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Scientific Study Confirms that Sitting More than 6 Hours a Day Can Significantly Reduce Your Life Span

by May 17, 2017

Most of us know and understand well that sitting around all day long isn’t the best thing in the world for our health. However, now a recent study has found that not only is it bad for you, it can reduce your life expectancy as well.

The study, which was published in the American Journal of Preventative medicine found that when we sit for long periods of time, our odds of an untimely death increases.

That includes hours spent working, watching television, studying at home, and lounging outside. Participants in the study reported their sedentary time via questionnaire, which was placed into four categories (≤4, >4–8, ≥8–11, >11 hours).

Then, the mortality risks of the participants were calculated by use of Cox proportional hazard models, with adjustments for cofounders. By using their age, race, body mass index, physical activity, and any chronic diseases, researchers discovered that those who were more sedentary had an increased risk for early death, as well as a higher risk for cancer.

In another study, it was discovered that sitting more than three hours a day could cause 3.8% of “all-cause deaths” within the 54 counties that were used in the study.

And, if we reduce our sitting time, we could add an additional 0.2 years to our lives, according to the researchers conducting the study.

“Assuming that the effect of sitting time on all-cause mortality risk is independent of physical activity, reducing sitting time plays an important role in active lifestyle promotion, which is an important aspect of premature mortality prevention worldwide.”

However, there is good news. According to the researchers who wrote the study, by simply reducing our sitting time to 50% of what it was before, we could see a 2.3 decline in all-cause mortality.

Of course, if you are already living a mostly sedentary lifestyle, getting up and moving more can sound like quite a bit to get used to. But, when starting, you can take baby steps to the finish line. Start by waking up earlier in the day to get started. If you sit at work, try taking the stairs to your office, and make sure to park your car a way farther than usual. You can also try taking a simple walk, or go window shopping during your lunchbreak. By making simple modifications at first, you can change your lifestyle and lengthen your life span considerably, over time.

Put These Bug-Repelling Mason Jars Outside and You Will Not See a Mosquito All Summer

by May 17, 2017

Buddha says do not kill not even an ant, however, mosquitoes are the exception to that rule. They spread diseases, viruses, and can start epidemics, and are very annoying, to say the least. 

Store bought bug sprays contains chemicals that are harmful to people, like the chemical called DEET which can cause allergies, irritations, and even damage the nervous system. Natural alternatives for mosquitos repellents use citrus-based essential oils, as mosquitos are repelled by scent.  



Essential oils and citrus fruits are an excellent mosquito repellent. Here’s what you will need:

2 mason jars

10 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil

10 drops of citronella essential oil

One lemon, sliced

One lime, sliced

4 rosemary sprigs

Floating disc candles

Preparation: Add even amounts of lemon and lime slices to each jar and then put 2 sprigs of rosemary into each jar. Next, fill the jar with ¾ water and add 10 drops of the essential oils to a specific jar (don’t mix them). To activate them, just light a candle.

These DIY bug-repelling jars make a great addition to outdoor areas where you spend your summer nights.

Shocking Ultrasound Pictures Of Pregnant Smokers

by May 17, 2017

With all the information currently available regarding pregnancy and smoking, one would assume that the idea of smoking during pregnancy was a thing of the past. Shockingly, however, this is not the case!

Researchers at Durham University in the United Kingdom completed a study during which they took 4-D ultrasound pictures of the fetuses of pregnant mothers who continued to smoke, as well as non-smoking mothers. While it is known that smoking causes complications, the results of the study are shocking.

The results of the study illustrate the disturbing truth about smoking during pregnancy.

 ultrasound, 4-D ultrasound, smoking during pregnancy  

The study was conducted with a focus on the hand and mouth movements of fetuses in smoking mothers compared to those in non-smoking mothers. High definition 4-D ultrasounds were used to take pictures during the investigation.

smoking, pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy

The study found that fetuses that are carried by smoking mothers are more likely to touch their face and mouth more than those being carried by non-smoking mothers.

 smoking, pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy

Each of the 20 mothers in the study was scanned for pictures between the 24th and 36th week of pregnancy. Of the 20 mothers included in the study, 4 were smokers.

 smoking, pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy

The study found that fetuses being carried by smoking mothers experienced a 69% increase of self touch, and a 58% increase of mouth movement.

 smoking, pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy

Previously conducted studies concluded that fetuses with mothers who experience high levels of stress may also see more movement of the fetus, as it causes the baby stress. There is belief that these two findings may be connected, however further study is required to confirm before any conclusions can be drawn.

 smoking, pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy

The increase in movement of the fetus could indicate that the toxins from the smoke, including nicotine, have an effect on the fetus’ development.

 ultrasound, 4-D ultrasound, smoking during pregnancy

Researchers from this study hope that the shocking images from the study will help to steer expecting mothers away from continuing to smoke throughout their pregnancy.

 smoking, pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy

The US Centers for Disease Control state that 10% of women continue to smoke during the last 3 months of their pregnancy.

 smoking, pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy

It is important to note that there is no ‘safe’ level of smoking while pregnant.

 ultrasound, 4-D ultrasound, smoking during pregnancy

The following complications have been connected with smoking during pregnancy:

  • Low birth weight
  • Premature birth
  • Miscarriage

 smoking, pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy

Smoking during pregnancy not only impacts the oxygen available to the other, but also the oxygen supply that is available to the baby.

 smoking, pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy

Mothers who smoke while pregnant see a higher instance of birth defects.

 smoking, pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy

Smoking during pregnancy has been found to increase the baby’s heart rate.

 ultrasound, 4-D ultrasound, smoking during pregnancy

Smoking while pregnant has been found to increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Read This Before Drinking Your Next Coconut Water! You May Find THIS Inside The Packaging…

by May 16, 2017

Coconut water has become very popular in the past few years, and for good reason it does so many wonderful things for your body. But if you drink the kind that you can buy out of the carton, you might want to read this.

