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65 Reasons Why You Should Always Have A Bottle Of Hydrogen Peroxide At Home

by May 30, 2017

Hydrogen peroxide is something that you should always keep in your house. It is extremely useful and can be a complete lifesaver from time to time.

Hydrogen peroxide, chemical compound H2O2, is the only germicidal agent composed of only water and oxygen. It kills disease organisms by oxidation and can eliminate some of the most detrimental germs. It is one of the best cleaning agents to use, and it can also be used for wounds. Applying a little hydrogen peroxide over a wound will kill all the bacteria and pathogens that pose risk for infection.

Hydrogen peroxide kills microorganisms by oxidizing them – much like a burning process. It reacts with organic material and breaks down into oxygen and water. That means that it is nontoxic for humans. It can be used to clean cuts and infections, rejuvenating bath water, killing fungi, and more.

Here’s the complete list of 65 reasons you should always have hydrogen peroxide in your house:

1. Disinfect Small Wounds

Hydrogen peroxide is a natural anti-septic, therefore one of its most common uses is to clean wounds to prevent infection.

2. Bleach Your Hair

Because it is more gentle than household bleach, hydrogen peroxide is also great for lightening hair.

3. Just Add Highlights

To get a classic “sun-bleached” look, simply spray hydrogen peroxide over damp hair and let it soak in for 10 – 15 minutes before rinsing out.

4. Whitening Toothydrogen peroxidase

Mix baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to make a homemade took hydrogen peroxidase that will also remove stains from teeth when used daily.

5. Antiseptic Mouth Rinse

Use a cap full of hydrogen peroxide as a mouth rinse to help whiten teeth and kill germs that cause bad breath.

6. Disinfect Toothbrushes

Soak toothbrushes in hydrogen peroxide to kill staph bacteria and other germs common to the bathroom environment.

7. Whiten Your Nails

Soak fingertips and toes in hydrogen peroxide to naturally whiten your nails.

8. Clear Up Acne

Use hydrogen peroxide as a face rinse to kill the bacteria that cause acne and help clear your complexion. 

9. Help Heal Boils

Pour half of a bottle (about 8 ounces) of hydrogen peroxide into warm bath water and soak to treat boils.

10. Soften Corns & Calluses

Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and warm water to make a foot soak that will naturally soften corns and calluses.

11. Remove Ear Wax

Put a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide into ears, wait a minute or two, then follow up with a couple of drops of olive oil. Wait another minute, then drain fluid from ears to remove ear wax.

12. Prevent “Swimmer’s Ear”

Mix equal parts hydrogen peroxide and vinegar in a small dropper bottle. Put several drops in each ear after swimming to prevent infection.

13 .Relieve Ear Infections

Put 6 – 8 drop of hydrogen peroxide in each ear to alleviate symptoms and help clear up an ear infection.

14. Kill Sub-dermal Parasites

Apply hydrogen peroxide to skin affected with mites or other parasites to kill them naturally.

15. Treat Foot Fungus

Combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water in a dark colored spray bottle (light exposure weakens hydrogen peroxide) and apply to skin affected by foot fungus each night to stop fungal growth.

16. Clean Tile Surfaces

Spray hydrogen peroxide directly onto tile to remove dirt and stains.

17. Whiten Grout

Mix hydrogen peroxide with white flour to create a thick paste. Apply to grout and cover with plastic wrap overnight. The next day, simply rinse with water for whiter grout.

18. Clean Toilet Bowls

Pour about half a cup of hydrogen peroxide into toilet bowls and let it soak for at least 30 minutes to clean and remove stains.

19. Remove Tub Scum

Spray hydrogen peroxide on soap scum, dirt, and stains in the bathtub. Let it sit for at least 30 minutes then rinse to loosen grime and make cleaning easier.

20. Control Mold & Mildew

Spray hydrogen peroxide on areas where mold and mildew are present to stop fungal growth and remove discoloration.

21. Clean Glass Surfaces

Spray hydrogen peroxide on dirty mirrors and other glass surfaces to loosen dirt and grime. Wipe away with a clean, lint-free cloth.

22. Disinfect Countertops

Spray hydrogen peroxide on kitchen and bathroom countertops to clean and disinfect.

