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Signs, Symptoms, Triggers and Treatments of Hypo and Hyperthyroidism

by May 26, 2017

Recent studies have shown that as high as 23% of Americans are currently being treated for hypothyroidism, and another 30% have yet to be diagnosed. Thyroid hormone medications are currently the second highest selling category of drugs in the United States.

While some Americans have found great relief from these medical treatments, others are searching for natural alternatives.

thyroid, hypothyroidism, thyroid disease

What Does the Thyroid Do?

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is normally located in the lower front of the neck. The purpose of the thyroid is to produce thyroid hormones, which are secreted into the blood to be carried to every tissue in the body. Thyroid hormones help the body to stay warm, use energy and maintain the function of the muscles, heart, brain and other organs.

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormones to keep up with the body’s needs. This is also referred to as under-active thyroid. This results in many the body’s functions slowing down, such as the metabolism.

What are the Signs of Hypothyroidism?

There are several signs that you can watch out for. These may develop slowly, even over several years. If you find you are experiencing any number of these signs, it is important that you contact your family physician. This is especially true if you have a family history of thyroid disease.

  • Slow heart rate
  • Low body temperature, including feeling cold when those around you do not
  • Constipation
  • Pale, dry skin
  • A puffy face
  • Dry, thinning hair
  • Brittle nails
  • Muscle weakness
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • More than usual menstrual bleeding
  • Weight gain, especially when you are aware that you are not eating more food
  • Feelings of sadness or depression
  • Feeling very tired or fatigued
  • A hoarse voice
  • Less sweating than usual

What Can You Do?

The key to preventing thyroid conditions is to ensure that you are living a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity and a well-balance diet. If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism there are several medical and hormonal treatments. There is no cure for hypothyroidism, however with the right balance of treatments you can manage the symptoms.

Enjoy These 7 Foods to Manage Your Hypothyroidism Naturally

  1. Coconut oil

Consuming at least 1 tsp of virgin coconut oil daily has been shown to speed up your metabolism, boost energy and improve the function of the thyroid hormone.

  1. Ginger Tea

Ginger possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties which can improve your thyroid functions. Either chew on a piece of ginger, or make a ginger tea with 1 Tablespoon of honey 4 times each day.

  1. Fish

As many of us are aware, fish is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids. What you may not have known is that omega-3 can decrease inflammation and increase immunity. Fish also contains selenium, iodine and vitamin B12.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has many beneficial properties including helping to regulate hormone balance in the body, facilitating weight loss, aiding detoxification and restoring acid alkaline balance.

  1. Nuts

Brazil nuts, hazelnuts and macadamia nuts are all high in selenium, which is essential for a healthy thyroid gland.

  1. Wild Oats

Oats are a low-glycemic food with restorative properties that can stimulate your thyroid gland. They contain high amounts of zinc, manganese, iron, selenium and fiber.

  1. Black Walnut

Both a good source of natural iodine and magnesium, black walnuts help to improve the thyroid glands. They also act as a blood purifier and may help in curing autoimmune disease.

10 Signs Your Gut is Overloaded With Toxins

by May 26, 2017

Researchers have been discovering some surprising connections between the balance of bacteria in our guts, and almost every aspect of human health. These experts are all agreeing on one underlying message – If you can change your gut, you can change your health!

The question is, when your gut is speaking to you, do you know what it is trying to say?

Within your gut are over 100 trillion microorganisms, all of which play an important role in your overall health, however they are not all working for your benefit. Some of these bacteria are “good” gut bacteria, manufacturing the vitamins that your body requires, improving your digestion and strengthening your immune system. The rest, however, are “bad” gut bacteria. These microorganisms can cause mental problems, skin conditions, digestion nightmares and more!

gut health, gut bacteria, prebiotic, probiotic, microorganisms

The trick to making these bacteria work for you isn’t to remove all of them from your body, as the “good” bacteria are needed, it’s all about creating the necessary balance. You want to limit the “bad” gut bacteria and encourage the “good” gut bacteria to grow and thrive.

