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This Plant is Called “God’s Gift” Because it Can Cure More Than 100 Diseases! (Recipe)

by June 3, 2017

Tree spinach is a large fast growing shrub that is believed to have originated in the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula. It is also known as Chaya and apparently can do some pretty fantastic things.

While this plant is not as well known as you might think, it is praised for all of its incredible health benefits. If you are dealing with anything like headaches, diabetes, or high cholesterol this is the shrub you need in your life. While it sounds too good to be true it isn’t. It can be added to your soups, salads, and teas but of course, you need to remember not to ingest it in its raw form.

It seems tea is the best way to consume Chaya and get the most benefits out of it. Find out how to make Chaya tea by following the recipe below. Enjoy!

Chaya Tea Recipe


  • 12 Chaya leaves
  • 4 Cups of water


  • Boil the water and add the leaves to this.
  • Let this simmer for about ten minutes and then drink.
  • You can add the now boiled leaves to salads or soups.

For information on how to grow your own Chaya plants please take the time to watch the video below.


How to Supercharge Apple Cider Vinegar With Turmeric, Ginger, Lemon, and Garlic

by June 2, 2017

If you are dealing with any cold or flu symptoms this remedy will get you through quickly. This is something that is known as fire vinegar and boy does it do the trick!

There can be some variations to the recipe but the core is always the same. The most common ingredients include things like apple cider vinegar, ginger root, turmeric, onion, garlic, cayenne powder, and lemon. These things work by decongesting and firing up the circulatory system. Most of the things in this are considered to be antiviral and antibacterial so they work wonders.

Apple cider vinegar for those who do not know has a high content of acetic acid and is able to kill bacteria. Lots of naturopathic doctors actually recommend that people take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water as soon as they feel congestion coming on. It is often used as a preventative for the flu during flu season.

Turmeric has been studied for quite some time now and has shown great results when it comes to issues like the ones listed above. As for ginger, a study done back in 2010 showed that ginger is very useful when it comes to fighting off infections. If you think this remedy something you would like to try continue reading for the recipe.

Fire Vinegar Recipe


  • 1/2 cup of ginger root
  • 1/2 cup of horseradish root
  • 1/2 cup of turmeric root
  • 1 onion
  • 10 cloves of garlic
  • 2 jalapeno peppers
  • 2 lemons
  • 1/2 teaspoons of cayenne powder
  • 1 ounce bottle of apple cider vinegar


  • Put everything other than the vinegar into a food processor or a blender.
    Blend everything.
  • Once you have them all blended put everything into a glass container and pour the apple cider vinegar on top.
  • Place the lid on and shake well.
  • Store this in the fridge for one month and remember to shake every day.
  • Strain this after one month and pour into a clean jar.


  • Take two tablespoons of this three times a day when you feel a cold or something along those lines coming on.
  • If you are sensitive to spicy foods lower it to one teaspoon.

High Uric Acid Causes, Symptoms and Remedies

by June 2, 2017

When uric acid levels become elevated in the blood, it causes a condition referred to as hyperuricemia. Unfortunately, this, in turn, can also cause other, very painful problems like gout.

Elevated levels of uric acid typically result from increased production of uric acid in the body or decreased excretion of it through the kidneys. Not only can this cause uric crystals to begin forming around the joints (usually in the foot around the big toe) as well as kidney stones and renal failure.

Uric acid is a waste product that is caused by the normal deterioration of purines in the body. These purines are found in various foods like liver, mushrooms, anchovies, mackerel and dried beans according to the NIAMS. 

While the kidneys usually filter our levels of uric acid, high levels of it can begin to accumulate in our body. This high concentration of uric acid in the blood is then turned into urate crystals which accumulate around our joints. Causes for this include genetics, obesity, kidney issues, lead exposure, over-indulgence of alcohol and taking diuretics or niacin.

So, how do we know whether or not our levels are too high?


