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12 Reasons Japanese Women Stay Slim and Don’t Look Old

by May 13, 2017

As you will likely agree Japan is overflowing with beautiful ladies. Japanese women look young no matter their age.

These women do not do this all on their own whether it seems that way or not. They are able to look so young because of their lifestyles and their diets. Japanese food, in general, is designed around making people live longer healthier lives. If you want to look younger or be slimmer maybe you could learn a thing or two from the Japanese people.

12 Reasons Japanese Women Look Young and Slim:

1. They drink green tea.

Matcha which is what the tea is made out of is very beneficial for our health. This tea is high in antioxidants, these are known to delay the aging process and promote weight loss and even reduce the risks of cancer.

2. Healthy Desserts

Japanese people often eat things like fresh fruit for dessert.

3. Hot Spring Baths

These kinds of baths are amazing for keeping your skin healthy. Hot spring baths are full of minerals like niacin, calcium, and magnesium. They can reduce stress and are known for promoting better sleep as well.

4. Doing Martial Arts

Lots of Japanese people practice some form of martial arts. This is something that plays a huge role in the overall health and fitness levels of Japanese people.

5. Eating Fermented Foods

They eat a lot of things like kimchi, tempeh, miso, kombucha, kefir, and things of the such. These foods have undergone something known as Lacto-fermentation and are considered to be fermented foods. Ingesting fermented foods promotes weight loss and has been known for eliminating heavy metals as well as harmful toxins from cell tissue.

6. Eating Seafood

Japanese people choose seafood over red meat and this is great because red meat has been linked with a ton of issues like inflammatory disease, high cholesterol, and obesity. Eating fish is beneficial because of the omega-3 fatty acids they contain.

7. They Eat Smaller Portions

In Japan, smaller portions are served than we are used to here in the US. If you grow up eating smaller portions you will eat less as your life progresses. Japanese people do not often completely fill plates and never serve big portions of anything. They use fresh everything and make sure the natural beauty of the food can be seen.

8. They Walk A Lot

Tons of Japanese people also ride bikes often.

9. They Do Not Eat On The Go

They consider meals sacred periods and do not eat on the go. It is actually considered to be impolite in Japan and is not seen often. Japanese people also eat a lot slower than we do which allows their bodies time to take in the food they are eating.

10. They Have Healthier Cooking Methods

Their cooking techniques, in general, are much healthier than ours. They do not use extra oil and most things are simply grilled.

11. They Take Care Of Their Skin

Almost every single Japanese woman does her part of maintaining her skin health. They all have a very specific protocol they follow each and every day. This is because looking younger is a big deal to them.

12. They Do Not Often Eat Out

Japanese people eat nice healthy home cooked meals on a daily basis. This makes a huge difference when you look at everything from an outside view.

Japanese women are amazing but they work hard to maintain that. Just like all women they deserve respect. If you want to get yourself back into shape maybe you should try changing your life a little bit? These things could benefit you in a huge way.

Baking Soda – The True Enemy of The Pharmaceutical Industry

by May 13, 2017

Baking soda has always been a popular traditional homeopathic remedy because of its effectiveness. Traditionally, it was used to cure colds, and today it is even being used to cure cancer!

When the body is acidic it leads to the breakdown of cell regeneration which leads to chronic health conditions as the cells no longer reproduce healthily. And in these modern times, the American diet is highly conducive to bringing about an acidic environment.  

The pharmacy industry doesn’t want you to know the healing capabilities of baking soda. There have even been reported cases of cancer being cured by baking soda.


There are aggressive forms of asthma that are resistant to bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids that affect children. A study showing that administering baking soda intravenously improves PCO2 (Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide) and the PH (acidic or basic state) balance in children.  


Sodium bicarbonate is a naturally occurring substance and especially good at neutralizing toxic substances. In a time when our bodies are constantly being attacked by toxic substances, baking soda is a true ally. Bicarbonate is currently used in conjunction with chemotherapy to prevent kidney damage.     


Sodium Bicarbonate supplementation results in the alkalization of the area around tumors, which makes the environment uninhabitable for tumor growth, as tumors feed on an acidic environment and die in an alkaline one. It is also found to enhance anti-tumor activity in other anti-cancer drugs. It is also found to prevent cancer recurrence.  

Baking soda is full of practical homeopathic applications and is an amazing supplement to balancing PH levels in the human body. Just assure that the baking soda that you use is aluminum free. 

