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How 1 Teaspoon of Chia Seeds Can Help Improve Your Gut, Brain, and Heart

by May 25, 2017

Currently taking the world of healthy foods by storm, chia seeds are one of the newest super foods. Packed full of vital nutrients, and carrying many health benefits, these seeds are a great addition to any healthy diet!


Tiny, flat, oval-shaped seeds, the chia seeds were believed to have been a staple food for the ancient Mayans and Aztecs. The seeds come from a flowering plant called Salvia hispanica L, which is a member of the mint family. They can be found in white, black or dark brown varieties. Legends tell of the Aztecs and Mayans using the chia seeds as a source of energy.

There may be some truth to the legends! With a rather large list of health benefits and nutritional values, the reasons to add chia seeds to your diet will leave you wondering why you waited this long!

23 Benefits of Chia Seeds

As outlined in the video, the benefits of consuming chia seeds include:

  1. Great source of Fiber!
  2. Vegan & Vegetarian Friendly
  3. Aid in Weight Loss
  4. High in Antioxidants
  5. Can be used for ‘Breading’
  6. They are Organic, Raw & Non-GMO
  7. Support Healthy Bones
  8. One of the Top Sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
  9. Excellent source of Plant Protein
  10. Beneficial for your Digestive System
  11. Work to Detoxify the Body
  12. They’re a Natural Beauty Food
  13. Seed Up Your Drink
  14. They Have a Long Shelf Life
  15. Enhance Your Mood
  16. Promote Heart Health & Fight Diabetes
  17. Suitable for a Low Carb Diet
  18. Abundant in Phosphorus
  19. Make Great Dessert
  20. Reduce your Risk of Colon Cancer
  21. They Contain Manganese
  22. Add Them to Your Greens
  23. Combat Belly Fat

With so many great reasons to consume chia seeds, the bigger question is how to add them to your daily meal plan!

From super easy, to incredible complex, there are far too many uses to share. The easiest is simply to add chia seeds to your water. When the seeds are soaked in water they create a gel like coating. This coating makes the seeds easy to swallow in your water (or other drink of choice). If you would prefer something with a little more flavor, add chia seeds to your favorite juice, or include it in your smoothies.

The seeds can be mixed into yogurt or oatmeal, make chia pudding, or sprinkle them on top of your salad. A quick search on the internet will turn up countless recipes, including them in jams, pizza, muffins, cookies and more!

Feeling Lazy? Try This Japanese Technique and Overcome it Easily

by May 24, 2017

Japanese culture is always promoting things like the value of remaining active and of course staying focused. If you are lazy this is not an easy feat.

For those who have not yet heard of it, Kaizen is the ‘technique’ I am referring to in the title of this post. It is the idea of continuous improvement. It refers to making small increments in order to give yourself long-term results. This is something that you can do in literally a single minute depending on what you choose to do.


There is no set thing to do as you do whatever needs to be done on a small level to improve your life or productivity. Take a single minute or a few minutes out of your day to do something that will benefit you. You can do different things each day and so forth as long as you try to do it at the same time each day. While most commonly implemented in the business world it can help those who are not as well.

Even the laziest person can deal with one minute a day, This, if done correctly, could lead to something good in your life. This method can and will work for almost anything and anyone This is a good way to begin something, these minutes add up. For more on this please take the time to watch the video below.

Follow this 2 Day Detox Plan to Rid Your Body of Toxins

by May 24, 2017

Over the past few decades, physicians are reporting an increase in symptoms of toxicity in their patients from year to year. With symptoms raging from hormone imbalances and obesity to fatigue and memory loss, experts are beginning to look to the importance of detoxification for human health.


The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics released a statement regarding the presence of environmental toxins in the body, and the ways in which they are interfering with our reproductive health. A 2015 article in the NY Times discussed in detail the major risks that we all face due to the way that every day products are contaminating our bodies.