23. Soak Dishrags & Sponges

Drop dirty rags and cleaning sponges into hydrogen peroxide and let them soak for 15 – 30 minutes to disinfect.

24. Disinfect Cutting Boards

Spray hydrogen peroxide on cutting boards to kill germs and bacteria from raw meat and other foods that may have soaked into the surface of the board.

25. Wash Fruits & Vegetables

Spray fruits and veggies with hydrogen peroxide and let soak for a minute or two before rinsing in clean water to remove dirt, wax, and other contaminants.

26. Clean Your Refrigerator

Spray hydrogen peroxide around the inside of your refrigerator and let is soak for a few minutes. Then wipe away with a clean cloth to remove food and disinfect.

28. Remove Organic Stains

Mix two parts hydrogen peroxide with one part dish detergent and apply to organic stains (coffee, wine, blood, sweat, etc) to remove them.

29. De-Funk Musty Fabrics

Mix hydrogen peroxide with white vinegar and soak musty fabrics to remove unwanted odors.

30. Clean Rugs & Carpets

Spray hydrogen peroxide onto light-colored carpets and rugs to remove stains from mud, food, etc. Just remember that hydrogen peroxide will bleach some fabrics. You may want to test this technique in an inconspicuous area first.

31. Refresh Re-useable Bags

Spray hydrogen peroxide inside your re-useable cloth shopping bags to clean, disinfect, and remove food odors.

32. Disinfect Lunchboxes

Spray hydrogen peroxide into lunchboxes, coolers, and cooler bags. Let it sit for a few minutes then wipe away to clean and disinfect.

33. Cleanse Dehumidifiers

Add a pint of hydrogen peroxide to one gallon of water and run the solution through humidifiers to disinfect and remove any mold or mildew that may be growing inside.

34. Improve Seed Germination

Soak seeds in hydrogen peroxide to remove fungal spores and increase germination rate. For more on using hydrogen peroxide to start seeds, check out this great article from Dave’s Garden.

35.  Keep Your Shopping Bags Fresh

Spraying the shipping bag with some hydrogen peroxide and letting it work for a couple of minutes helps disinfect the dirty bag and remove bad odors.

36.  Improve The Germination Of Seeds

Soak the seeds in hydrogen peroxide prior planting them in order to remove fungal spores that may impede their germination.

37.  Thoroughly Clean Your Humidifier

Add a pint of hydrogen peroxide and a gallon of water to the humidifier in order to disinfect it and remove mold and mildew. In turn, the humidifier will run cleanly and smoothly.

38.  Clean Tile Surfaces Better

Tile surfaces accumulate stains and dirt over time, which are often difficult to remove. The good news is that spraying hydrogen peroxide onto tiles is an effective way to get rid of them.

39.  Clean The Toilet

Pour half a cup of hydrogen peroxide into the toilet bowl and let it work for half an hour before scrubbing. This simple trick helps disinfect the bowls and remove any stains.

40.  Make Grout Whiter

Mix a 35% hydrogen peroxide with white flour to create a paste. Cover the grout with the paste and let it work overnight.  Rinse it off in the morning!

41.  Get Rid Of Soap Scum In The Sink Or Bath Tub

To eliminate soap scum fast, spray the surface with 35% hydrogen peroxide and leave it on for half an hour. Once loosened, wipe it away and rinse.

42.  Say Goodbye To Mold

Some of the best health agencies in the world recommend using 3% hydrogen peroxide to remove mold. Simply spray the mold with the solution and leave it on for a few minutes before scrubbing it using a sponge.

43.  Clean Glass Better

Spray the glass surface with a hydrogen peroxide to loosen grime and remove the dirt more effectively.  It is recommended to wipe the surface using an old newspaper.

44.  Clean Kitchen And Bathroom Counter

To clean and disinfect the kitchen and bathroom countertops, simply spray some diluted hydrogen peroxide onto them  and let it sit for a couple of minutes before wiping it off.

45.  Remove Stains From Stone Countertops

Mix some hydrogen peroxide with white flour to create a paste, which should be applied directly onto the stain. Wrap the surface in plastic and let it work overnight.  Clean it up in the morning.

46.  Remove Collar Stain

Spray the collar with a solution made of one part liquid detergent and two parts hydrogen peroxide. Let it work for a couple of minutes before putting it to wash.

