ingredients (including taurine and guarana) have not been FDA-approved as safe in the food supply, and few studies have tested the effects of caffeine consumption together with these ‘novelty’ ingredients.” Dr. Jennifer L. Harris from University of Connecticut’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity.

Energy drinks damage the cardiovascular system because energy drinks are considered ‘supplements’ the nutrition labeling regulations are different from those of the regulations for ‘beverages’. Energy drinks are made from “proprietary energy blends” which is a form of concentrated caffeine, whose side effects include changing blood pressure and straining the heart. The difference between a cup of coffee and an energy drink have been observed with and EKG machine to have dramatic effects on the cardiovascular system.

Whats even more concerning is the way they are marketed to young boys. In the past few years ER visits related to energy drinks have risen with adolescents. More than half the cases of reported illness from energy drinks have come from children.

Do yourself and your family a favor and get rid of the energy drinks! Set an example for your children, and hopefully they will not fall into this bad habit.

Drink This Every Night Before Bed and Remove Every Food Residue and Also Melt Fat for 8 Hours

by May 12, 2017

Great news: The secret to weight loss is already at work in your body! A fast metabolism means more calories burned, and more calories burned means dropping those extra pounds. Help boost your metabolism today with this miracle drink!

With fast working ingredients like cinnamon, this drink packs a powerful punch! Skip that evening snack, avoiding food for a few hours before bed and consume this just before bed each night. For best results, combine this magic mix with a routine of healthy eating and daily exercise!

weightloss, weight, dietMiracle Fat Buster:

  • ½ tsp of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of vinegar
  • ½ tsp of ginger (fresh or powdered) or raw, organic honey
  • A few stalks of fresh parsley
  • Freshly squeezed juice from ½ of a lemon


Add everything into a blender and blend until combined.

I like to drink this mixture twice daily; once in the morning and once in the evening. But you can skip the evening dose, and just have it in the morning. Make sure to drink it down on an empty stomach and then have a light and healthy breakfast.

Try These 10 simple and Relaxing Eye Exercises and Watch Your Eyesight Improve

by May 11, 2017

Whether your eyes hurt from straining, or simply from concentrating, can negatively impact your vision. This happens when your eye muscles need to “stretch”.

However, most of us cannot afford to walk away from our work for extended periods of time, and so must push through the headaches, blurred vision, and dryness.

Fortunately, there are 10 eye exercises to combat eye fatigue and improve your vision. 

1. Gaze Into Darkness.


You don’t even have to find a dark room to perform this exercise. Simply place your hands in front of your eyes and stare into the dark hollow for a few minutes. To make the most of this technique, place your elbows on your desk or another hard surface, rest your head in your hands, and just relax.

2. Move Your Eyes From Side to Side.


You might look like a crazy person if your colleagues see you doing this, but moving your eyes from side to side can remarkably improve your concentration and vision. Glance left, focus on what you see, and then glance to the right. Do this five times. Repeat the whole cycle three times.

3. Move Your Eyes Up and Down.


Again, you might look a little strange doing this exercise, but you’ll be the one laughing when your eye for detail becomes much stronger than that of your coworkers. First look up, concentrate on what you see, and then look down. Do this five times. Repeat the whole cycle three times.

4. Move Your Eyes Diagonally.


This is where the eye exercises start to get tough. Start by looking straight ahead, and then look down and to the left. Move your eyes in a diagonal motion towards the upper right. Focus on what you see, then move your eyes to the bottom right and diagonally toward the upper left. Repeat the exercise five times, and repeat the cycle three times.

5. Roll Your Eyes.


Sit up straight, take a deep breath, and relax. Then slowly roll your eyes to the left, and keep rolling until you’re looking straight again. Do this five times in a clockwise motion, then five more times in a counterclockwise motion. Repeat the cycle three times.

6. Focus Near and Far.


Take a pencil, pen, or another small object and hold it half an arm’s length away (bend your elbow). Look at something in the distance, focus on it, and then focus on the pencil. Look at something far again, and then bring your focus back to the pencil. Do this five times. Repeat the cycle three times.

7. Concentrate.


Sit up straight and relax. Bring your focus to the point between your eyebrows, concentrate on what you see, and then look straight ahead. Repeat this exercise five times, for three cycles.

8. Concentrate…Again.


Continue to relax and looking forward, but this time when you focus, focus on the tip of your nose. Look up and concentrate on something in the distance, then look down at your nose again. Do this five times. Repeat the cycle three times.

9. Rest Your Eyes.


Close your eyes and squeeze them tight. Keep them this way for two to three seconds. Then, without opening your eyes, relax the muscles around your eyes. Keep them rested for a few seconds, and then squeeze them tight again. Repeat this exercise ten times.

