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Eliminate Your Wrinkles and Blackheads in 7 Days With This Garlic Recipe

by May 27, 2017

Lots of women across the globe spend tons of money on different anti-aging products every single year. This would be fine and dandy if they were actually seeing results, but most are not.

When it comes to getting rid of your wrinkles the best remedy is something you most likely already have sitting in your kitchen. It is one of the best antibiotics around and will work wonders on your face, yes, I am talking about garlic. Garlic can help with acne of all kinds including blackheads and eliminate all of those annoying unsightly wrinkles.

This is because of the antibacterial properties found in it, by adding a few things to it you can make one hell of a face mask. If you are dealing with wrinkles or blackheads and have found no relief, this is the remedy for you. Who knew garlic was good for anything other than fighting off vampires?

Garlic Face Mask



  • Peel the garlic cloves and place them into a food processor or blender.
  • Pulse them until they are lightly chopped.
  • Add the oils, lemon juice, and honey into the food processor and continue to pulse until the consistency becomes creamy.
  • Add extra oil or honey if needed to make sure it is smooth.
  • Scoop the mask out and place it into a clean container with a lid.
  • Place the mask in the fridge in order to keep it fresh and let it sit overnight.


  • When applying the make sure to wash your face first.
  • Apply the mask to your face using circular motions and do not press hard.
  • Leave this mask on for 20 minutes and then wash off with warm water.
  • Pat your face dry with a towel and see if you notice a difference.

(Remember to be careful and never leave the mask on for longer than 20 minutes as garlic can burn the skin in some cases. If you notice any burning please wash the mask off and try again with less garlic.)

How To Tell The Difference Between A Heart Attack & A Panic Attack

by May 27, 2017

Shortness of breath, chest pains, dizziness, numbness in your hands and feet, sweating – The signs of a panic attack and a heart attack are frighteningly similar. It’s important to know the difference, and know when to seek help!

heart attack, panic attack

Being able to establish whether you are having a heart attack or a panic attack can be incredibly difficult, more so if you have never experienced either event before. Complicating matters even further, the stress from a panic attack can also lead to a heart attack.

People tend to minimize their symptoms, blaming the feelings on stress, but if they are incorrect the situation may escalate quickly, and can even prove fatal. It is important that you know when to seek medical attention. If you are unsure of what you are experiencing, get checked out promptly!

Heart Attack or Panic Attack? Here is How to Tell the Difference:

Panic Attack

Main Symptom: Prickly Feeling

The biggest misconception with panic attacks is that it would require a tragic or horrific event to cause one to occur. This is not true! Even the simplest and most ordinary situations can bring one on. Unlike anxiety attacks, panic attacks are known for their physical symptoms. Concentrated largely in the chest, the pain rises then falls, reaching its peak after approximately 10 minutes. Most people feel a numbness or prickly feeling during a panic attack. Unlike with a heart attack, this feeling is not limited to the left arm, but rather occurring across one or both arms, one or both legs and the fingers. There is also a psychological component to a panic attack, causing most people to experience irrational fears, such as feeling as though they are suffocating or going insane.

heart attack, panic attack

Heart Attack

Main Symptom: Constricting Pain

The pain from a heart attack usually occurs along the center of the chest, and can also move downward along the back and left arm, or spread out to the neck, teeth or jaw area. The pain in the chest is described by many sufferers as a constricting feeling. People may feel a prickly feeling; however, it is generally restricted to the left arm. This feeling is often also accompanied by a cold, stick sweat, nausea and throwing up. While a heart attack does not typically impact a person’s breathing, one may experience rapid breathing due to fear from the heart attack provoking a panic attack. If the symptoms last more than 5 minutes call an ambulance!


Interested in learning more? Watch this video:

Baby Suffers 2nd Degree Burns From Using Banana Boat Sunscreen

by May 27, 2017

We all know that protecting our babies from the sun is important but what happens when the things that are meant to protect our babies do the exact opposite? This child is having to go through something no child should have to go through.