47.  Remove Wine Stains

Mix equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and liquid detergent. Then, pour the solution on the stain and remove it using a clean cloth.

48.  Easily Kill Mites

Spray the mites with hydrogen peroxide to get rid of mites efficiently. Repeat the procedure a couple of times, if needed.

49.  Improve Your Plant’s Root System

Interestingly, watering the plants with a mixture containing one part hydrogen peroxide and 32 parts water helps improve the roots of the plants.

50.  Clean Your Mirror Exceptionally Well

Spray the mirrors with hydrogen peroxide and wipe away with an old newspaper to make them exceptionally clean.

51.  Make Short Work Of Armpit Sweat

Mix two parts of hydrogen peroxide with one part of dish detergent and apply onto the stains.  Soak them for a couple of minutes before putting them to wash.

52.  Disinfect Sponges And Dishrags

Soak the sponges and dishrags in hot water and two caps of hydrogen peroxide for half an hour. This simple trick helps clean and disinfect the super dirty sponges and dishrags.

53.  Disinfect Your Cutting Boards

Spray the cutting boards with hydrogen peroxide after each use and leave them like that for a couple of minutes.  Rinse them with clean water afterwards.

54.  Wash Fruits

Did you know that fruits and veggies are often covered in dirt and wax? To remove them, simply spray them with hydrogen peroxide and then rinse them off with clean water.

55.  Clean Your Refrigerator

To clean your refrigerator thoroughly, spray it down with hydrogen peroxide and leave it like that for a few minutes. Then, wipe everything down using a clean cloth.

56.  Remove Stubborn Foods

Mix hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to create a paste that should be scrubbed onto the foods spots.  Let it work for a few minutes before scrubbing it with warm water and sponge.

57.  Clean Kid’s Toys

To keep your kid`s toys clean, spray hydrogen peroxide onto them and wipe them down with a towel. Another option is to wash them in a solution of water and cup of hydrogen peroxide.

58.  Brighten Curtains And Table Cloth

You can either wipe down the yellow sections with a cloth soaked in hydrogen peroxide or add a cup of hydrogen peroxide to your wash.

59.  Prolong The Freshness Of Your Vegetables

Add ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide to a sink filled with cold water.  Soak the veggies in this solution for about half an hour before rinsing them.  When done, pat dry with clean towel and store them in the refrigerator to prolong their freshness.

60.  Enjoy A Fresher Salad

To keep your salad fresh longer, add a tablespoon of food-grade hydrogen peroxide to half a cup of water. Then, spray the mixture onto the salad.

61.  Add In Your Enema Water

Add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to four cups of water.

62.  Get Rid Of Canker sores

Swish a capful of hydrogen peroxide around your mouth for about ten minutes. This simple trick helps get rid of the stubborn canker sores.

63.  Gain Control Of A Yeast Infection

Add two capfuls of hydrogen peroxide inside of your douche once or twice weekly.

64.  Treat Animal Wounds

Animal wounds can be treated the same way as human wounds. Simply dab the hydrogen peroxide directly onto the affected area.

65.  De-mold Plants

To de-mold your plants, simply spray them down with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

This Is How to Decode Your Vaginal Discharge

by May 30, 2017

It is normal for women to experience some vaginal discharge, and in most cases, does not indicate health problems. However, if you are experiencing discharge with a different odor or color, this could be the sing of an infection, imbalance or disease. Know what you to look for, and when to worry!

vaginal discharge, reproductive

The human body is designed with internal healing mechanisms, working to keep all organ systems balanced and in top working condition. The female body is a complex machine, with all systems including the immune, skeletal and endocrine systems working together. The vaginal area is a sensitive area, and responds to stimuli from all other organ systems.

Vaginal discharge is a regular occurrence, as a woman’s body sheds cells on a regular basis, however if you are experiencing blatant changes in the smell, texture, color or type of discharge, this could indicate a larger problem in your overall health.

What is Considered Normal?

Vaginal discharge can be normal or abnormal,” says OB/Gyn Oluwatosin Goje, MD. “Not every vaginal discharge means something.”

