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WARNING: If You Have These 6 Symptoms, You Could Have A Heart Attack In The Next Month

by May 16, 2017

With nearly half of all heart attacks occurring outside of the hospital, early detection can be the deciding factor when it comes to survival. Knowing what to watch out for, and listening to the signs, can save your life!

The statistics are staggering, and yet so many Americans are still unaware of the signs that can save their life, or the lives of those they love. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a study into heart attack sufferers and found that 92% of those who experienced a heart attacked had also experienced chest discomfort as an early symptom of a heart attack, however only 27% of those individuals recognized this as a warning and knew to call 9-1-1.

With heart disease responsible for 1 in 4 American deaths in 2008, the risk is too big to keep quiet!

chest pain, heart attack, heart disease, warning signs

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recognizes some risk factors for heart attack that are worth acknowledging. They identify the three major causes of heart attack as high blood pressure, smoking and high cholesterol. They also warn that conditions such as being overweight, poor diet, physical inactivity, excessive alcohol intake and diabetes increase your risk factor.

So, what can you do to protect yourself? Know, and watch for, these 6 Signs….

 These 6 signs are early indicators of heart attack, possibly warning you as much as a month before it strikes!

  1. Shortness of Breath

The lungs and heart are very closely tied to one another in their function. For this reason, if the heart is struggling the lungs in turn are not receiving the oxygen that they require to function. This leads to difficulties with breathing, and the feeling of being short of breath.

  1. Fatigue

The heart is forced to work hard to try to keep up with its regular functions when the arteries begin to close. For this reason, even the most basic of activities can leave you feeling exhausted with no reasonable explanation (that you were aware of before now). This may be noticeable in the need to sleep longer, struggling to wake up in the mornings, or the need to take naps frequently throughout the day just to keep moving forward.

  1. Dizziness

 When your heart function is compromised, it is unable to maintain the necessary level of oxygen within your blood. This causes feelings of light-headedness and dizziness. If you are ever feeling unexplainable dizziness seek immediate medical attention!

  1. Chest Discomfort

This sign may or may not be present in every case. It is possible to have a heart attack without feeling any discomfort in one’s chest, and in fact is a typical occurrence in female sufferers.

 Any type of discomfort in your chest should be a warning sign, whether it is occurring during physical activity or while you are completely at rest. Watch for any of the following types of chest discomfort:

  • Burning sensation
  • Pinching
  • Pressure in or on the chest

If you are unsure, it is better to be safe than story! Consult a medical professional as soon as possible!

  1. Swelling

 As the heart struggles to pump the necessary blood through your body, you may experience a bloating-life effect. Specifically pay attention to your extremities including your feet, ankles and legs. A blue tinge may also be visible in your lips or in the extremities which is called Peripheral Cyanosis.

  1. Persistent Cough

This isn’t referring to the cough that you get for a day or two when battling some sort of respiratory bug, or the short-lived cough that comes from walking into an overly dusty room. This is a cough, without other supporting signs of illness, that doesn’t seem to go away. Pay attention also for white or pink mucus. As the heart struggles to supply an adequate amount of blood to the body it can begin to accumulate in the lungs, causing the cough and potentially the mucus from blood leakage.

Turmeric Can Cure Cancer By Killing Its CAUSE – Yeast Infections

by May 15, 2017

Centuries ago medical professionals became aware of the connection between yeast infections and much larger underlying diseases such as malignant tumors, diabetes mellitus and chronic infections. Recent studies show that another disease that can be connected with the presence of these infections is Cancer!

tumeric, curcumin, cancer fighting

A recent study, “Candida Albicans and Cancer: Can This Yeast Induce Cancer Development or Progression?”, published in Critical Reviews in Microbiology, addresses the connection between yeast infections and Cancer. The results not only found that the yeast was a by-product of cancer, but that it was actually acting as a contributor to the disease!

tumeric, curcumin, cancer fighting

The impact of Candida during infection on the body is severe, especially in those with compromised immune systems. The infection excretes toxins in the body, that quickly overwhelm the immune system and its attempts to fight the infection off. Not only should medical professionals aim to avoid the presence of Candida Albicans in cancer patients, however it would be beneficial to concentrate further study on the possibility of minimizing its risk and the effect that come from Candida Albicans including the creation of pro-tumor micro-environments through the use of drug treatments.

tumeric, curcumin, cancer fighting

The authors of the study wrote:

“There is currently increasing concern about the relation between microbial infections and cancer. More and more studies support the view that there is an association, above all, when the causal agents are bacteria or viruses. This review adds to this, summarizing evidence that the opportunistic fungus Candida Albicans increases the risk of carcinogenesis and metastasis. Until recent years, Candida spp. Had fundamentally been linked to cancerous processes as it is an opportunist pathogen that takes advantage of the immunosuppressed state of patients particularly due to chemotherapy.