Your body communicates to you when your bacteria are out of balance, but are you listening? Watch for these 10 signs that you need to make a change:

  1. Behavioral or learning difficulties
  2. Mental Fog
  3. Depression
  4. Joint pain
  5. Intense cravings for sugary foods
  6. Allergies
  7. Acne, psoriasis, hives and eczema
  8. Digestive problems, such as bad breath, indigestion, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel
  9. Weight gain
  10. Recurrent yeast infections

Once you have learned how to listen to your body, you must learn how to fix the imbalance. While there are medicinal options, there are also several all natural options. While they are not major changes, they can have a significant impact on your overall health.

Avoid Consuming Flour and Sugar-Rich Foods

Organisms such as parasites, bacteria and yeast feed off foods that are rich in both sugar and refined carbohydrates. Limiting your consumption of these foods, therefore, will help your body to control and balance the various bacteria in your gut.


Prebiotics feed your healthy gut bacteria, helping them to thrive. They also contain inulin, arabinogalactans and fiber. If you are looking to pick up foods that are rich in prebiotics, some of your best options would be garlic, onions, asparagus, leeks, carrots, okra, artichokes and beans.


To encourage your gut bacteria balance, try adding probiotics, a healthy bacterium. Available in supplement form, they can be purchased either in a powder or in capsules. Probiotics can also be found in many naturally fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi, kefir and pickled vegetables.

Anti-Microbial Supplements

Increasing your intake of both prebiotic and probiotic-rich foods isn’t enough to create a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut. You can help your body even further by destroying any pathogenic organisms with antimicrobial herbs and supplements. The most effective options include oregano, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, garlic, caprylic acid, berberine and uva ursi.

New Sinus Infection Treatment That Should Replace Your Antibiotics

by May 26, 2017

38 million Americans battle chronic sinus infections, making it the most prevalent “adult disease” in the United States. From watery eyes and sinus pressure, to headaches and runny noses – Americans everywhere are searching for relief.


The most common treatment for sinus infections is a round of antibiotics, however these antibiotics may do more harm than good. Removing good bacteria from the nasal cavity, along with the bad bacteria they are designed to target, and causing a list of side effects including diarrhea and nausea, the search for a natural alternative has led sufferers to this new treatment.

The key to treating a sinus infection is creating a clean and clear airway. When your sinuses are inflamed, this both decreases air flow and produces excess mucous. Irrigating the sinuses works to rid these airways of excess oil, debris, drainage and bacteria.

New studies have found that using baby shampoo as part of an irrigation routine helps to loosen the oily build up that is found within the nasal cavity.

Baby Shampoo Nasal Irrigation

You Will Need:

  • 3 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ½ tsp baby shampoo
  • 1 cup lukewarm distilled water
  • Plastic bag
  • Bulb syringe
  • Kleenex
  • Basin (optional)


  1. Create the saline solution. Mix 3 tsp of salt with 1 tsp of baking soda. This can be stored in a Ziploc bag for future use.
  2. Mix 1 tsp of the saline solution with ½ tsp of baby shampoo and 1 cup of lukewarm distilled water.
  3. With the bulb syringe, draw up the solution. Place your head over the basin or sink tilting your head downwards. Gently place the syringe halfway into each nostril, approximately 1 inch and squeeze the bulb syringe half-way. Note: You will notice solution coming out of the other nostril, this is normal!
  4. Blow your nose gently to remove any excess fluid.

If you feel the solution in your ears don’t panic, simply give it some time and it will resolve on its own. If you are using nasal medications, wait 30 minutes before and after using the irrigation to use the medications in the nostrils.

If you are experiencing any pain, irritation or bleeding discontinue use of the irrigation and contact a medical professional. As frequent sinus infections may have a number of underlying causes, it is recommended that you speak with your physician prior to starting this treatment to ensure that it is right for your condition.

How to Prevent Razor Burn on Bikini Line

by May 25, 2017

For those of us who are completely turned off to the idea of a painful bikini wax, shaving is our go to. However, shaving rash is a painful reality we have all dealt with at one point or another.

That being said a former stripper has decided to share her trusted techniques for keeping her bikini area blemish-free on Reddit and it went viral. Here is what she says you should do when trying to keep your down there looking pretty. Who knew it would be so simple?

  • Exfoliate.
  • Rub the area with baby oil before you shave! This softens the hair.
  • Shave using a men’s razor and moisturizing shave cream.
  • Dab some rubbing alcohol on the area to close the pores.
  • Apply deodorant (an unscented dove stick works best).