It is important to keep this point in mind! If you have noticed discharge, this does not necessarily mean that something I going wrong. Normal vaginal discharge may vary from clear to a milky white color, and is a normal part of the human reproductive system containing water, microorganisms and vaginal cells. Stimulated by estrogen levels in the body, it acts to flush out old cells from the vaginal wall, glands of the cervix and uterus.

What Does Your Vaginal Discharge Reveal?

vaginal discharge, reproductive

It’s Wet, Stretchy and Clear to White in Color

Occurring during the middle of your cycle, this discharge indicates ovulation. “Discharge at ovulation can be copious. I often hear from patients who are worried something is wrong, but its normal.” explained Alyssa Dweck, M.D., OB/Gyn in Westchester, New York and coauthor of ‘V is for Vagina.’

It’s Clumpy, White and Very Itchy

This particular discharge is indicative of a yeast infection. “There’s usually a lot of cottage-cheese looking discharge, and while it doesn’t have an odor, it’s accompanied by killer itching of the outer or inner labia.” said Dweck. “A yeast infection is incredibly common and can be caused by a ton of things, such as taking antibiotics or sitting around in your damp gym clothes. Yeast love warm, moist environments.” Yeast infections can be cured at home in my cases with the aid of an over the counter anti-yeast cream. If this is not effective, or if you have any additional concerns, contact your doctor to ask about an anti-fungal prescription.

It is Thin and Grayish, With a Strong Odor

This is a sign of Bacterial Vaginosis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this is the most common vaginal infection found in women aged 15 to 44. “The odor is the defining trait – it’s kind of a foul, fish-like smell,” states Dweck. Once your doctor has diagnosed this infection it is easily cured with prescription medication. Bacterial Vaginosis is still a mystery to many in the medical community, as there is no clear cause, however it generally means that the bacterial balance in your vagina has been upset in some way.

It Has an Unpleasant Odor, is Frothy and is Tinged Green or Gray

The signs point to Trichomoniasis. The CDC refers to this as the most common and curable STD in the United States, and you don’t’ have to have sex to catch it. ”Trichomoniasis is caused by an organism that can live on towels, vibrators and other inanimate objects,” describes Dweck. It is important that you pay careful attention for this as most men and women who contract this disease don’t’ show any symptoms. The CDC reports that, if it is left untreated, it can make it easier for a woman to contract HIV. Also, if you are pregnant, it can impact your baby’s health. See your physician right away if you believe that you may be experiencing any signs or symptoms, and it can be treated and cured quickly with a prescription.

It Stings Slightly, and is Yellowish-Green in Color

It is time to talk to your doctor, as this is likely one of two common bacterial STDs, chlamydia or gonorrhea. Other signs to watch out for include burning during urination or pelvic pain, however most women have no symptoms! Both of these STDs are easily cured with antibiotics, however your partner also needs to see their doctor. Dweck explained, “Both partners need to be cured, or you’ll keep passing either infection back and forth to each other.

It’s Bloody

This is most likely just breakthrough bleeding, which regularly occurs during the first few months after a woman goes on the pill, during the hormone adjustment phase. If it is a darker red or brownish-colored discharge this may simply be leftover blood from your last period, which took its time leaving your vagina. There are some rare cases in which bloody discharge can signal something more threatening, such as a precancerous cervical lesion. Dweck advises, “Let your doctor know, so she can check you out and rule out a serious issue.”

How To Get Rid of Bloating: 9 Strategies Backed By Science

by May 29, 2017

Approximately 10 to 25% of healthy people experience bloat to some degree according to recent reports, and this number increases significantly in those who suffer with gastrointestinal disorders, such as IBS. Despite being incredibly uncomfortable, most people don’t know what options they have to manage this condition.

IBS, bloating, symptoms of bloating

Bloat is often confused with dyspepsia (indigestion), water retention and stomach distention. While they all share similar symptoms, and may occur simultaneously, they are separate issues. The common symptoms include gas retention and abdominal discomfort, usually following a large meal. In some more severe cases of bloat it can cause abdominal distention.

While the exact causes can vary from person to person, it is typically a result of abdominal gut bacteria, increased nerve perception of pain, unusually slow digestion, psychological distress, abnormal abdominal muscle reflexes or food sensitivities.