Dr. Sara Gottfried released a list of signs that your body is in need of a detox. She suggests that you tally how many of these signs you have exhibited in the last 3 months:

  • White or yellow-coated tongue and/or bad breath
  • Fluid retention and/or congested sinuses
  • Increased belly or visceral fat
  • Cravings and/or blood sugar issues
  • Gallbladder issues, or the need to have the gallbladder removed
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Overheating/excess sweating
  • Weight loss resistance
  • Acne, rosacea, itchy skin
  • Fatigue unrelieved by more sleep, especially in the morning
  • Moodiness
  • Autoimmunity
  • Chemical sensitivity (you’re a lightweight when you drink alcohol, or smelling fragrances makes you anxious)
  • Insomnia, especially early morning awakenings such as 1-4AM
  • Cravings

Dr. Gottfried states if you should 4 or more of these signs, you are in need of a detox!

detox, detox meal plan, recipe, healthy eating

There are many different detox plans out there. Some last a day or two, while others can last a week. Each carries its own benefits, and selecting one that you believe you can stick to will help you to be successful in your efforts!

We have included a weekend detox plan, designed to optimize the function of your kidneys, intestines, lymph, lungs and liver. It is recommending that you complete this detox at least twice a year. Between detoxing you can continue to promote your optimal health by being more active, and drinking plenty of water.

Detox plan

detox, detox meal plan, recipe, healthy eating

Immediately after you wake up, drink 250ml of warm water. This will create the necessary base of your detox regimen.

Day 1

Breakfast: 250ml warm water,  1 cup of oat flakes and a tablespoon of flax seeds, ½ cup fresh blueberries, 250ml Greek yoghurt or green tea, 200ml low-fat yogurt or almond milk

Lunch:  250ml water,  250 grilled hake, Swiss chard and extra virgin olive oil + 1 roasted potato, 2 cups of salad (tomato, green, arugula), 1 small banana and a slice of melon

Snack: 250ml water, 1 apple, ¼ cup pumpkin seeds, 180ml yoghurt

Dinner:  2 cups of salad (dress with lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil), ½ cup steam-cooked vegetables (spinach and broccoli are nice options), green smoothie (use spinach celery, banana and apple), 250ml water or anise tea

Day 2

Breakfast: 1 cup oat flakes, 200ml almond milk or low-fat yogurt, 1 tablespoon of flax seeds,  1 pear and green tea

Snack: grapefruit

Lunch: 250ml warm water, 200g grilled chicken, 150g pickles, vegetable soup (pepper, beans, potato, carrot, onion, celery)

Dinner: green smoothie (use almonds, banana, berries, spinach, kale, and cucumber) , beets, and carrots dressed with lemon juice, nettle tea.

Further to the diet plans laid out above, prepare the following juice, and drink it every day:

  • 1 apple
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 inch ginger
  • 1 lemon
  • 200 ml water

Blend it all together and enjoy.

Plantar Fasciitis Made Her Foot Hurt, But Now The Pain is Gone! Here is how

by May 24, 2017

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons reports that approximately 2 million patients are treated for plantar fasciitis each year. The most common type of heel pain, it causes a stabbing pain in the hell of the foot with your first steps each morning.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a foot pain, specifically in the heel, that occurs when the planta fascia, or the tissue that connects the toes to the heel, becomes inflamed. The plantar fascia is designed to absorb the heavy strains that we put on our feet on a regular basis, however too much pressure damages the tissue. This damage triggers the body’s natural response to injury, inflammation.

Some triggers that may result in damage of the plantar fascia include:

  • Abnormal inward twisting or rolling of the foot
  • High arches
  • Flat feet
  • Tight calf muscles
  • Tight tendons at the back of the heel
  • Repetitive activities such as running, prolonged walking or standing
  • Wearing shoes that are poorly cushioned, don’t fit well or are worn out
  • Weight gain, physical condition, overall body weight relative to height
  • The natural process of aging
  • Pregnancy

While plantar fasciitis can be extremely painful, it can be treated! While surgery is required in a small number of cases, 95% of those treated are able to recover through the use of nonsurgical treatments. With so many treatment options available, it is hard to navigate all of the information that is available.

Dr. Donald DeFabio and his Proven Technique

plantar fasciitis, treatment, chiropractor

Dr. Donald DeFabio released a YouTube video describing the way in which he diagnoses cases of plantar fasciitis, as well as in-depth information about the treatment process that he uses.

The first step to proper treatment is to have your doctor provide you with a proper diagnosis. Dr. DeFabio explains how this is an interdisciplinary approach. He uses a tool called an intracell stick, which can be used safely by patients at home, in order to reduce inflammation and provide the patient with relief.

In the event that the intracell stick is not successful, he employs a technique called the Graston procedure, helping to drive blood to the patient’s food and in doing so, stimulate healing.

