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How to Make a Rotten Banana Fresh Again

by August 24, 2017

Bananas are great for a ton of different things. They replenish your potassium levels and supply you with an abundance of vitamins and nutrients. However, they have one small issue

Bananas are an amazing supplement to add into your diet. They are loaded down with vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and antioxidants. They can replenish your health in a variety of different ways. However, bananas have one small issue. Have you ever bought a fresh family of bananas and it seems like it takes a matter of hours to go bad? If so, you’re not crazy or alone. Bananas can go bad really fast and it can be a bit frustrating and money consuming, but using this easy life hack you can turn rotten bananas back into fresh ones!

I know it sounds crazy, but the video below explains it all.

Scientists Have Finally Discovered Why Consuming Red Meat Causes Cancer

by August 23, 2017

The world is a carnivorous place, especially the United States. We are a society of meat eating maniacs, but research continues to show us that this is a terrible habit to have.

We are raised to believe that we need to eat meat. Many people have the idea that is the only real food source of protein and iron, but this is simply false. There are a lot of different vegetables that can supply you with more than enough protein. Red lentils and dark leafy greens are known for their protein content, some even having more protein than red meat. If you don’t believe what you hear about meat being bad for you, just take a look at this startling research study.

There has been much media attention given to the harsh effects of pork, beef, and dairy products. We are all raised believing that they are vital components of a human diet, but truthfully it’s bad for us. You see, big food companies and meat producers ‘donate’ millions of dollars to the FDA and in return, the FDA does not report on the ill effects of their products. In fact, they support them. It’s an ‘I scratch your back, you scratch mine’ type of deal – and it’s cruel. There have been a number of studies that confirm that red meat is linked to increased risks for cancer, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and even type II diabetes.

Scientists from the University of California in San Diego believe that the link has a lot to do with sugar. But wait – meat doesn’t have sugar in it… or does it? Yes, it does. Meat producers use a unique strain of sugar called Neu5Gc. It causes an immune response resulting in inflammation. The researchers discovered this when testing mice for a link between the Neu5Gc and cancer. According to the scientists, the mimicked the exact situation in humans through non-human feeding Neu5Gc and inducing the said antibodies. It spontaneously increased cancer in the mice. Scary right?

The dangerous strain of sugar can be found in all red meats, beef, pork, and poultry. It can even be found in cow’s milk and certain cheeses. The human body is not able to produce this chemical, therefore it is perceived as a foreign invader, activating the immune system.

The study found that people who consume red meat on a regular basis are more likely to develop cancer. It is a wise decision to refrain from red meats, and these days vegan alternatives taste a lot better. Especially the world famous Impossible Burger, which is a plant based burger! Give it a try! It even looks like real meat.

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Fleas in Arizona Counties Test Positive for the Plague!

by August 21, 2017

Navajo County Public Health officials released a statement on Friday confirming that fleas in the region have tested positive for the Bubonic Plague, a disease that killed over 100 million people during the 14th century. This follows similar reports that were released by Coconino County Public Health Services officials earlier this summer.


The Navajo County Health Department released the following public statement:

“Navajo County Health Department is urging the public to take precautions to reduce their risk of exposure to this serious disease, which can be present in fleas, rodents, rabbits, and predators that feed upon these animals.

The disease can be transmitted to humans and other animals by the bite of an infected flea or by direct contact with an infected animal.”

Experts urge those in the area to take steps to reduce their risk of exposure to the deadly disease by avoiding contact with sick or dead animals that they may come across, avoiding getting too close to any rodent burrows they find and keeping their pets indoors rather than allowing them to roam.

Otherwise known as the ‘Black Death,’ the Bubonic plague outbreak in the 14th century was responsible for the deaths of approximately a third of the European population. After the disease first arrived in 1347 it continued to return regularly throughout Europe until approximately the 18th century. Modern medicine has allowed us to eliminate nearly all cases of the disease in the developed world, with 90% of the cases now reported occurring in Africa.

This disease is highly deadly if left untreated, killing up to 2/3 of those who contract it within only 4 days. If the sufferer is able to obtain proper medical attention, being provided with the necessary antibiotics within 24 hours of infection, their odds of complete recovery are incredibly high.

Don’t know what to watch for? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) listed the following symptoms:

  • Sudden fever
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Weakness
  • Swollen lymph nodes

If these symptoms go unnoticed the disease is then able to spread to other areas of the body at a relatively rapid pace. If you are experiencing the above symptoms it is important that speak with a medical professional immediately!

11 Effective, All-Natural Ways to Increase Dopamine Levels in the Brain

by August 21, 2017

Dopamine provides the passion and zest for life that keeps us going, providing us with joy and happiness. It has been found to be extremely important in the areas of motivation, behavior, focus, mood, energy, and productivity.