IBS, bloat, causes of bloat, management of bloat

The good news is that diet changes alone can help to prevent most cases.


1 Meditation

The spiritual practice of meditation, connecting the mind with the body, has been know to relive psychological stress, which is one of the known causes of bloat. A small study of 13 IBS patients was conducted, adding 15-minute meditations to their schedules, twice daily. The participants reported significant improvement in their bloating, which continued at their 3-month and 1-year follow up visits.

If you are unable to attend yoga classes at a studio near you, you can access free instructional podcasts here. There are also free apps available such as Calm and Headspace.

IBS, bloating, symptoms of bloating

2. Treat IBS and Food Sensitivities

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal disorder that is responsible for several digestive symptoms, with bloating being one of the most common symptoms, experienced by more than 90% of sufferers. Often triggered by specific foods, IBS and food sensitivities are closely linked.

In one study, 43 participants were placed on a diet specifically designed to be low in exposure to food sensitivities, while 39 others continued to consume a regular diet, acting as the control group. At the end of the study 82% of the patients in the low sensitivity group reported marked improvements in bloating, while just under half of those on the regular diet reported the same.


3. Use Peppermint Oil

A recent study, investigated the impact of peppermint oil on IBS sufferers. The first group of 35 volunteers received capsules that contained both peppermint oil and fiber three times daily, whereas a second group, the control group, of 37 volunteers received a placebo pill containing only fiber. At the conclusion of 4 weeks the control group showed a 28.1% improvement in symptom scores for bloating and distention. The group receiving the peppermint oil, however, saw a 53.5% improvement!

The peppermint oil is believed to have the ability to increase the transit time in the intestinal tract by increasing the flow of bile and relaxing the stomach muscles in most people. It is important to note that one study found peppermint may actually slow the intestinal transit time, making the symptoms worse for this group.

IBS, bloating, symptoms of bloating

4. Modify Mealtime Behaviors

Some of the easiest, and yet most highly effective changes come from making changes to when you eat, and how much you consume in a single sitting. There are several studies that suggest that the body is more sensitive to the sensation of the stomach after meals.

For this reason, you should eat several smaller meals to prevent the bloating sensation, as this will reduce stomach stretching. Eat slowly during meal times, and avoid using straws a they can provide a route for additional gas to find its way into the stomach.


5. Limit Products Known to Cause Digestive Stress

There are several foods that have been found to contribute to bloating in addition to those already discussed (known food sensitivities). Foods that increase gas volume contribute to build up of gas in the intestinal tract. This includes carbonated beverages which introduce more gas into the digestive tract, as well as chewing gum and hard candy as they may cause you to swallow excess air which may, in turn, increase gas production.

Chewing gums and hard candies also carry an additional risk, as many contain sugar alcohols. This ingredient is largely indigestible, and is the reason why many chewing gum packages contain a warning on the label. Additional items to be cautious about include low quality protein powders, meal replacement powders and caffeine.

IBS, bloating, symptoms of bloating

6. Digestive Enzymes May Reduce Bloating

Within the body digestive enzymes break down the foods that you consume into smaller components. Some people lack the enzymes that are required to break down certain foods, specifically the carbohydrates associated with food sensitivities. When these undigested carbohydrates reach the gut and undergo the process of fermentation, they cause both gas and bloating.

The following digestive enzyme supplements, when taken with meals, may help:

  • Alpha-D-Galactosidase supplements (such as Beano) work to break down oligosaccharides. There are several small studies that have found that 300 to 1200 GaIU of alpha-galactosidase can help with bloating and gas production when taken with meals.
  • The digestive enzyme Lactase aid in the body’s ability to break down and digest lactose. Taking lactase prior to the consumption of dairy products has been proven to be beneficial for those who suffer with lactose intolerance.
  • There are some health conditions that can impair nutrient absorption, leading to bloating, such as cancer, cystic fibrosis and diseases of both the liver and the pancreas. There are cases where taking a specific digestive enzyme may prove useful, however these are almost always prescribed by your family doctor.


7. Probiotics Can Help Get Rid of Bloating

Found naturally in a number of foods, as well as supplement form, probiotics are a beneficial bacteria that has been found to help alleviate digestive problems, especially bloating.