  • Intense joint pain that is most severe in the first 12-24 hours
  • Joint pain that lasts for a few days to a few weeks and then spreads to more joints over time
  • Redness, tenderness, and swelling of the joints

Thankfully, there are blood tests which can determine if your levels of uric acid are too high or not. And if they are, there are a number of effective home remedies to help you to combat them.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Due to its detoxifying nature, apple cider vinegar is wonderful for removing waste products like uric acid from the body. Not only can it break it down, it can also completely eliminate it from your body. Just add one teaspoon of raw, organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to a glass of water daily. 


Cherries, along with dark berries contain certain chemicals which can combat elevated uric acid levels. Try adding 1/2 cup of cherries to your diet each day for best results. You can also make it into a juice.

Olive Oil

Vegetable oils turn into rancid fats once they are in our body. These rancid fats destroy the vital vitamin E in the body, which is necessary to control uric acid levels. Use olive oil when cooking and baking. You can also use it as a salad dressing along with lemon juice for even more healing power!

Combine These 3 Ingredients to Prevent Cancer, Infections and High Blood Pressure

by June 2, 2017

While some natural remedies are a bit more complicated, this mixture is not only simple, it is also quite effective. As a matter of fact, you probably already have these ingredients in your pantry!

And if you don’t, you can acquire them quite cheaply. Together, garlic, honey, and apple cider vinegar create a powerful mixture that can fight a number of ailments including cancer, various infections, and heart disease.

So how exactly does this work?

According to the National Cancer Institute, there are a number of scientific studies that back the healing potential of garlic and its preventative capabilities regarding cancer.

Garlic is also known for its ability to improve circulation, lower cholesterol and for reducing blood pressure. It is also revered for its anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. Basically, it is a super food in its own right.

Now, add the healing capabilities of honey and how could you lose? Honey is packed with antioxidants, and the darker the honey, the more antioxidant power it contains. Honey is also wonderful at regulating blood sugar which is beneficial to the heart as well.

And this wouldn’t be a super remedy if it didn’t have the last super ingredient: apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is quite useful due to its powerful healing compounds, which include acetic acid, potassium, magnesium, probiotics, and enzymes. Acetic acid makes it to where it is able to destroy bad bacteria and at the same time to promote the growth of the beneficial ‘good’ bacteria. Various studies support its ability to prevent cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s.

While each of these ingredients is beyond effective by themselves, when combined, the possibilities are endless. Not only is this combination wonderful for combating high-blood pressure, infections, and various cancers, it also has the ability to provide relief from the common cold and arthritis. Of course, it can heal a number of other ailments, too!

And it’s so simple to make!

Garlic, Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey Mixture


  • 10 Garlic Cloves
  • 1 cup honey, raw and organic
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar


  1. Blend all ingredients.
  2. Pour into a jar.
  3. Refrigerate

It is best to use this within five days after making. While it won’t hurt you to take it past five days, the benefits will not be as strong. Simply take 2 tablespoons each morning on an empty stomach, and watch the benefits take hold.

The 4 Causes of Our Diseases According to Shamans

by June 2, 2017

Shamans are simply real men and women who can get in touch with their state of higher consciousness. They are able to communicate in ways that are not possible without conditioning.

Shamans pay a lot of attention to the cause and effect when it comes to things in this life. We are more than aware that our bodies suffer transformations during our lives. The body can get sick from all sorts of things like accidents, viruses, and even things like cancer. From a shamanic point of view, these things are all just effects. When it comes to these things we should address the root causes.

There are only 4 basic causes of disease. These causes are not bacteria or viruses but our internal state of which works as a hotbed for these things. For more on these 4 causes please pay close attention as you read further.

1. Losing Your Soul

Soul loss is a big thing whether we realize it or not. This could even be seen as the most serious of the three possibilities. This would be the one to cause the most life-threatening illnesses.

2. Chronic Fear

A person who is suffering from chronic fear is often something that leaves us vulnerable to disease. This is because fear kills our operating abilities.

3. Spiritual Intrusions and Possessing Spirits

This happens when a person is missing a guardian spirit. This leaves an opening in the body and comes from negative thoughts. Holding things in and not expressing our emotions can create these spiritual intrusions.