This 95-Year-Old Yogi Says We Can All Live To Be 130. This Is His Secret

by May 12, 2017

Most people live by the motto, “Life’s short,” but it doesn’t have to be! According to 95-year-old yogi Kazim Gurbuz you can live to be as old as 130, and he is sharing his secret with us today.

Gurbuz is a 95-year-old yogi from Turkey, he is very healthy and has a youthful appearance. He believes that we can all live to 130 if we are dedicated to the task.

Kazim practices Yoga, sun salutations, and maintains a nutrient-rich diet. However, he was not always so healthy, at the age of 41 he broke his back and was left paralyzed from the waist down. Kazim was told he would never walk again. This was a pivotal point in his life, where he chose to redirect his life, with hopes of regaining his health and freedom. 

He would have his friends crack his bones into place, and experimented with yoga and careful stretches. 

‘I conducted 63 different experiments on myself,’ Kazim told the Daily Hurriyet. ‘I was born again. Nine months after the experiment, I began to walk.’

Kazim believes that his recovery is due to his dedication and mental effort. ‘Man uses his brain power if applied correctly and the brain can regenerate muscles and nervous system,’ he explains.

He enjoys swimming, yoga, and a meat-free diet with a spoonful of honey every day. He can perform the ‘knot position’ for up to 48 hours, hold his breath for four to five minutes and have three to five orgasms per day at his age of 95!

I hope I am as useful as him when I am 95! What about you?

Almost 50-Year-Old Mom Looks So Young That People Think She’s Son’s Girlfriend, Now She Reveals Her Secrets

by May 12, 2017

Liu Yelin is almost 50 years old and looks half her age! She rarely wears makeup and when she is with her 22-year-old son people thinks he is her boyfriend. 

For the past three decades she has exercised regularly “I swim in the lake and do weight training every day,” she said. “My favorite thing is swimming outdoors in winter.” She even swam across the Yangtse river in China, the Han River in S. Korea, and impressively she swam the from Penang, Malaysia to the Strait of Malacca 7.45 miles in four hours. 

She lives by the motto “if you look rough then you haven’t sweated enough.” 

Is it possible to look half your age, Liu Yelin is walking proof

The mother and son

Without a wrinkle in sight and a super-toned body

“People are often shocked to find out I’m almost 50,” Liu Yelin (49) said

So, what is that secret of hers?

Regular exercise for three decades

“I swim in the lake and do weight training every day”

“My favorite thing is swimming outdoors in winter”

In fact, Liu has swum across the Yangtse River in China and the Han River in South Korea

And last year, she swam from the shores of Penang, Malaysia to the Strait of Malacca – that’s a whopping 7.45 miles in just 4 hours!

Her motto? “If you think you look rough, that’s because you haven’t sweated enough”

32 Signs You Immediately Need More Magnesium! (and How To Get It)

by May 12, 2017

Can the lack of one nutrient have a noticeable impact on our health? It turns out that it can, and the consequences can be detrimental… 

With the American diet changing in nutritional value drastically over the past 20-30 years a rise in health issues and deficiencies have become common. Magnesium happens to be the most common form of undernourishment as it was traditionally derived from soil. The soils of today are severely depleted with artificial fertilizers only supplying N-P-K to the eroded soils. N-P-K stands for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium; which is barely enough for a plant to grow and look like a plant.


1. Anxiety
2. Asthma
3. Blood clots
4. Bowel disease
5. Calcium deficiency
6. Confusion
7. Constipation
8. Cystitis
9. Depression
10. Difficulty swallowing
11. Dizziness
12. Fatigue
13. Fertility/childbearing issues: Getting or staying pregnant, preeclampsia, preterm labor
14. High blood pressure
15. Heart issues
16. Hypertension
17. Hypoglycemia
18. Insomnia
19. Liver and kidney disease
20. Memory loss
21. Migraines
22. Muscle cramps
23. Nausea
24. Osteoporosis
25. Personality changes: often similar to symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders
26. Potassium deficiency: may cause extreme thirst, fluid retention, and irritability
27. Raynaud’s syndrome: may cause cold fingers or toes, color changes in skin due to temperature changes, and numbness in extremities
28. Respiratory difficulties
29. Seizures
30. Tooth decay
31. Tremors
32. Type II diabetes

Magnesium is used in over 300 bodily processes, and its deficiency disrupts the smooth communication from the brain signals to the cell. Magnesium regulates the circulatory system, bone health, sleep, energy, and mood, to name a few examples.

Natural forms of magnesium are firstly suggested like dark leafy vegetables, beans, seeds, nuts, and fish. Pharmaceutically produced magnesium (pills) is harder for the body to bind to and absorb, then ends up being discarded. If you must consume a pill, a combination of other vitamins and minerals is suggested in order to assist the body to absorb the nutrients.  