In contrast, the most recent findings demonstrate that C. Albicans is capable of promoting cancer by several mechanisms, as described in the review: production of carcinogenic byproducts, triggering of inflammation, induction of Th17 response and molecular mimicry. We underline the need not only to control this type of infection during cancer treatment, especially given the major role of this yeast species in nosocomial infections, but also to find new therapeutic approaches to avoid the pro-tumor effect of this fungal species.”

The second study, “Curcumin and Its Promise as an Anti-Cancer Drug: An Analysis of its Anti-Cancer and Anti-Fungal Effects in Cancer and Associated Complications from Invasive Fungal Infections” focused on the healing powers of curcumin, the primary polyphenol found in turmeric. Curcumin has a heightened ability to withstand attacks from free radicals within the body, allowing it to protect the body against fungal infections.

tumeric, curcumin, cancer fighting

The authors of the study revealed:

“Curcumin, a natural component that is isolated from the rhizome of Curcuma longa plants, has attracted great interest among many scientists studying solid cancers over the last half century. Interestingly, curcumin provides an ideal alternative to current therapies because of its relatively safe profile, even at high doses. To date, curcumin’s potent antifungal activity against different strains of Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus, Trichosporon and Paracoccidioides have been reported, indicating that curcumin anticancer drugs may also possess an antifungal role, helping cancer patients to resist invasive fungal infection related complications. The aim of this review is to discuss curcumin’s dual pharmacological activities regarding its applications as a natural anticancer and antifungal agent. These dual pharmacological activities are expected to lead to clinical trials and to improve infection survival among cancer patients.

Curcumin is an up-and-coming drug of natural origin with multi-target properties and it has exhibited efficient anticancer and antifungal activities alone or in combination with conventional chemotherapy drugs and antifungal agents. The dual pharmacological activities of curcumin may make it a good candidate for the prevention and treatment of cancer and its cancer-related invasive fungal infection related complications.”

Traditional cancer therapies in use today come with a long list of side effects, including:

  • Damage to the patient’s immune system
  • The risk of developing treatment-resistant fungal infections
  • Kidney Damage
  • Liver Damage

tumeric, curcumin, cancer fighting

These studies illustrated the power of Turmeric in the fight against cancer. It’s ability to fight fungal infections without the side effects of traditional cancer treatments is worth of further investigation.

Black Salve: The Magical Cancer Cure That’s Been Hidden From Us For Decades

by May 15, 2017

Black salve is a powerful homeopathic remedy that is can cure chronic conditions including cancer. It is a special blend of herbs, a recipe that has incredible medicinal value.

Black salve originates from South America and has been in use for generations. The pharmaceutical industry has attempted to oppress and claim that this natural remedy can be dangerous. The fears of the pharmacy industry are the public having access to cost efficient cures and independently taking responsibility for their health. They prefer that we depend on their nasty remedies that carry many adverse side effects. 

Black salve is used to remove tumors, fungi, and treat yeast. The ingredients include zinc chloride, chaparral, and the key ingredient bloodroot. 

Sanguinarine is another name for the key ingredient Bloodroot which is full of antimicrobial, tumoricidal, anticancer, antiangiogenic and antimicrotubule properties. It has been used to treat skin tags, skin cancer, warts, circulation, moles, and cough.   

It can be used externally and internally, amazingly when applied to remove warts it leaves fresh healthy skin while cleanly removing the abnormal growth.

10 Facts That You Need To Know About Bananas!

by May 15, 2017

Bananas are a great diet food not only for their high levels of potassium, but for their ability to facilitate weight loss. Eaten on a daily basis they have many lasting health benefits!