She says this will give you the ‘smoothest giney ever.’ She claims hers was always flawless when she was dancing and that she did this almost daily back then. Now, if you try this and somehow still end up with razor burn check out the natural remedies below for getting rid of it.

  • Hot compress
  • Aloe vera
  • Hydrocortisone cream
  • Tea tree oil

Who better to listen to than someone who has spent a lot of her time up close and personal with her vagina out? She seems to know exactly what she is talking about. Are you going to give this a try or does it sound too good to be true? For a few more tips on keeping razor burn at bay check out the video below.

This is How You Can Know Which Type of Energy Healing is For You

by May 25, 2017

You will find tons of different kinds of energy healing practitioners across the globe. Each one healing in a different way, but which way works for you?

Healing energy is something that focuses on releasing a person’s symptoms by curing the cause of their ailment regardless of whether the ailment is being caused by something physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. You can apply healing energy to any aspect of your life and it can help you to become more comfortable in all that you do. The choice of modality really boils down to what you are most comfortable doing.

If you are looking for some energy healing and so far have not found relief check out the list below to get a better understanding of the different kinds of energy healing. This should help you figure out which method might suit you best. You see, you want to make sure you are seeking out the correct kind of healing.

Clearings and Entity Removals

This refers back to Shamanic work. Shamans are wonderful healers and are able to provide relief no matter the ailment. You see if you have been dealing with something for awhile and have not yet been able to reach a breakthrough that could be because you have negative energy attached to you or an entity. I guess you could see think of these entities as miniature demons in a sense.

Changing Your Belief System

This is much easier said than done but can be needed sometimes. When you get to the core of things all energy healing really is, is creating a change inside you based off of your belief system. If you change your belief system the Universe will respond differently to you and you will experience something new.

You will have a realization of some kind and then the shift will release through your physical body and be expelled. This is something that often is sudden and drastic. For instance when you realize you were wrong about something is essentially this happening on a smaller scale.

Body Support (Illnesses)

You could take a look at things like BodyTalk in order to gain support for your system and help it to heal naturally. This comes in handy for things like acute or even chronic illnesses. These come in the form of things like acupressure, acupuncture, Reiki, and so forth. Have you ever considered any of these things?

Chakra Healing

This is a form of energy healing that works with the chakra system. For those who do not know the chakras are a very important part of our energy systems.

There are tons of other types of energy healing methods so I couldn’t list them all here. For a more detailed list of some of the more common methods please take the time to click here. There are options out the wazoo when it comes to healing energy so there is a method out there for everyone. We always have a choice when it comes to how we perceive each lesson we go through, it is up to us if things come out negative or positive. All you need is a shift in perspective.


New Research Links Hand Sanitizer Use With Thyroid Cancer

by May 25, 2017

How often do you use hand sanitizer? Have you ever questioned whether it should be considered safe or not?

A recent study that was published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine may give you more than enough reason to question it. We have known for quite some time that the chemicals going into products like hand sanitizer are questionable, to say the least. This study found that using chemical hand sanitizers can triple the risk of developing thyroid cancer.

During the course of this study, a research team reviewed data from over 900 patients. Some with thyroid cancer and some without. They calculated the exposure to the biocide chemicals based on reported use and detailed information regarding their occupational exposure. You see, those who worked in the medical field or cleaning endured higher exposure.

Women with any occupational exposure at all were 48% more likely to develop thyroid cancer. Men with any occupational exposure at all were 300% more likely to develop thyroid cancer. The overall risks of using biocides increased the thyroid cancer rates by around 65%.

Since many of these hand sanitizers contain alcohol they also cause dryness and cracks in your skin. That causes you to be easily exposed to pathogens! Makes soap and water sound a lot better now doesn’t it?

Hand sanitizer also kills off a lot of good bacteria on your hands and is ineffective against a lot of bacteria (depending on what kind it is). Hand sanitizer is completely ineffective against spore-releasing bacteria. Another study has even shown that it can increase the amount of BPA entering your body which to me and most other people is terrifying.

For more information on the dangers of hand sanitizer please take the time to watch the video below. There is no sense in risking your health for a few seconds less when cleaning your hands. Take the extra time to wash with soap and water.

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