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12 Cleaning Hacks That Cost a Few Pennies

by May 21, 2017

When it comes to cleaning the more you can do for less the better. There are tons of cheap and easy cleaning hacks that will leave your house looking great on a budget!

1. Homemade Duster

If it comes to it use old socks to dust with. This benefits everyone as it puts to use those old holey socks and gets rid of the dust.

2. Toilet Cleaner

Put some Alka-Seltzer tablets in your toilet bowl with a little vinegar. Use your toilet brush to scrub the bowl and look at how white it gets!

3. Bodily Waste Cleaner

If you have pets sometimes accidents happen. If they do, spread some baking soda and water over the mess, it removes the odor and issue.

4. Tile Cleaner

Mix bleach with baking soda and use it to remove grout from tile all over your home.

5. Shower-head Cleaner

Tie a sandwich bag of vinegar over your shower-head to get rid of any mineral deposits and have it looking like new again.

6. Garbage Disposal Cleaner

Put citrus rinds in the garbage disposal and grind them up this will get rid of any nasty smells.

7. Window Wipes

Use newspaper instead of paper towels.

8. Cutting Board Cleaner

Squeeze lemon juice and salt on it and rub it in well. This will get rid of any lingering odors.

9. Pet Hair Remover

Scrape your squeegee across your carpet. You will be amazed at what it gets up.

10. Aluminum Foil Dryer Balls

Ball up some aluminum foil and put it in the dryer. This will get rid of any static.

11. Mold Killer

Spray vinegar directly on it and scrub it with a cloth after letting it sit for three whole minutes.

12. Unclog Drains

Pour a pot of boiling hot water down the drain and then dump in a half of a cup of baking soda and one cup of vinegar. Cover the drain in order to contain the reaction and let it sit for ten whole minutes. After that is done pour one more pot of boiling water down the drain and give it a go.

Use This And Your Hair Will Grow Like Crazy

by May 21, 2017

Hair loss is something that nobody wants to experience. However, lots of people still struggle with it. Unfortunately, this is the way life works, but there are natural ways to treat hair loss and get your hair back!

Hair loss can be caused by lots of things. It is typically just a side effect of age, but it is nonetheless a horrible thing to experience. Our hair is one of the most attractive qualities a person can have, and your self-confidence can take a huge hit when you start losing your doo. However, there are ways to get back. There are tons of pharmaceutical creams, ointments, and medications that claim to be the solution to all of your hair loss issues, but they are all shams. They typically contain ingredients that are useful for your health and can actually decrease hair growth. They are all money scams, that’s why you should go the natural way.

There are many natural ingredients that can stimulate hair growth. It is super important for your overall health to treat all of your health issues naturally, as opposed to pharmaceutically. Pharmaceuticals are extremely dangerous for your health – and they do little good anyway. That’s why onions are going to be your best friend when it comes to getting your hair back. Onion juice has a chemical in it referred to as sulfur. While it gives off a pungent smell, it’s really good for your integumentary system. It stimulates your hair follicles, producing hair growth. It’s a cheap and easy fix too!

Here’s the Magic Recipe:


  • Honey
  • Onion
  • Blender
  • Knife
  • Bowl
  • Spoon
  • Strainer
  • Lavender Oil

First, peel and chop one onion into a blender and blend it into a pulp. Take that pulp and place it into a strainer, using a spoon to drain the juice into a bowl. Now, add a couple teaspoons of honey to the onion juice. Next, add a few drops of lavender oil into the mixture. Now, you’re ready for the treatment.

What you need to do first is massage the bald patches of your scalp with the onion juice and honey mix. Then, use a shower cap to cover your hair overnight. If you are unable to leave the cap on overnight, it is fine to do it during waking hours as long as it is for at least an hour. Next, rinse your hair out. Repeat this steps every day until you see renewed growth in your hair and are satisfied with the results.

I Finally Found A Tea That Makes My Allergies Go Away and I’ll Never Stop Drinking It

by May 20, 2017

My allergies had always been well, awful to say the least however since I found this tea they no longer bother me. Nothing I have ever tried has worked until now.

Nettle tea is something that has been proven on more than one occasion to reduce the symptoms of allergies because it is a natural antihistamine so I decided to give it a go, I had nothing to lose except my allergies. The only downside to nettle is that is is a bit grassy and unpleasant, or at least for me, it is. That being said I have been able to drink it without issue.

Within about a week I noticed dramatic improvements with my allergies. I drank two cups a day, my nose was no longer stuffy and my eyes did not itch. It was a lifesaver! After I realized the tea was working I began looking into different kinds of nettle tea and found that for me my favorite is Peppermint Vanilla Nettle tea. I could honestly say it is the best tea I have ever tasted and I will put a link to where you can purchase it if you’d like, click here.

However, if you want to make your own nettle tea at home the video below can show you how. You could always add a bit of peppermint or vanilla oil to the tea itself to make the flavor a bit easier to deal with. It all depends on what you would want for yourself and I would assume homemade tea would work much better.

Nettle tea has definitely made a huge impact on my life and I will never go a single day without it now. For more information on nettle tea and how it is able to help with allergies please take the time to watch the video below. Enjoy!

