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Scarlet Fever is Back and Every Parent Needs to Watch Out For These Warning Signs

by June 5, 2017

Parents are always worried about their kids, you just can’t help it. Kids are parents number one priority, as it should be; Sadly parents have a new disease to worry about.

There are so many modern day diseases that threaten the wellbeing of our children. It is actually terrifying; autism, leukemia, cancer, diabetes, and more. There are literally thousands of them, and the pharmaceuticals and vaccines only make things worse. Corporate Ceos are getting rich at the expense of your children’s health. Unfortunately, there is a new disease, or rather an old disease, that is back and parents are scrambling to protect their kids. What is it? Scarlet Fever.

What is Scarlet Fever?

Scarlet fever is also known as scarlatina. It is an infection that can develop in kids who are suffering from strep throat. It is mostly recognized by the bright red rash it brings about. The rash covers the child all over their body, and it also comes with a high fever and a sore throat. It mainly affects children in between the ages of 5 and 15. Antibiotics have reduced the severity of the disease, but it is still spreading. It is derived from the same bacteria that causes strep throat.

Some Other Symptoms of Scarlet Fever:

  • red lines or streaks around the armpits, elbows, and knees
  • flushed face
  • strawberry tongue, or a white tongue with red dots on the surface
  • red, sore throat with white and yellow patches
  • fever above 101°F (38.3°C)
  • chills
  • headaches
  • swollen tonsils
  • nausea and vomiting
  • swollen glands in the back of the neck
  • pale skin around the lips

Scarlet fever used to be as common as a cold, but cases slowly diminished. For some odd reason, it is back on the rise. It is caused by group A Streptococcus bacteria, which are bacteria that can live in your mouth and nasal passages. The bacteria produces a toxin that causes a bright red rash on the body.

Apply ACV on Your Skin and See How the Cellulite Goes Away in Several Days!

by June 5, 2017

Stretch marks and cellulite are natural occurrences, and you should never be ashamed of them. However, they aren’t too flattering. Instead of buying those expensive and toxic creams, try this naturally effective remedy!

Cellulite is a condition when the skin appears to have areas with underlying fat deposits. This gives your legs a dimpled and lumpy appearance. You see it most on the buttocks and thighs, but it can also take place in the arms or stomach.

Stretch marks are a little different, and a little more tricky to treat. Thankfully this remedy works for both. They typically appear as bands of parallel lines on your skin. They are usually a different color and texture than your skin is normally. They most commonly occur after childbirth, but can also happen when you lose or gain a rapid amount of weight. They range from purple to light gray, and can sometimes feel itchy or sore. Neither one of these marks are flattering and can be damaging to your self-image. Common pharmaceutical treatments for these conditions are extremely expensive, and very rarely even work.

Instead, try using apple cider vinegar! Apple cider vinegar can be used for a thousand different things. Not only does apple cider vinegar have tons of proven health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure, but it is also an amazing product for your beauty regimen. Apple cider vinegar can eliminate your cellulite on the spot. Apple cider vinegar is composed of acids and components that work perfectly for draining fluids from the body. Just by simply adding apple cider vinegar to your diet you can eliminate your cellulite for good. It has properties that destroy fat accumulation and contribute to the elimination of toxins.

It is probably one of the most simple remedies a person can do too. If you’re looking to get rid of cellulite once and for all, all you have to do is mix apple cider vinegar into your massage cream or essential oils. Mix the ingredients together and apply it to the affected areas twice a day. Massage in a circular motion to ensure its application, and voila!

Essential Oils that Stop Cancer in Its Tracks

by June 5, 2017

Essential oils are one of the best forms to obtain the benefits of natural ingredients. They are amazing for you to breathe in and they smell nice too!

Essential oils are concentrated organic compounds extracted from plants with tremendous healing properties. The practice of healing using essential oils is typically referred to as aromatherapy, and it can be used to treat tons of different health issues. Essential oils have been used for over 5,000 years in all kinds of ancient cultures and civilizations. It is one of the oldest holistic healing methods!

Some of the most common essential oils are lavender, frankincense, lemon, peppermint, and tea tree oil. They are known for their abilities in fighting cold and flu symptoms, relaxing your body, healing skin conditions, improving digestion, reducing cellulite, and even getting rid of wrinkles. However, doctors have been studying the true effects of essential oils for quite some time now, and they found one essential oil that has especially extraordinary healing abilities. Scientists have discovered essential oils that can stop the spreading of cancer, but not cure it – until now.

The healthy body has a frequency ranging from about 62 to 78 MHz. However, the disease starts at about 58 Hz. Scientists tested the frequency of the human body and essential oils, and they found that Holding a cup of coffee dropped one man’s frequency from 66 Hz to 58 MHz in just 3 seconds. It took three days for his frequency to return to normal. They studied some of the most popular essential oils such as jasmine, thyme, rose, chamomile, cinnamon, and lavender. They studied these oils abilities to combat cancer. They did this by testing the antibacterial potency and the vitro toxicology against human cancer cell lines.

The study was performed by Bruce Tainio and head of the Department of Agriculture at Eastern Washington University. They developed a Calibrated Frequency Monitor (CFM) and used it to measure the frequencies of essential oils and their effects on human frequencies. They performed the study at John Hopkins University. “Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell’s nucleus becomes corrupted,” says Immunologist Mahmoud Suhail. It seems some essential oils have a re-set function. It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be.

