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Scientists Identify 28,000 Medicinal Plants That Treat Ailments from Cancer to Diabetes

by May 22, 2017

There are literally thousands of medications on the market today. The pharmaceutical companies are pumping us full of toxic chemicals and not taking a second glance back. That’s exactly why modern day diseases are only on the rise.

We can’t help but face some sort of health issues. No matter who you are, you’re more than likely going to experience some sort of health issue – whether it be a headache or a hemorrhage, doctors will prescribe your toxic medications for any kind of disease.

These medications can bring about all kinds of side effects too. That is why it is always a better choice to heal yourself naturally. There are thousands of natural medicines out there, and they are ten times as effective as regular pharmaceuticals.

A recent analysis by the United kingdom’s Kew Gardens has documented over 28,000 plants that can be utilized as medications. Plant medicine usually pertains to hallucinogenic drugs such as mushrooms or marijuana, but there are actually thousands of other plants that can be used medicinally. To be exact, they have found there to be 28,187 plants that can be used as medications.

The report states:

“In many regions of the world, people still rely on traditional plant-based medicines for their primary healthcare. This is especially true for many rural communities in Africa, parts of Asia, and Central and South America, where plants and knowledge of their traditional use are accessible and affordable. In other countries, many of these traditional plant-based medicines are being integrated through regulations into mainstream health systems.”

“Since 1981, 1,130 new therapeutic agents have been approved for use as pharmaceutical drugs, of which 593 are based on compounds from natural sources. Thirty-eight are derived from medicinal plants. Fifteen of the 56 natural drugs registered for the treatment of cancer since 1980 are derived from medicinal plants with a long history of traditional use.”

“The report said two plants, artemisinin, and quinine, are ‘among the most important weapons’ against malaria, which killed over 400,000 people in 2015,” Yahoo summarized.

According to Monique Simmonds, deputy director of science at Kew, “The report is highlighting the huge potential that there is for plants, in areas like diabetes and malaria,” Yahoo reported. “One study documents 656 flowering plant species used traditionally for diabetes, representing 437 genera and 111 families,” the report explains.

Before you go to your local drugstore in search of a magic pill to cure your sore throat, remember that those medications could be responsible for many harmful side effects. Pharmaceutical CEOs are only concerned with making the most money – not curing your health ailments. Sadly, we’re nothing but dollar signs to them.

2 Great Tips For Naturally Perky Breasts

by May 22, 2017

When your breasts begin to sag it can damage your self confidence greatly. Everything just feels better when everyone is all perked up, and sagging breasts might be the cause of your back pain.

Sagging breasts is rather unfortunate, and even more so inevitable. It is something that nobody wants to experience, but you can’t really avoid it. Not only does it damage your self confidence, but it also damages your back! When your breasts begin to lose their elasticity due to age and the force of gravity, the begin to sag – putting extra uncomfortable pressure onto your spine. This can cause intense lower back pain, and many women even have their breasts reduced in size because it is such an issue. However, there are natural ways to perk the girls back up!

These two ways are the most effective methods of perking up your breasts. Soon your back will be at ease of pain, and you’ll be more confident! The method consists of a workout and a home remedy. The workout is simple and takes little time – same for the home remedy! You can prepare it in minutes with less than 5 dollars invested. Enjoy!

The Workout:

  • Lay on your back on a bench (use your bed or a mat if you don’t have access to a bench)
  • Take one 5-pound weight in each hand
  • Raise your arms straight above your chest
  • Then, lower them out to your sides as far as you can, like you’re an airplane
  • Now raise them up again, back above your chest
  • Repeat

Do 3 sets of 10 of these every other day. This builds the muscles directly under your breasts, in your upper chest, and in your underarm area. In about 1 month, you’ll start to see major improvements!

The Remedy:

Lay in your bed, with your upper body slightly propped up with some pillows, like you’re about to read a good book. Pour a small amount of olive oil into the palm of your hand and rub your hands together.  Place one hand on each breast and make small circles around both of them in a massaging motion. Make 10 circles around each breast, and you’re done!

8-Year-Old Uses Uses Crystal Grid to Transmute Negative Energy! (Video)

by May 22, 2017

With the furthering technologies and advancements, the children of today are believed to be much more consciously adept than past generations. Recently, lots of kids have come up with groundbreaking theories that have even top professors baffled!

Children are much more capable than we give them credit to be. Their childlike and innocent spirit gives them the ability to freely think and be conscious. Children have incredible intuitive abilities and are extremely in touch with their spiritual sides. Like so, 8-year-old Adam has created his latest ‘web grid’ composed of crystals. He says that it pulls in dark energy and turns it into light. He describes his invention below.

Paying Attention To Attention: How To Train Yourself To Stop Your Wandering Mind

by May 21, 2017

There is so much distraction in the modern day world. Cell phones with apps, social media, televisions, computers, all kinds of stuff. It can be kind of difficult to keep a clear, focused head to get all of your ducks in a row.


There can be a lot of things get in the way of your productivity. Whether it be electronic distractions around you or just wandering thoughts, we can’t help but get a little sidetracked. Researchers and doctors have studied this subject on lots of different occasions. A more recent study, performed at Princeton University suggests that if there is a will, there’s a way!

According to the researchers, if you can make yourself pay attention to your attention, you can master productivity. Wandering thoughts are inevitable, of course, but if you can stop yourself and remind yourself of your original task it enables you to focus more. The study was performed on students lying in a functional magnetic resonance imaging machine (fMRI). While lying inside the machine, the students would flip through photos of human faces. The pictures of the faces were superimposed over scenery, and the students were asked to press a button each time they saw a male or a female.