According to a Canadian mother by the name of Rebecca Cannon her daughter suffered second-degree chemical burns on her face from a popular sunscreen. She has been pleading with parents via Facebook and warning them not to use aerosol sunscreen.

She used Banana Boat Kids SPF50 on her 14-month-old daughter and as the day went on her face kept getting redder and redder, when they woke up the next morning the child was as red as a tomato and there were blisters coming up all over her face. Of course, like any mother would she rushed her daughter to the doctors and found that she had second-degree burns on her face.

She understands that she should have used a baby specific sunscreen, but it was for children and regardless, there is no excuse for this to happen. Banana Boat has responded in a statement saying, “We are greatly concerned when any person encounters a reaction using our products. We have spoken with the consumer and asked for the product so that our quality assurance team can look into this further. Without examining the product, it is difficult to determine what may have caused the problem as described.”

Rebecca has shared her story as well as photos of her daughter’s burns with the hope of preventing this from happening to someone else’s child. Always be aware of what you are putting on your skin and your children’s skin. Take a look at her Facebook post below for the full story and more pictures of these terrible chemical burns.

20 Life Hacks Which You Didn’t Know About

by May 27, 2017

With the rise of the internet we have been exposed to the life hacks and ideas of people from all over the world. While you may believe you have seen it all by now, don’t stop looking yet!

Here are 20 amazing life hacks that will blow you away:

  1. Fix minor scratches on wooden furniture by rubbing the scratched areas with a walnut.
  2. Avoid difficulties in telling the keys on your key ring apart. Paint each key with a different nail polish color.
  3. Does your phone case reduce the volume of your speaker? Take a needle and stick it into the holes of the case that cover the speaker of your phone. This will increase the volume of the speaker by up to 40%!
  4. When travelling tie a small piece of brightly colored fabric to your luggage. This will make it easier for you to recognize your luggage when it is on the carousel.
  5. To remove the stem from a strawberry, use a straw. Stick the straw into the top of the strawberry, pushing it straight through. It will pop the stem right out.trick, life hack, hulling strawberries
  1. Looking for an inexpensive cookbook holder? Clip the cookbook onto a pants hanger, and hang it off your kitchen cupboard door.
  2. If your beer or other canned drink is too warm simply wrap a wet paper towel around the can and then place it in the freezer for approximately 15 minutes. When you remove the can it will be ice cold.
  3. Are you running out of space in your closet? Take a pop can tab and place the hook of the hanger in the hole of the tab. Hang a second hanger from the second hole of the tab. This will allow you to create a layered effect, effectively hanging 2 hangers in 1 space.
  4. When microwaving food, make a small circle in the middle of the food on your plate. This will allow the food to heat evenly.
  5. Make it easier the next time that you are looking for the end of a tape roll by sticking a plastic bread tab onto the end of the tape.trick, life hack, egg separator
  1. While some of us own egg separators, there is an easy way to separate the yolk from an egg without one! Break the egg on a plate and hover a water bottle over the yolk. Squeeze the water bottle to create suction and then release it to suck the egg yolk into the bottle, separating it from the egg white.
  2. Create additional space in your freezer by clipping vegetable bags with a binder clip onto the bottom of your freezer racks.
  3. Before you throw away your next used post-it note, run it between the keys on your keyboard. This will collect any crumbs and fluff that have found their way between the keys.
  4. Do you have difficulty opening blister packs? Use a can opener! Attach the can opener to the blister pack, and use it in the same way that you would to open a can.
  5. Try this trick to organize your linen closet – Store your folded sheets within the pillow cases. This will leave your closet looking neater, and ensure that sheet sets are not, life hack, wrapping paper storage
  1. When storing your wrapping paper, use a toilet paper tube to keep it from unraveling. Cut a line straight down the side of the toilet paper tube, and then wrap the tube around your rolled up wrapping paper.
  2. Are you tired of carrying a large bottle of sunscreen with you in the summer? Store your sunscreen in a contact lens case for easier travel! This will also work for other creams and lotions.
  3. If you run out of strings for your weed whacker, use zip ties.
  4. To avoid a large mess while making pancakes, fill a ketchup bottle with the batter. This will allow you to simply squeeze the batter directly into the pan.
  5. When ironing a button-up shirt, flip the shirt inside-out to allow for easy ironing of the button side.