Bananas prevent osteoporosis, blindness, diabetes, cramps and nausea. Because they are rich in dietary fiber this prevents constipation and indigestion by regulating the bowel movements.

  1. Best weight loss food, in two weeks the results show from eating four to six bananas per day.
  2. A starch resistant food and made up of 75% water.
  3. Regulates blood sugar, great for those who suffer from diabetes.
  4. Prevents calcium deficiency, improves the mineral absorption and strengthens bones and teeth.
  5. Improves reasoning and cognitive ability due to the high potassium content.
  6. Bananas prevent kidney cancer and kidney stones by encouraging the body’s calcium absorption.
  7. Bananas contain a high amount of iron which improves the blood quality and prevents anemia.
  8. Before exercising, consume a banana or two to get enough stamina for the whole session.
  9. High in potassium Bananas protect from stroke and heart attack.
  10. They treat depression because of their tryptophan content that transforms into serotonin in the body which controls the mood.

Bananas are a Low-energy-density food, which provides more food with fewer calories. As they have extra bulk from calorie-free fiber higher water content.

White Vinegar Is A Gardener’s Best Friend. Here Are 11 Clever Uses in The Garden

by May 15, 2017

The desire to move away from toxic pesticide, fungicides, herbicides and artificial fertilizer is gaining popularity as health awareness is on the rise.

Growing your own food organically is the alternative, but the tricky pest problem remains, fortunately, vinegar is a great alternative to these artificial toxins!

Vinegar can simultaneously enhance the life of a plant and kill weeds. 

Get Rid of Weeds

Get rid of unwanted garden growth by pouring apple cider vinegar onto weeds. 

Food for Acidic Loving Plants

Plants like gardenias, holly, azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas, and begonias grow beautifully in acidic soil. Spray them with a mixture of 1 gallon of water to 1 cup of white vinegar to help them grow.

Removes Fruit Flies

To keep fruit flies and household flies at bay, you should mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar, a tablespoon of molasses, a quarter cup of sugar and a cup of water.

Then, pour the mixture into a suitable container and hang it on the fruit tree. Fruit flies will be trapped in it as soon as they try to attack the mixture.

Cleanse Your Hands of Allergens

You can wind up with dirt and allergens on your hands after spending a day working in your garden. Wash your hands with some distilled vinegar to cleanse them of debris and make sure that they don’t itch.

Keep Rabbits at Bay

If rabbits are ruining your garden you can soak cotton balls in distilled vinegar and place them in a 35mm film container or something similar. Poke holes in the top of the container and place it in your garden to keep rabbits at bay.

Kill Ants

Spray ant hills with one part water and one part vinegar to kill them. Spray areas where ants are likely to invade to keep them at bay.

Wash Your Garden Tools

You can soak garden tools, like a rake or hoe, overnight in vinegar to get rid of rust and grime. You can also fill a plastic bag with vinegar and tie it over a water spigot to keep it submerged. Rinse everything off with water.

Get Rid of Slugs and Snails

If slugs and snails are compromising your plant growth, spray them with some undiluted vinegar. This will make them wither and die.

Clean Out Your Birdbath

Mix some undiluted water with white vinegar and use it to scrub your birdbath. Make sure to rinse it off with water.

Keep Kitty Away

If your kitty is using your garden or your kid’s sandbox as a toilet then you can pour some distilled vinegar into the sand or soil to keep them away.

Keep Flowers Fresh

Help freshly cut flowers from your garden last by adding two tablespoons of vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar to a quart of water before adding your flowers.

Morgan Freeman Calls Out Monsanto And The Government (Video)

by May 15, 2017

Bee colonies are declining and it’s become something of a real concern to some people. This can have irreversible consequences for our food production, as without pollination plants are unable to reproduce. 

This is so severe that scientist are warning of the irreversible damages. You might wonder what event has taken place to lead to such a catastrophe. 

Morgan Freeman in an interview with Larry King stated that he believes that Monsanto the manufacturer of the popular pesticide Glycophosphate marketed as Roundup is responsible. 

He believes that the government has not sufficiently enforced laws that preserve our environment and the contributions of Monsanto chemicals are destroying the bee colonies. 

As a result, Morgan Freeman has taken matters into his own hands and started his own bee farm! Another reason to love this talented actor!

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