“We hypothesized that lapses in these tasks — and in life — occur because humans do not adequately monitor how well they are attending from moment to moment,” the authors write. “Lapses emerge gradually and may be detected too late, after the chain of events that produces behavioral errors has been initiated. Accordingly, one way to train sustained attention might be to provide a more sensitive feedback signal, such that participants can learn to sense upcoming lapses earlier and prevent them from manifesting in behavior.”

The researchers would monitor the student’s brain activity, and when they noticed unusual brain activity such as wandering thoughts, the next photo would get increasingly more difficult; and the opposite. If the students remained focused on the task it would get increasingly easier.

“If you’re supposed to be focusing on the face and get distracted, we detect that in your brain before it causes an error on the task,” Turk-Browne said in the press release. “We alert the participant that they’re in the wrong state by making the task harder so they really have to buckle down. If we see they’re starting to focus on the right kind of things again, we make the task easier. By giving them access to their own brain states, we’re giving them the information they wouldn’t otherwise have until they made a mistake.”

“The basic science is really why we did the study, and we learned a lot about behavior and the brain,” Turk-Browne said in the press release. “I think some of the most interesting applications may actually be in the everyday mundane experiences we all have of not being able to stay focused on what we’re trying to do.”

Essentially, the outcome of the study showed that if you can catch yourself getting distracted, you can increase your focus on your original task. Just pay attention to your attention! However, don’t try to cut out all of your wandering thoughts – you won’t succeed. Embrace dazing out at the sky, it’s good for your brain.

What A Kid Who Has Never Eaten A Gram Of Sugar In Her Life Looks Like Today

by May 21, 2017

There is so much sugar and processed ingredients in our food these days that it is hard to even avoid. However, with the right amount of dedication and knowledge, you can eat completely organically – just like baby Grace.

Grace Cooper is a two and a half year old baby girl who has never eaten a gram of processed sugar in her entire life. These days it is amazing that her parents were able to keep processed sugar out of Grace’s system because it is hidden in so many different things.

For example, a study performed by stated that they found trace amounts of potentially dangerous chemicals in leading baby formula products. They found trace amounts of melamine in baby formula, melamine is a chemical used to make plastics and it was found in one type of baby formula sold in the united States. However, there have been many babies in China that were either sickened or died from the chemically polluted baby formula. Of course, it is always better to breastfeed, what about feeding your baby after those stages?

All the baby food products on the market these days claim to be organic, healthy, and 100% fruit or veggies. But they are actually the opposite. Some leading baby foods are filled with preservatives and processed sugar. They are ridiculously unhealthy for your baby, and you are always better off making your child’s food from home. Although it takes a little more time and is a little more expensive, it is well worth it in the long run for your baby. Take Grace Cooper for example!

Shan, Grace’s mom said that once Grace is old enough to understand why Shan doesn’t like these foods for her, she will give her the choice to remain on the diet or not. “If she eats a piece of bread I’m not going to have a conniption,” Shan told the Daily Mail when the girl was only 13 months old. “She’s going to go to kids’ parties and eat what’s there. I’m never going to go to Grace, ‘You can’t eat anything at this party, but I packed you some kale, here you go.’

The diet that Grace is on rules out all grains, dairy, sugar, and everything processed. This diet is extremely heavy in nutrients and is responsible for her beaming skin, and iron like immune system.


Zika Pandemic “Engineered” by Government as Cover-Up to Mass Population Poisoning

by May 21, 2017

Chances are you recall the Zika virus scare, right? Have you ever wondered why we all were so panicked and now are not for whatever reason?

Turns out all the attention the Zika virus was getting through the media in the past few years was simply to support the spraying of toxic larvicide chemicals on the areas that had been allegedly affected. In case you didn’t know the Zika virus is not a new virus it has been around for well over seventy years. It was harvested and researched by the Rockefeller Foundation.

You also might not know that this virus is HARMLESS to everyone because our bodies self-immunize against it without even needing a vaccine. If you take the time to look at the Zika overview on the CDC’s website you will find that it states the following.

“Many people infected with Zika virus won’t have symptoms or will only have mild symptoms.” (In other words, the symptoms are so mild, most people won’t even experience any ill effects at all.)

“Once a person has been infected with Zika, they are likely to be protected from future infections.”

“People usually don’t get sick enough to go to the hospital, and they very rarely die of Zika.” (There’s no hospitalization required because the infection is so mild.)

One of the more bullshit lies that was shoved down our throats was that the Zika virus was responsible for every case of microcephaly when it is not related AT ALL! Microcephaly for those who do not know is a medical condition in which the brain does not develop properly resulting in a smaller than normal head. There is no scientific proof to back up any claims of this, not even the ones being made by the CDC itself. The CDC used epidemiological statistics to reach their conclusion of this NOT scientific methods.

Yes, they were able to link women that were suffering from microcephaly in their newborn children to areas in which mosquitoes were carrying the zika virus BUT they failed to mention that these cases were also in the same areas in which our lovely government sprayed those highly toxic larvicide chemicals I mentioned earlier. These chemicals are able to interfere with the nervous systems of insects, who knows what kind of fucked up stuff they could do and most likely do, to us.

This chemical is brain damaging and is known as pyriproxyfen. It was actually dumped into the water supply in Brazil and brain deformities were recorded shortly after. Do not believe everything the government tells you, we are merely pawns in this game of shit they are playing.

When it comes to our health researching things ourselves is the best option. For more information on Zika, Brazil, and pyriproxyfen please take the time to watch the video below. The government loves to use the media to freak people out and get a response. Do not be controlled.

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