Tomatoes Hate Cucumbers: Secrets of Companion Planting + Popular Planting Combinations

by May 27, 2017

Just like within our own communities, plants have both friends and foe. While planting you vegetables in their neat, organized rows may be satisfying for the gardener, this isn’t the best approach for your plants!

gardening, vegetable gardening, companion gardening

When we look around us, plants grow very differently in nature. There are clumps of plants that grow together, depending on one another for many reasons, and there are no rows to be found. While this may leave your garden looking messy, mimicking natural growing patterns will create more resilient plans, and help to reduce losses from insects or disease.

Certain plants grow more rapidly, crowding those around them, and taking more than their share of the sun, water and nutrients available. Other plants exude toxins, which can kill neighboring plants or slow their growth. The lay out of your vegetable garden is crucial for it to prosper.

When planting your garden, avoid long rows or patches. A large group of the same plant is a beacon for the pests that pray off that specific plant. Instead, interplant your vegetables with flowers and herbs. Mixing them together will make it harder for pets to locate the vegetables, and the scents will help to confuse pests in their search for food.

Take the time to learn which plant will help each other’s growth, and which will be problematic. For example, plants like parsnip, parsley, dill and carrots will attract ladybugs, spiders and praying mantises, which will prey upon the bugs that like to feed on your tomatoes.

Here is a list of the friends/foe for your vegetables:

gardening, vegetable gardening, companion gardening

gardening, vegetable gardening, companion gardening


What Are the Benefits?

There are four main benefits to companion planting.

  1. Crop Protection/Shielding

Planting the tougher varieties of plants around those that are more delicate, will allow a level of protection for the delicate plants. Tough plants are able to take the wind and sun, and act as a natural shield against the harsher conditions.

  1. Positive Hosting

There are several plants that produce a surplus of pollen and nectar, which will attract a larger population of beneficial inspects. This will enable you to manage the harmful pest population in your garden.

  1. Limiting Risk

While there are some elements that are out of your control as a gardener, you can work to increase your chances for success. By planting a wider variety of crops, you can protect your overall yield. In the event that one crop fails, or you are heavily hit by a specific pest or disease, other plants will continue to thrive.

  1. Trap Cropping

While pests are often attracted to one specific plant, they are in turn repelled by another. Planting these various plants next to each other will help you to control the pest population.

Research Finds High Levels of Arsenic in Common Foods

by May 27, 2017

Sure we have to have food in order to survive but could there be dangerous things in our food? If you follow our posts chances are you already know the answer to that question.

However, if not then yes, there are tons of dangerous things in our food. We are constantly uncovering more and more terrible things about the food industry. According to research over half of the most popular rice cereal products exceed proposed new limits for arsenic. Why do we have strict limits on arsenic allowance in water but not in food?

Scientists are actually taking the time to speak out about the likely long-term effects of this exposure. Of course, the most food contains some form of organic arsenic that occurs naturally in the Earth but we are concerned with the inorganic arsenic that is used in pesticides and other industrial chemicals. Inorganic arsenic is a potent human carcinogen and can lead to some severe issues.

Foods that have been found to have high levels of arsenic:

  • Dark-meat fish
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Rice (as well as rice cereals)
  • Chicken
  • Beer and wine

Based on Consumer Reports some infant rice cereals actually contain five times as much inorganic arsenic when compared to things like oatmeal. This meaning if a baby eats two or three servings of rice cereal per day they could end up with a big time cancer risk increase. Tons of evidence has been coming to the surface regarding this.

One study published in the peer-reviewed journal The Prostate done by Texas Tech University showed that humans, when exposed to a combination of both arsenic and estrogen (both considered safe by the EPA), were twice as likely to develop cancerous cells in their prostate. To see more on the information collected by Consumer Reports please click here.  It is important to know what you are putting into your body.

Here is what the consumer reports found:

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