10. Massage Your Eyes.


To wrap up your eye exercises, close your eyes and then gently massage the eyelids in a circular motion. Don’t press too hard, as this will strain the eyes. Do ten circular motions in a clockwise motion, and then ten more in a counterclockwise motion.

Just like all the muscles of your body, your eyes need exercise to perform at maximum capacity. However, on the same token, if you work them too hard they become strained and start to wreak havoc on other parts of your body (i.e. the headaches). These tips have received great feedback from people who have tried them, so if you’re feeling extra tired or feel a headache coming on, give these tips a try. You won’t be disappointed!

10 Herbs You Can Grow Indoors In Water All Year Long

by May 11, 2017

There are numerous health benefits associated with the use of fresh herbs – For example, basil acts as an anti-inflammatory and mint can alleviate nausea – all while adding impeccable flavor to any dish. Unfortunately, due to the climate we live in, you don’t always have access to fresh herbs throughout the year. But why let that stop you?

Hydroponics is a process in which plants are grown indoors in water. Many larger greenhouses employ this method in their large-scale operations, but it can also be used on a smaller scale at home! Many herbs flourish being grown indoors using this technique – providing you with fresh herbs year round that are rich in flavor, color and nutrients!

herb, herbs

Interested in how this works? Follow these steps:

  1. Take an herb cutting of your choice (check out the suggestions listed below) approximately 6 inches in length, and remove all leaves from the bottom 4 inches. Lower leaves can rot when left in water for an extended length of time. Alternatively, you can use grocery store herbs by cutting off the bottom of the stem allowing it to properly absorb water.
  2. Fill a glass or large-mouthed jar with fresh water, either rain water or tap water. Avoid using distilled water as it doesn’t contain all the essential minerals needed for your herbs to grow. Make sure you are using a large enough container; tight fitting containers won’t provide the space needed.
  3. Change the water once a week until the roots of the herbs start to grow. After the roots have sprouted, do not continue to change it.
  4. Place the jar or glass in an area where they will get a lot of sunlight such as on a window ledge. Your herbs will need to get at least six hours of sunlight each day.
  5. As your herbs grow, and your leaves reach full size simply clip the leaf for use, but leave the herbs in the water. Clipping the leaves will encourage the stem to produce more leaves at the top. A single stem can continue to grow and produce you with a steady supply of fresh herbs for months!

herb, herbs, herb garden

What herbs are the easiest to grow indoors?

Just as with any other gardening technique, there will be some plants that will take to it better than others. Here are 10 different herbs that are idea for your hydroponic herb garden.

  1. Peppermint
  2. Thyme
  3. Lemon Balm
  4. Tarragon
  5. Rosemary
  6. Basil
  7. Spearmint
  8. Oregano
  9. Sage
  10. Stevia

Next time that you are cooking up your favorite meal, enjoy it with fresh herbs from your own indoor herb garden!

How Essential Oils Affect Your Vision – Watch Your Vision Recover to 97% With This Essential Oil!

by May 11, 2017

Nobody likes to have vision problems, people are constantly trying to cover it up by wearing contact lenses or just ignoring the problem altogether. But what if I told you there was a way to get rid of vision problems for good?

Morning sun-gazing helps exercise the eye muscles, in addition, there are also very beneficial essential oils to help as well!      

Essential oils are liquids with aromas that are distilled from flowers, plants, seeds, trees, and roots. Essential oils are ten times more concentrated, for health purposes, it is imperative to use organic therapeutic grade essential oils. 

For this technique apply the oils around the socket of your eye, and not in the eye. If you get essential oil in your eye on accident, do not use water to clean your eyes, as it will only spread the oils. Use coconut, olive or almond oil to pull the oils out of your eye. If an emergency or a serious health issue occurs, talk with a doctor!

Two times a day, rubbed into the cheeks around the eyes and around the brow, again do not add directly into the eye. The following listed below are recommended essential oils for improved eye health.

  • CYPRESS: strengthens capillaries and improves circulation.
  • FRANKINCENSE: reduces inflammation and can reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • LAVENDER: promotes tissue regeneration; is soothing for skin
  • LEMONGRASS: tones and assists in regeneration of connective tissue; promotes lymph flow; dilates blood vessels, strengthens vascular walls; improves circulation
  • SANDALWOOD: revitalizes and hydrates skin; supports circulation
  • Helichrysum oil: improves vision and supports nerve tissue

When it comes to blurred vision try out Peppermint, Lavender, or Helichrysum. Apply around the eyes and above eyebrows, and on cheeks. Use caution when applying near your eyes. 

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