A study was conducted including 122 IBS patients, in which they were provided with a daily dose of Bifidobacterium bifidum. The results indicated a significant level of improvement both in bloating and pain symptoms in comparison to those that were on a placebo. A second study, involving the use of a combination of strains of bacteria over a 4-week period, showed similar results.

Not all probiotics have proven results, however the following strains at specific doses, when taken for at least 4 weeks:

  • Lactobacillus acidophius and Bifidobacterium infantis at a dose of 1 x 1010 cfu per day
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus plus Bifidobaterium lactis at a dose of 2 x 1011 cfu per day
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum at a dose of 1 x 109 cfu per day
  • Bifidobacterium lactis at a level of 1.25 x 1010 cfu per dose, plus a combination of Streptococcus thermophiles and Lactobacillus bulgaricus at 12 x 109 cfu per dose
IBS, bloat, symptoms of bloat, management of bloat

Comparison of change in IBS symptoms with B. bifidum vs. placebo before and after treatment. Lower score is better.


8. Minimize or Treat Constipation

Ensuring that you drink adequate fluids, and maintain a regular exercise routine will help to ensure regular bowel movements. This is important, as constipation is a major trigger for bloating. When selecting your fiber sources, avoid those that are known food sensitivity triggers.

Hard stools within the digestive tract have been found to increase the diameter of the rectum. This greatly slows down the movement of food and gas, contributing to both gassiness and bloating. Constipation has also been connected with an increase in fermentation of carbohydrates in the gut, which produces gas. It is for this reason that bloating has been found to be the most common symptom of constipation-dominant IBS, or IBS-C.

IBS, bloating, symptoms of bloating

9.Low-Intensity Exercise Can Help Reduce Bloating

A small study was completed in which 8 volunteers, 7 of which suffered from IBS, received infusions of gas into the digestive tract. The participants were then asked to alternate between periods of rest, and low-intensity exercises on a stationary bike.

During this time researchers compared measurements of those who were at rest to those partaking in the exercise. It was found that those at rest retained approximately 45% of the infused gas, whereas during exercise only 24% was retained. Low-intensity exercise helps to move the gas through the digestive tract, and can be beneficial to reducing bloating.

23 Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water that You Never Knew!

by May 29, 2017

Many celebrities are sharing their favorite diet tips and tricks online, and the use of lemon water is a growing trend! With the list of health benefit claims growing, including its ability to promote weight loss, does lemon water live up to the hype?

lemon water, lemons, benefits of lemon water

Lemons are power packed foods, containing many antioxidants, and repairing the body’s immune system naturally with limonene, magnesium, bioflavonoids, pectin, calcium, citric acid and vitamin C.

The uses for lemon are not limited to adding it to water. It makes a great insect repellent. You can also use it as a mouthwash if you add hot water. It also can be sprinkled on a fruit salad, added to salad dressings and even frozen to make popsicles.

Adding lemon to your water will encourage you to consume more water! The Food and Nutrition Board states that recommended intake for water is 91 to 125 ounces, which can come from either food or drinks. There are numerous benefits associated with the consumption of water throughout your day, however many of us find the tasteless substance to be difficult to work into our diets. Adding the lemon twist will make each refreshing glass that much more enticing.

lemon water, lemons, benefits of lemon water

When you are making lemon water always use fresh lemons as the artificial lemon from a bottle does not carry the same health benefits. You can also infuse your lemon water with even more flavors, by adding slices of other citrus fruits such as oranges or limes, a few springs of mint, a slice of fresh ginger, a teaspoon of maple syrup, cucumber slices, a dash of cinnamon or a teaspoon of raw honey.


Check out these great health benefits you can experience by adding lemon water to your daily routine:

  1. Regulates Metabolism
  2. Improves Digestion
  3. Alleviates Headaches and Migraines
  4. Strengthens Your Immune System
  5. Alleviate Hangovers
  6. Decreases Constipation
  7. Improves You Respiratory Health
  8. Boosts Your Mood
  9. Prevents Kidney Stones
  10. Eliminates High Fevers
  11. Freshens Breath
  12. Increases Bile
  13. Helps to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
  14. Keeps You Satiated Longer
  15. Eliminates Bloating
  16. Lowers Your Risk of Stroke
  17. Cleans Your Sinus Cavities
  18. Detoxifies the Body and Improves Liver Function
  19. Assists in Balancing the Body’s PH Levels
  20. Helps Heartburn
  21. Improves Skin and Reduces Wrinkles
  22. Improves Intestinal Health
  23. Relieves Pain in Your Joints

14 Signs of Adrenal Fatigue, and What You Can Do

by May 29, 2017

Once overlooked as nothing more than a collection of unrelated symptoms, Adrenal Fatigue has now become a buzzword in the world of natural health. Everyone is talking about what to watch for, and what we can do to take care of ourselves, from holistic facialists to acupuncturist.