Breast cancer cells were mostly destroyed by cinnamon, thyme, chamomile, and jasmine oils. Chamomile killed up to 93% of them in vitro, and thyme 97%! Additionally, frankincense also proved the be extremely useful against cancer. “Frankincense separates the ‘brain’ of the cancerous cell – the nucleus – from the ‘body’ – the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes,” says Suhail.

Dementia Now Striking People in Their 40s As Mercury From Vaccines Causes Slow, Degenerative Brain Damage

by June 4, 2017

Researchers have found that the victims of neurological brain conditions like Dementia are getting younger. This is definitely cause for alarm.

This information comes to us from a study published in the Surgical Neurology Internation Journal and it states that these levels are literally almost epidemic. It is thought to be related back to environmental causes as well. In this, they looked at figures for neurological brain diseases in 21 Western countries from the year 1989 to the year 2010.

Results from this showed that as of 2010 the average rate for Dementia to set was ten whole years earlier than in 1989 and of course death by neurological diseases had also increased significantly over the years especially in those aged between 55 and 74.

While these changes were seen in a few different countries they were mainly seen in the United States (no surprise there.) Brain disease is one of the biggest issues we are currently having to deal with. It seems to be competing with cancer constantly. These findings have been attributed mainly to environmental factors like the increase in the human environment of petrochemicals, spraying of insecticides, the number of vehicles, and so forth. However, there is also fear that exposure to mercury could in vaccines be contributing to these issues. (No shock there either, mercury has no place in our vaccines and is highly toxic.)
Scientists have actually been able to show that trace amounts of mercury can even cause the type of damage to nerves that is found to be a characteristic of damage caused by Alzheimer’s disease. According to Dr. Mercola research has even shown that patients with Alzheimer’s have at least three times higher blood levels of mercury than controls. How much is more proof needed?

No, we are not safe simply because some vaccines (not all, there is still mercury in vaccines) no longer have mercury in them. They still contain aluminum and other toxic additives either way. For more information on the dangers of mercury in vaccines please click here and if you have the time watch the video below.

Naturally Reverse Tooth Decay with These Steps

by June 3, 2017

A lot of people believe that when tooth decay begins it is irreversible but that is not entirely true. If you are dealing with cavities you might be able to reverse them without going to the dentist.

Science has proven time and time again that by changing our diet we can reverse tooth decay and get rid of cavities. Yes, that means you don’t have to go through having your tooth drilled out and sealed with synthetic material. Below you will find the steps you need to take to get rid of cavities without going to the dentist.

1. Cut out sugar.

If you are dealing with tooth decay or cavities you need to avoid sugar at all costs. Stay away from things like soda, candy, sugary foods, and baked goods.

2. Always brush your teeth.

Homemade toothpaste is always better but regardless you need to maintain your oral health. Floss and brush every day and always be on the lookout for fluoride. (Fluoride should always be avoided.)

3. Start oil pulling.

Swish coconut oil around in your mouth for at least five minutes a day. (Slowly work your way up to twenty minutes.) Spit the oil out when done and rinse with warm water.

You will also need to eat more nutritious foods as often as possible. This will help protect your teeth. Ingest more calcium and things like garlic as well as turmeric. When it comes to your dental health these small things can make a world of a difference. For more information on oil pulling please take the time to watch the video below.


5 Ways to Tighten Sagging Breasts Without Surgery

by June 3, 2017

Sadly as we age our breasts begin to sag. It is not something that is easy to correct and can be a big downer when it comes to our self-esteem.

When it comes to firming our breasts, there is not a whole lot we can do when it comes to commercial creams and such they just don’t work. There are quite a few exercises that focus on toning the muscles under the breasts as a means to lift them, but you have to work hard at them. However, when coupled with any of the following remedies, breast tightening will become significantly easier.

Natural Remedies For Sagging Breasts

1. Egg White, Honey, and Vitamin E

For this one, you will simply need to take 2 egg whites, 2 teaspoons of honey, and 2 teaspoons of vitamin E, then mix them together well, and massage your breasts with the mixture. Wear this for about ten minutes with a bra on, then take the bra off and wash your breasts with lukewarm water.

2. Egg and Cucumber

Take 2 teaspoons of cream or butter, 2 eggs, and 2 small cucumbers, mix these things together to make a paste. (You may need to blend or crush the cucumber.) Apply the paste to your breasts and leave it to sit for about thirty minutes to an hour. Wash this off with cold water and reapply weekly.

3. Vitamin E oil and Egg Mask

Using a mask made of egg and vitamin E oil (2 eggs mixed with 2 teaspoons of vitamin E oil) can benefit your breasts greatly. All you need to do is apply it and let it sit for about thirty minutes. Then, wash it off with cold water. Do this several times a week.

4. Olive Oil Treatment

Just rub olive oil on your breasts using your hands. Be sure to massage your loose tissue in an upward circular motion for about twenty minutes.

5. Coconut Oil

Massage your breasts with this in the same way you would the olive oil. Be sure to do this for twenty minutes or longer.

Now, with that being said, as I mentioned above, you cannot do one without the other and expect results. You will have to workout as you do this or you will not see results as quickly. Luckily these exercises are simple and easy, they can be done by just about anyone.

It will only take you less than thirty minutes a day to add these into your life. Check out the video below for a few exercise techniques that are perfect for toning your breasts. Start reducing your sagging today!

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