Imagine finding pieces of dead animals inside a store-bought fresh beverage. Barbara Evelyn Marie cut open her water because it didn’t taste right, and was disgusted at what she found.

The coco water didn’t taste so fresh after the first few sips. And after her discovery of flesh in her coco water she definitely became ill. Having drunk that small amount, she suffered food poisoning with diarrhea and stomach pain.

“Nothing seemed wrong with the packaging, the expiration date read July 17, 2017”, she said.

The company reported that they are currently investigating this problem and their quality inspection team is working hard to understand how this may have happened.

Cleanse Your Colon FAST With These 10 Remedies

by May 16, 2017

Visualize your colon, the entire thing, can you imagine that average American has an average of 10 pounds of waste trapped inside? Imagine it is plastered to the walls of your intestines, blocking absorption of vital nutrients. 

If you can’t absorb food properly, undernourishment can slowly start to make you feel sluggish and have a cloudy mind. The brain consumes approximately 60% of the nutrients you put in your body, that is far more than any other single organ. Therefore it is recommended that you eat to feed your brain before your physical body. The optimum diet for the brain is one rich in omega 3, minerals, and vitamins. Recent studies show a correlation between gut health and mental health. 

Take these easy steps to improve not only your colon health but also strengthen your mental health.

Drink Water

Drinking water facilitates digestion, elimination of waste and release of toxins. Temperate water is recommended as cold water will cause contraction and warm water will relax the body. One to two liters of water per day is recommended. 


Prunes are high in fiber and that makes them great for clearing colon blockages. Make sure your drink plenty of water and plan to start on your weekend at home. 


Blending is a great way to get fiber, and bananas are excellent to promote weight loss as well. Morning is the best time to get your fiber dose for the day, oatmeal soothes the colon and muesli along with yogurt replenishes probiotics as well. 

Lemon Juice 

Drink a cup of warm water with lemon juice to increase metabolism and supplement the bowels with vitamin C which increases calcium absorption. 


Medications, like antibiotics, can kill off healthy gut bacteria, you can replenish your probiotics by eating the following foods:

  • Yogurt
  • Kimchi
  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kombucha

Natural sources of probiotics are recommended, as pharmaceutically manufactured probiotics are instead discarded by the body.  


Flaxseed is high in omega 3 which and fiber allows the colon to release, ground flaxseed is recommended for those with diverticulosis. Flaxseed also has great anticancer properties and can be added to breakfast foods and beverages.

Apple Cider Vinegar Cleanse

Apple cider vinegar’s acidity helps to battle through years of hardened toxic colon blockage. 

Mix 8 ounces of warm water with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of organic honey. Shake, stir and drink.

Ginger Tea

Ginger increases absorption relaxes the body and increases metabolism. Ginger tea is soothing and mixed with a quarter teaspoon of turmeric (to reduce the bloating constipation causes) has and added anticancer effect.

Bring the water, ginger, and turmeric to a boil. Then, reduce the heat to a simmer and let it sit for 10 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and add raw honey to taste.

Cinnamon Tea 

Warms up the body and stimulates the kidneys along with the gallbladder. The gallbladder has enzymes that break down fats and oils. Beetroots are a good replacement for people living without a gallbladder.


Walking between 30-60 minutes after your last meal for the day helps the stomach move food around to digest it and eliminate it. Also, try rubbing your belly before going to bed the heat from your hands will help digestion as well.

This Is Why You Should NEVER Drink Water With Ice

by May 16, 2017

After a long hot summer day, an icy cold drink may seem like the perfect way to relax and cool down. This might actually be harming the way you digest food, as cold causes the body to contract, which can complicate digestion. 

Drinking hot or temperate water is beneficial to digestion, circulation, detoxification, and elimination. It improves absorption, assist in breaking down foods, and prevents constipation. However everything has its time and place, and cold water can be beneficial at certain times for certain things, like increasing metabolism and cooling us down. 

This is what cold water does to your body

Drinking ice cold water with a full stomach is bad for your health. It makes your blood vessels shrink, digestion becomes restricted, and it makes fats solidify which can increase your toxicity and can feed tumors. Energy is spent on raising back up the body temperature, this can lead to dehydration and excess mucus. 

Why is drinking warm water better?

  • Improves digestion – the digestive enzymes are stimulated in the colon and food metabolism is improved; constipation is alleviated. 
  • Enables elimination of toxins, improves skin health, kidneys, lymphatic system and allows efficient mitochondrial protein production.  
  • Can relieve pain, cramps as it increases a more even blood flow also relieves nasal congestion. 

Drinking warm water is something you need to get used to. However, once you do you will be amazed from the benefits it provides. This can also stop sugar cravings completely.

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