4. Disharmony

This happens when men lose a relationship that was important to them in life. For example when one of the two in the elderly couple passes this often happens. This disharmony makes us vulnerable to a host of things.

Use These 5 Simple Tricks to Speed Up Your Metabolism

by June 2, 2017

The faster that your metabolism works, the more calories you will burn in your daily activities – the more calories that you burn, the easier it is to lose weight. While to some degree our present metabolism is determined by gender and genetics, there is still a significant amount of it that is within our control.

Your metabolism and digestive system contain 70% of your immune system, the body’s first line of defense against poisonous substances, viruses and harmful bacteria. If your metabolism is running slow, you will find yourself feeling sluggish, lacking motivation and gaining weight. You will also be more susceptible to illness due to a lowered immune system.

metabolism, weight loss, diet

The great news is that there are tricks you can apply that will help to improve the way your metabolism is functioning. “You have a huge amount of control over your metabolic rate,” stated John Berardi, Ph.D., C.S.C.S. and author of The Metabolism Advantage. “You can’t affect how many calories it takes to keep your heart beating, but you can burn an extra 500 to 600 calories a day by exercising properly and eating right.”

Your metabolism is closely linked with nature’s rhythms due to your internal clock. As you wake up and begin your day, so to does your metabolism, gaining momentum until its peak around midday. It then begins to slow down as your day concludes, in turn resting as you do. If your eating patterns are inconsistent, or poorly scheduled, your digestive system will not align with your peak metabolism. For example, if you are eating a large dinner late at night, you are in-taking this food during a slow metabolism cycle.

Making small changes to what, and when, you eat can help to speed up your metabolism, promote better sleep, provide increased energy and optimize your body’s ability to burn fat. You will wake up each morning feeling balanced, rested and healthy.


Follow these 5 daily tips to naturally speed up your body’s metabolism:

  1. Eat Breakfast Every Morning!

breakfast, metabolism, diet

Your body, and with it your metabolism, have been resting all night long, and your breakfast is going to activate it, kicking it into gear. If you don’t fuel your metabolism first thing, it will operate slowly leaving you sluggish. In a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, a group of volunteers who reported regularly skipping breakfast were found to have 4.5 times the risk of obesity as those who too the time to eat.


  1. Enjoy a Mid-Morning Snack of Fruit

fruit, metabolism, diet

At approximately 10 AM a healthy digestive system will begin to speed up. Your body will process fruit quickly, faster than nearly any other food. This means that eating fruit at this time will help to speed up your metabolism, giving it a necessary boost. If you are interested in taking it one step further, reach for pineapple! Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme which burns fat.


  1. Enjoy a Raw Salad Each Day

salad, vegetables, metabolism

A raw salad will provide your body with a large volume of fiber, which will help to provide a ‘workout’ for your digestive system. The vegetables in salad are low in calories, which will allow you to eat plenty of them! They also contain a significant amount of water, balancing the moisture content within your colon, as well as enzymes with help to fire up many of the healing processes that occur within your body.


  1. Don’t Eat Carbs at Night

carbs, carbohydrates, metabolism

Carbohydrates play a necessary role, providing your body with energy. At night, after approximately 6 PM, your body and your metabolism begin to slow down, preparing you for sleep. If you consume carbs at this time, your body will respond by storing the additional energy that you are providing it as fat while you sleep, as you will not require nearly as much energy throughout the night as you would during the day. On the other hand, if you go to bed without having eaten carbs your body will burn fat for energy while you sleep.


  1. Get a Good Sleep

sleep, rest, metabolism

Researchers have found that a lack of deep sleep will raise the cortisol levels in your body. This stress hormone level in turn lifts blood sugar levels, which will in turn lower your energy levels and slow your metabolism. An unhealthy sleep cycle can also reduce the body’s production of leptin, a hormone which suppresses the appetite, while increasing the production of ghrelin, a hormone that tells you that you are hungry. This will leave you feeling hungry even if you don’t require additional food, leading you to overeat.

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