The question remains, what can you do to protect your own health?


adrenal fatigue, adrenal glands, health, natural health

Susan Blum, MD, founder of the Blum Center for Health and a functional medicine physican states, “When there’s severe, chronic stress, the adrenal glands can stay in the ‘on’ position, making extra amounts of these stress hormones. If this goes on for long enough, the adrenals can become depleted.”

When chronic stress leaves your body in a perpetual fight-or-flight mode, the adrenal glands can’t always keep up. When they are unable to produce a sufficient amount of the hormones required to leave you feeling good, your body will let you know.


Watch for These 14 Symptomsadrenal fatigue, adrenal glands, health, natural health

  1. Feeling Sore and Stiff
  2. Sleep Disturbances
  3. Difficulty Getting Up in the Morning
  4. Poor Digestion
  5. Salt Cravings
  6. A Weak Immune System
  7. Feeling Overwhelmed
  8. Mental Fogginess
  9. Inability to Stay Focused
  10. Low Energy
  11. Fatigue after Working Out
  12. Hormone Imbalances
  13. Anxiety or Depression
  14. High or Low Blood Pressure


What Can You Do?

Focus on ensuring that you are getting enough sleep, especially when you are facing stressful situations in your life! This may require you to set, and keep, a rigid routine. If you find that you can’t fall asleep, even lying down in a dark room will start your melatonin production.

adrenal fatigue, adrenal glands, health, natural health

Avoid the risk of disruptive chemicals in your life by paying attention to what you are putting in and on your body. A healthy diet, and limited exposure to topical chemicals, will help to ensure that your body is functioning at its optimal condition. Too much caffeine will only serve to increase your fatigue in the long run. Turn, instead, to foods that contain essential fatty acids, fish oil, avocado, coconut oil and whole grains.

Lastly, learn to say no! Adrenal Fatigue is caused by high levels of stress. If you re always putting the needs of others first, and finding yourself overwhelmed, you will be feeling the effects. Reducing your stress levels will take a load off your adrenals!


Attention Sushi Lovers: A Worm Parasite Is On The Rise in The U.S.

by May 29, 2017

Sushi is delicious and among the favorite foods of many people. However, this delicious dinner might be hiding some malicious parasites.

By eating sushi, you give worms direct access to your body. They are nasty parasites and your brain is the perfect vacation spot for them. Of course, nobody wants worm in their body, so here is how to avoid them and what you need to know.

Tapeworks are not unheard of. They enter the body through food and typically reside in the digestive tract. They survive off of your food, so you basically share everything you eat with them. However, 4 years ago at Cambridge University, doctors examined the head of a British man and they found a tapeworm. This tapeworm was different though; they had never seen this kind of tapeworm in the United Kingdom.

The British man had first experienced symptoms four years ago. He complained of headaches to a team of doctors at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge. The tapeworm this man had contracted has never before been seen in the United Kingdom. The man, of Chinese descent, had recently traveled to China, Thailand, Japan, and South Korea. These are the places where the worm has had most occurred.

Dr. Effrossyni Gkrania-Klotsas, the lead researcher on the case, stated: “When the patient returned, he had all new symptoms. The worm was now moving through a new part of the man’s brain. This is what made his legs weak and he had seizures. In fact, he was diagnosed with Sparganosis. That is a dangerous infection. Upon such diagnosis, doctors had to be quick to remove the worm through a surgery, because there is no drug to effectively treat the infection.”

The doctor also stated that she expects to see more of these cases in the future. If you want to avoid this vicious parasite be sure that all pork that you eat is properly cooked. Acquiring the parasite from undercooked pork is one of the most popular forms it’s ingested.

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