Unfortunately, today’s society promotes lifestyle habits and diet that have been connected with a significant decrease in dopamine levels. Combining that with the impact that illness and disease can have on the body, the impact of low dopamine can leave you feeling unfocused, lethargic, unmotivated and even depressed.

Common signs of dopamine deficiency include:

  • Sleep problems
  • Procrastination
  • Mood swings
  • Lack of motivation
  • Hopelessness
  • Inability to feel pleasure
  • Memory loss
  • Engaging in self-destructive behaviors, especially addictions
  • Fatigue
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Low libido
  • Inability to complete tasks
  • Apathy
  • Inability to connect with others


Here are 11 ways you can increase the dopamine levels in your brain without medication:


  1. Listen to Music: Music has long been recognized for its ability to improve our mood, motivate us and lift us out of a ‘funk,’ but why does this work? This is due to the fact that listening to our favorite tunes has actually been found to increase the body’s dopamine levels, effectively making us feel a boost of happiness, both making the day more enjoyable and boosting productivity!


  1. Create Something: When an artist is acting in a creative manner, whether it is writing, painting, singing or dancing, among other activities, they often enter into a ‘creative zone.’ This is accomplished by due to an increase in dopamine. Thus, if you try taking up a creative hobby or activity you can effectively increase your body’s dopamine level.


  1. Increase Tyrosine: Tyrosine is an amino acid, and is referred to as the ‘building block of dopamine.’ For this reason, you need to ensure that you have a high enough tyrosine level to support an increase in dopamine. Good sources of tyrosine include chocolate, coffee, bananas, watermelon, avocados, green tea, yogurt, chicken, beef, eggs, and almonds.


  1. Meditate: With the high pace society we live in, it is no wonder that many of us fall victim to overthinking, a habit that can leave us confused and ‘lost.’ Overthinking has also been found to have a negative impact on our spiritual development. Meditation allows you to quiet these thoughts, clearing the mind to focus properly once again.


  1. Don’t Get Addicted: Often those that engage in addictive behaviors do so due to the fact that they experience a sensation of instant gratification when they indulge in addictions such as drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, and shopping. While this may give you a ‘quick hit’ it isn’t a sustainable feeling of pleasure and can impact the body’s ability to regulate dopamine levels.


  1. Take Supplements: While we stated that this article is focused on boosting your dopamine levels without the use of medication, there are a number of all natural supplements that can work in your favor. This includes curcumin (found in turmeric), acetyl-l-tyrosine, l-theanine (found in green tea) and ginkgo biloba.


  1. Pleasurable Touch: Experts state that dopamine can actually be improved through pleasurable touch. This doesn’t just mean through sex (although that is definitely an option) but even something as simple as petting or cuddling a dog can provide you with a boost!


  1. Exercise: Exercise not only makes us feel better by optimizing our physical health, but it works to increase the levels of several neurotransmitters including endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. You don’t need to engage in an overly intense workout to receive these benefits either! Even something as simple as going for a walk can bring a boost to the body.


  1. Toxic Cleansing: While toxins in the body are known for having an impact on our physical well-being, there is far less discussion about the fact they also have a significant impact on our mental health! You can help to cleanse your body of endotoxins by getting plenty of sleep, and eating healthy fermented foods in place of sugary or fatty foods.


  1. Checklist Small Tasks: When we are able to complete a task, we experience a feeling of accomplishment which triggers an increase in dopamine levels. This is even more satisfying when we are able to physically celebrate this completion by checking something off on a to-do list. Creating and checking off lists can actually help you to feel happier!


  1. Get a Streak Going: When you experience a streak, it provides you with a visual of just how much you are achieving, providing you with a similar sense of accomplishment as that provided by using a checklist. To receive the full impact, write your streak down. For example, if you are working out mark each day on a calendar so that you can see your streak continuing to grow which will, in turn, continue to boost your dopamine levels.

6 Signs That Your Liver Is Full Of Toxins And Making You Fat (And How To Stop It)

by August 21, 2017

The American Liver Foundation states that up to 20% of Americans have a fatty liver. A fatty liver is one in which the fat content makes up more than 5-10% of the liver’s overall weight. Experts state that the growing obesity epidemic has contributed to the increase in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in the country. Currently, NAFLD accounts for 75% of chronic liver disease in Americans, making it the most common cause of liver disease.

There are two different variations of this condition, alcoholic liver disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. While alcoholic liver disease is caused by an overindulgence of alcoholic beverages, often seen in long-term alcoholics, the presence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is slightly more difficult to explain as it can be the result of a number of different factors, such as genetics or high cholesterol.