A Look Inside The Illegal Butt-Boosting Industry That Uses Bone Cement For Butt Lifts

by May 20, 2017

If you take the time to stop at look at which celebrities are currently in the spotlight it will come as no surprise that big booties are a trend. Having a large rear is without a doubt one of the biggest sex symbols in this day and age.

However, it is terrifying the lengths women will go to get the look. A video of a butt-boosting clinic will show you just how far some will go and to be honest it’s pretty scary. According to police, women have flown around the world to get to this butt-boosting clinic in a grimy three-story house in one of Rio de Janeiro’s largest favelas. These women are eager to be injected with bone cement even thought it could potentially be lethal.

The clinic in which I am referring to was run by three women who had no medical experience what so ever and they were boosting the behinds of women who would come in by injecting bone cement into their rear ends. Using this for butt enhancements is something that is considered to be extremely risky and has been linked to quite a few deaths. The procedure itself has been banned in places like the UK and the US.

While the procedure itself is allowed in Brazil it is only allowed in amounts up to five milliliters, these women though were pumping up to 400 milliliters into each butt cheek of their patients. According to an undercover female police officer (the one who set up this sting operation), that is close to two hundred times the amount considered safe.

Shocking footage shows one woman being captured in the act of pumping these chemicals into one ladies rear end and for those who are not aware bone cement (methacrylate) is something that is used to set joints in place and define bone structures during reconstructive surgery, why anyone would want to use it to make their butt bigger is a huge question for me. Police told Dailymail that this is something the clinic would usually charge around $1,300 dollars for.

Suspects Irys Cabral Pierrout, Renata Pena, and Ana Paula Pequeno have been charged with administering illegal doses of bone cement. They were also charged with drug trafficking as officers found anesthetic that can only be obtained under prescription in their possession. The spy camera footage from this sting was released recently shows a lot of questionable actions on their part.

Something very serious could have happened there but thanks to the police it was shut down. The women who were running this clinic are facing up to 15 years of jail time. Who knows how many more clinics there are like this one out there. Take a look at some of the undercover footage in the video below.

How to Reduce Laugh Lines in 3 Months Naturally

by May 20, 2017

When we begin getting wrinkles on our faces some of us panic. Sure, it is a sign of aging but we none of us really want to age.

We get wrinkles in all sorts of places and one of the more common places is around the mouth. These wrinkles are often referred to as laugh lines. They start from the sides of your nose and reach the corner of the mouth on both sides.

If you are dealing with unwanted laugh lines it is not the end of the world. You can get rid of them! This natural remedy will work wonders on your wrinkles.

Laugh Line Remedy

Things Needed:


  • Massage your pressure points (places beside the wings of your nose) with coconut oil.
  • Massage for one whole minute each day over the course of three months.

Doing this will improve the circulation of blood and help reduce any sagging skin you are dealing with because of poor circulation. Coconut oil is very effective in reducing wrinkles. This is because of the antioxidants in it among other things that help to protect your skin from free radicals. Stay patient and enjoy!

Negativity Literally Makes Cancer Grow Inside The Body, According To Science

by May 20, 2017

Scientists have long suspected that your emotions play a powerful role in your overall health, however their latest discovery reveals just how powerful their impact is!


When discussing the potential causes of cancer, we often focus on the tangible reasons such as known carcinogens including pollution in the air, the use of certain pesticides, and other chemicals that are being used in the foods that we eat daily. However, after twenty years of research, it has been shown that negative feelings can lead to the development of cancer, especially feelings of unforgiveness!

In fact, there is a large body of published research specifically discussing the connection between forgiveness and both mental and physical health! The studies have been so convincing that the Cancer Treatment Centers of America now include forgiveness therapy as part of their cancer treatments!

negative emotions, negative emotions and cancer

Dr. Steven Standiford, the chief surgeon at Cancer Treatments of America explained the reason that they have made this change. “It’s important to treat emotional wounds or disorders because they really can hinder someone’s reactions to the treatments, even someone’s willingness to pursue treatment,” Standiford explained.

Just how widespread is this problem? Dr. Michael Barry, author of ‘The Forgiveness Project,’ states that more than 60% of cancer patients are dealing with forgiveness issues, and over half of these patients are severe cases!

negative emotions, negative emotions and cancer

“Harboring these negative emotions, this anger and hatred, creates a state of chronic anxiety,” Barry explained. “Chronic anxiety very predictably produces excess adrenaline and cortisol, which deplete the production of natural killer cells, which is your body’s foot soldier in the fight against cancer.”

The impact of dealing with forgiveness issues is not only felt by cancer patients. These negative thoughts have also been connected with high blood pressure, heart problems, stomach ulcers and chronic pain.

In a recent study of female emotional abuse sufferers, it was found that those women who focused on forgiveness as part of their healing process showed a lower instance of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and self-esteem issues.


Counselors specializing in this area of care share that forgiveness begins with self-acceptance. To assist in releasing these negative emotions they recommend activities like expressive writing and reflection techniques.

Experts explain that making your efforts towards forgiveness about your own freedom, it increases you motivation to let go of past hurts. It starts with accepting what you are feeling, being honest about your role in the event, and then generating enough compassion towards those that ‘wronged you’ to release your negative grudges. Remember – this is important for your own health!

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