Regardless of which of these two approaches proves to be successful, Dr. DeFabio then moves to taping with two different types of tape. The purpose of the taping is to take the pressure off of the plantar fasciitis, allowing it to heal.

For further information, view Dr. DeFabio’s video:

Science Explains How The Beach Can Change Our Brains and Mental Health

by May 24, 2017

We all know going to the beach seems to have a positive effect on us, but we are not quite sure why. Could it be the water, the sun, the smell?

Wallace J. Nichols has spent almost two whole decades as a marine biologist studying Pacific Ocean sea turtles and working with fishermen in Baja California, Mexico to protect turtles from poachers but recently has been looking onto neuroscience and something he calls “blue mind.” For the past five years, he has been researching human behavior and has come to believe that the best way to protect the oceans is to make the people value the good feelings that come from being around the water. According to The Washington Post, he has organized a yearly conference on the “Blue Mind” in order to bring together researchers studying the marine world as well as the human brain.

He has a book called “Blue Mind” that covers everything from personal stories to research studies. Apparently, the “Blue Mind” is something that refers to a mild meditative state that we find ourselves in when we are in or even under water. He claims to have gained a huge network of people over the past five years who seem interested in this and pushing the research forward. You see, when we step out of the normal stress of our everyday lives and get back to nature we shift. Our bodies and minds relax. We literally change.

In this, a different brain network is activated and it leads to a feeling of connectedness. This could be something we achieve by going to a swimming pool, river, pond, ocean, or well anywhere that is not polluted really. If you have ever asked someone to think of a perfect place in their mind chances are it was somewhere around water.

Take the time to pay attention to how the water in your shower makes you feel next time you take one. Chances are you will notice how relaxing it is. We are surrounded by water if we look for it. As people, we undervalue oceans big time. Nichols told The Washington Post that access to the “Blue Mind” means access to a waterway that is not polluted. This is something we all need whether it is for relaxation or not when you really think about it. There is a lot going on in this world that is damaging our water supplies.

He has worked with tons of people and heard tons of stories all having to do with water making a positive impact in someone’s life. For more on this please take the time to watch the video below. Do you love going to the beach or swimming in general? Does it make you relaxed like Nichols says it does those he has worked with?

8 Signs and Symptoms You Have Fibromyalgia and May Not Even Know It

by May 23, 2017

Fibromyalgia is a disease that affects over 5 million people in the United States, with the numbers continuing to grow. And because many of its symptoms are misunderstood, many patients suffer long before they receive adequate treatment.

However, there are certain symptoms that stand out above the rest. While almost all of the symptoms are immensely uncomfortable, others can be downright debilitating. If you have any or all of the following symptoms, it may be time to speak with a specialist.

1. Chronic Fatigue

The majority of those suffering with fibromyalgia experience chronic fatigue. They may feel as though they are constantly tired, no matter how much sleep that they have gotten, and while feeling tired can be normal, feeling that way constantly is not.

2. Constant Gastrointestinal Issues

While many would consider fibromyalgia to be physically debilitating for the muscles and nerves, it can also cause issues with your gastrointestinal system as well. If you are constantly experiencing nausea, irritable bowel issues, constipation and abdominal pain, it may be time to seek medical assistance. 

3. Feeling Foggy and Confused

Many specialists refer to this a fibro fog. While everyone can be forgetful from time to time, if you are experiencing increasing symptoms of short-term memory loss, this could be a sign of fibromyalgia.

4. Numbness and Tingling

Typically, fibromyalgia is accompanied by neurological symptoms including numbness, tingling and burning. If you find that you are constantly experiencing feelings of numbness and tingling, you may need to speak to your doctor.

5. Disturbed Sleep Patterns

If you feel as though you are constantly waking up unrested, or are tossing and turning on a regular basis, you could be experiencing an imbalance in sleep chemicals caused by fibromyalgia.

6. Experiencing Tender Points

When fibromyalgia begins to develop, patients report that they begin to feel ‘tender points’ , or spots located throughout their body that are extremely sensitive to touch.

7. Sensitivity to Scents

In the same manner that fibromyalgia sufferers have problems with certain tender points, they also have increased sensitivity to sound, and smell.

8. Sweating…..A Lot

Many people that have fibromyalgia explain that they have issues with sweating and constant fevers. According to experts, this could be caused by a dysfunction with the hypothalamus, which is the almond-shaped area of the brain that controls sleep, sweating and bowel movements.

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