We Should All Know These 7 Things About Our Blood Type!

by May 12, 2017

Humans have four blood type categories, each blood type tells a story of an individual’s ancestry, what foods are best, and even what exercises render the best results for mind, body, and soul. 

There are four principle types: A which is for Agrarian, B for Bavarian, O for Original hunter, and AB is the most modern blood type and has the best immune system. Still there exists another 400 subcategories for blood types, these all determine an individual’s health profile, it is also important to note that these aspects will refine ones directional compass. Therefore the following is mostly an outline to help you get started in understanding your health in relation to your blood type. 

Foods that benefit your blood type:

  • Blood type A: Vegetarian based diet with fish, chicken, and yogurt. Avoid legumes, spicy foods, dehydration, and coffee. 
  • Blood type B: Dairy, mutton, fish, vegetables, tea and grains suit this blood type best. Avoid alcohol, preservatives, and excessive noise. 
  • Blood type O: Meat, fish, vegetables, and fasting. Avoid dairy, processed foods, and over-eating. 
  • Blood type AB: This is considered the modern blood type, therefore they can digest anything efficiently. Its is recommend to eat organic, fresh live foods, as eating fried (etc) foods take away from your energy.

Blood type and personality:

  • Blood type A: compassionate, organized, efficient, leaders
  • Blood type B: meditative, flexible, friendly, action oriented
  • Blood type O: practical, assertive, attentive, empathetic
  • Blood type AB: rational, calm, strong, forward thinking

Blood type and stress:

  • Blood type A: Highly susceptible to high cortisol and takes longer to recover from stress. Drinking water helps to calm down.
  • Blood type B: Mostly calm, but reaches the limit and has an extreme swing to high levels of cortisol. Breathing helps to return to harmony.
  • Blood type O: Susceptible to an outburst of anger, because of their primordial ancestry. Visualizing something peaceful helps to restore peace. 
  • Blood type AB: Handles stress very well, can become frustrated at the worst. Activity like walking helps release built-up tension. 

Blood type and fat:

  • Blood type A: Will accumulate fat from meats and sugars.
  • Blood type B: Is ill affected by fried foods and breads.
  • Blood type O: Gains fat from eating irregularly.
  • Blood type AB: Gains fat from inactivity.

Blood type and Mate:

  • RH Factor is the second most important blood group system, after ABO consist of 50 defined blood-group antigens, of which D, C, c, E, e are the five most important. A.K.A. RH Factor, RH Positive, RH Negative which refers to the D antigen only. 
  • RH positive has the D antigen and RH negative does not have the D antigen.

In pregnancy, the RH factor can cause complications such as:

  • Hemolytic Disease- breakdown of red blood cells
  • Erythroblastosis Fetalis- producing immature red blood cells, in the fetus

This occurs when the fetus or the fathers’ blood type is incompatible with that of the mothers (i.e.. typically the mother being RH-negative and the father RH-positive). 

The mother is to receive an injection called RhoGAm or Rho (D) which is a sterile solution (made from human blood plasma) at 28 weeks of gestation and within 72 hours after birth to avoid the development of antibodies from the mother towards the fetus (an allergic reaction could be possible). The injection works like a vaccine, it contains RH-positive blood, the mothers’ body then detects these antibodies and reacts as though the immune system had already taken action against the “foreign” Rh-positive red blood cells. Therefore distracting the mothers’ immune system from attacking the fetus.

Blood types and transfusions:

Blood type compatibilities

  • AB is the universal blood type receiver, but can only donate to AB.
  • A can receive blood type from A or O, and can donate to A or AB.
  • B can receive blood type from B or O, and can donate to B or AB.
  • O can only receive from blood type O, and is the universal blood type donor. 
  • Individuals with type O RH D negative blood type are often called universal donors, and those with type AB RH D positive are called universal recipients.

Plasma compatibility

  • AB can only receive plasma from AB, and is the universal plasma donor to any blood group.
  • A can receive from A and AB, but can only donate to A and O.
  • B can receive from B and AB, but can only donate to B and O.  
  • O  is the universal plasma receiver, but can only donate plasma to O.
  • Type O plasma containing both anti-A and anti-B antibodies can only be given to O recipients. Conversely, AB plasma can be given to patients of any ABO blood group, due to not containing any anti-A or anti-B antibodies. 

Please visit to learn more about your blood type and enhance your health with this technique.

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