Here are 7 signs that your liver is full of toxins:

  1. Excessive Sweating: The liver is a relatively large organ in the body, and when it becomes overworked it overheats. This, in turn, overheats the rest of your body causing you to become hot and sweaty, even if the current environmental conditions don’t call for it.


  1. Bad Breath: If you notice that your breath is particularly off despite brushing and flossing your teeth and tongue repeatedly, this may be a sign of something more than just dental concerns. This is caused by the build-up of chemicals in the body including dimethyl sulfide.


  1. Unexplained Weight Gain: One function of the liver is to metabolize fat in the body. When it is not working at optimal levels you may experience weight gain despite no significant changes in lifestyle.


  1. Yellowing Skin and Eyes: A more commonly known symptom of liver problems, yellowing of the skin and eyes indicates a condition called jaundice. This occurs when the liver is unable to excrete the chemical bilirubin, causing it to build-up in the body.


  1. Persistent Acne: When the liver fails to eliminate toxins effectively from the body it can cause you to experience a hormonal imbalance. Acne, often seen in teenagers during puberty when their hormone levels are highly fluctuating, is then triggered by this shift in your current hormone levels.


  1. Red Palms: Also believed to be caused by the change in the hormone levels in the body, reddening of the palms is a common sign of liver damage among those over the age of 50. It can largely be seen along the outer edge of the palm, and in a band like fashion stretching from the wrist to the little finger.


  1. Allergies: Your liver is responsible for the production of antibodies which attack allergens in the body. When this production decreases and the body stores allergens, it will, in turn, produce the chemical histamine to mark the allergens for removal. Histamine is responsible for a number of well-known allergy symptoms including headaches, itchiness, sneezing and watery eyes.

What Can I Do About It?

The good news is that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease can be managed with the help of a medical professional. Alongside the necessary prescribed medications, the Mayo Clinic recommends the following lifestyle changes to promote better liver health:

  • If you are diabetic, ensure that you have proper control of your blood sugar levels
  • Lose weight (obesity can contribute to fat levels in the liver)
  • Lower your cholesterol levels with a combination o medication, exercise, and a healthy plant-based diet
  • Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
  • Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week
  • Carefully follow all instructions on over-the-counter medications to avoid putting extra stress on your liver

The Science Behind Yoga and Stress

by August 21, 2017

Stress has become a major issue today. We are a giant stressed out society, and even worse, were becoming dependent on drugs to fix our issues!

Stress is a naturally occurring emotion, however, that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. The common phrase, ‘stress is the real killer’, has a lot more meaning than you would think. Stress really is the killer because it has such a harmful effect on your body. Excessive stress can cause tons of different disorders, such as mental health issues, personality disorders, depression, and anxiety! It even brings about physical health ailments like cardiovascular disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, heart attack, and even stroke. I mean, not that we don’t know stress is bad for us, because we all do. All in all, it’s just a sucky thing to feel.

People deal with their stress in many different ways, and not all of them are healthy. Many people form drug addictions, alcoholism, and other unhealthy habits in order to cope with their stress. It is important to deal with your stress in a healthy manner, and yoga is one of the best natural stress relievers there is. Yoga has gained lots of well-deserved media attention in the past few years, and it’s still growing. This is because people are realizing just how beneficial yoga is! Aside from increasing your metabolism, improving circulation, and reducing anxiety, yoga can additionally alleviate your stress. Here’s the science behind it.

Duke University researchers published a review of more than 100 different studies looking at the effects of yoga on your mental health.  Lead author Dr. P. Murali Doraiswamy, a professor of psychiatry and medicine at Duke University Medical Center told Time Magazine:

“Most individuals already know that yoga produces some kind of a calming effect. Individually, people feel better after doing the physical exercise. Mentally, people feel calmer, sharper, maybe more content. We thought it’s time to see if we could pull all [the literature] together… to see if there’s enough evidence that the benefits individual people notice can be used to help people with mental illness.”

Studies suggest that yoga might even have a similar effect to antidepressants and psychotherapy. It influences neurotransmitters and boosts your happy chemical, also known as serotonin. After a yoga session, you will even feel as if you have worked out the logical brain. It makes you feel mentally calm, keeping the brain quiet. Stronger connections with the logical brain, (or scientifically known as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, other parts of the prefrontal cortex, parts of the cingulate cortex and parts of the hippocampus).

Working out the logical brain for a long time can cause a ‘rewiring’ of the nerve connections related to stress. New circuitry enables you to find it easier to channel your thoughts into a more positive fashion. Instead of focusing on the negative, you might naturally pay more attention to the good things that come out of a bad experience.

If you’re looking to adopt yoga as a stress reliever, practice the routine in the video below. I, along with the researchers from Duke University, assure you that you will experience a reduction in stress.

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