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Plant Any Of These 8 Plants In Your Yard And Never Worry About Mosquitoes Again

by June 6, 2017

Warm weather is upon us, bringing with it campfires, poolside relaxations, warm nights out on the patio and, you guessed it, mosquitoes! These tiny pests will fly around you, driving you absolutely insane, until they finally decide to land – biting you and leaving you with an itchy, irritated arm or leg.

mosquitoes, mosquito repellent, natural mosquito repellent

Even worse than the constant itch, mosquitoes are often found to be carriers of diseases and viruses, such as malaria, west nile virus and zika. There are many potential solutions from chemical laden bug sprays to citronella candles, however between the horrible smells and the other health issues these chemicals can cause, you aren’t sure which is worse!

Good news – There is an all-natural way to get rid of mosquitoes, and it smells great! Simply plant these eight plants around your yard:

  1. Citronella

mosquitoes, mosquito repellent, natural mosquito repellent

Citronella is the most common mosquito repellent on the market, with citronella oil found in everything from bug sprays to candles. This plant is not a small one, generally grown anywhere from 5 to 6 feet tall, so be sure to give it plenty of space when planting it!

  1. Lavender

 mosquitoes, mosquito repellent, natural mosquito repellent

Often used in aromatherapy for its relaxing scent, the smell of lavender has the exact opposite effect on mosquitoes! You an either plant these beautiful plans around your home for long lasting mosquito repelling effects, or crush the leaves and rub the oil onto your exposed skin in place of chemical bug sprays.

  1. Peppermint

 mosquitoes, mosquito repellent, natural mosquito repellent

Peppermint is a wildly popular smell in everything from body wash to toothpaste, however it also acts as a natural insecticide. Peppermint will not only repel mosquitoes from your yard, but peppermint oil kills mosquito larvae.

  1. Catnip

 mosquitoes, mosquito repellent, natural mosquito repellent

Catnip is fairly easy to grow, making it a great option for the less inclined gardeners reading this article. This plan isn’t just for the cats – containing a chemical known as nepetalactone, it is considered to be one of the best natural insect repellents available!

  1. Rosemary

mosquitoes, mosquito repellent, natural mosquito repellent

The woody scent of rosemary has been found to work as a natural repellent for not only mosquitoes, but also carrot flies and cabbage moths. This popular herb has been recognized by both PlantShed and the New York Botanical Garden.

  1. Geraniums

 mosquitoes, mosquito repellent, natural mosquito repellent

These beautiful blooms carry a strong fragrance; one which mosquitoes cannot stand! Sometimes described as lemon scented, or like citronella grass, planting geraniums around your home will repel these pests, and make your yard look great!

  1. Basil

 mosquitoes, mosquito repellent, natural mosquito repellent

One of the strongest smelling herbs available, basil gives off a scent that repels mosquitoes almost instantly. A report published in the Malaria Journal found that the essential oils in basil were able to provide a near 100% level of protection from mosquitoes! Who needs chemical repellents!

  1. Lemon Balm

 mosquitoes, mosquito repellent, natural mosquito repellent

The smell of lemon balm is hard to pinpoint, described both as lemony as well as a hint of mint. This plant not only repels pets like mosquitoes, but will attract pollinators to your garden such as butterflies and bees. Similar to lavender, it can be used in place of chemical bug sprays by crushing the plant within your hand and rubbing it onto your exposed skin.

Most Women Miss These 3 Early Signs of Cervical Cancer

by June 6, 2017

While the idea of Cervical Cancer is usually met with fear and concern, a good part of the reason we immediately become scared is due to a lack of knowledge! Gynecological cancers are rarely talked about; our society still avoid the discussion of women’s health below the belt.

The number of patients being diagnosed with Gynecological factors is on the rise, and the lack of information being shared is preventing women from catching it early!


Gynecological cancers have a good prognosis when caught in the early stages. Even Ovarian cancer, one of the deadliest cancers for women, can often be cured when caught early. The lack of discussion about the signs and symptoms, however, has resulted in an increase in the number of late stage diagnoses, resulting in a rise in mortality rates. It is important that we know what to watch for!

Caused by an abnormal growth of cells in the cervix, the primary accepted cause of cervical cancer is the human papilloma virus (HPV). A 2007 survey of women in the United States found that only 40% had heard of HPV, and of those, less than half knew it causes cervical cancer! An increased push in routine Pap screenings has resulted in a decrease in cases diagnosed over the last decade, as the tests are able to local abnormal cells in the cervix, catching a potential risk early, and allowing more advanced monitoring of those at risk.

What Increase Your Risk of Cervical Cancer?

While it is important to know the signs and symptoms of a disease, it is also important to understand what may be putting you at a higher risk. This will allow you to explore potential changes to your lifestyle to minimize your risk, as well as to be aware if you are high risk.

You are at a higher risk for the disease if you identify with any of these factors:

  • Having many sexual partners
  • Having sex for the first time at a young age
  • Having sex with a man whose partner had cervical cancer
  • Smoking
  • A compromised immune system
  • Mother’s use of diethylstilbestrol (DES) during pregnancy

What Should I Watch For?

There are three early warning signs that every woman should be familiar with! Know your body, trust your gut, and if you are showing any evidence of these signs, speak with a medical professional immediately!

  1. Unusual Vaginal Discharge

There are many different types of vaginal discharge, and familiarizing yourself with what is normal, and what is not, is an important part of understanding your body. You should pay attention if you notice any of the following characteristics: pale, watery or brown colored discharge, discharge that is tinged with blood or a foul-smell.

  1. Pelvic Pain

Cervical cancer can cause abnormal changes to the cervix. In these cases, you may experience pain during intercourse, or at other times. The disease can also spread within the pelvis. Listen to your body, and pay attention to anything that is outside of your normal menstruation cramps.

  1. Irregular Bleeding

Irregular vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom of the early stages of cervical cancer. This can occur during or between your menstrual periods, or may increase after sex. During your periods bleeding may be heavier, or last longer. Between periods, watch for a slight blood-streaked discharge. If you are post-menopausal and see any vaginal bleeding, contact your doctor!

cancer, cervical cancer, gynecological cancer

Additional Warning Signs Include:

If the above signs are missed, these warning signs are associated with more advanced cases of cervical cancer. Please note that the American Cancer Society cautions that these symptoms may be caused by several other conditions, not just cervical cancer, such as an infection in the pelvic area. If you are experiencing any of these signs, contact a medical professional to ensure that the proper testing is completed. This will allow you to know the definitive cause of your symptoms, and address them accordingly.

  • Back or pelvic pain
  • Difficulty going to the bathroom due to obstruction
  • Swelling in one or both legs
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss

Don’t Leave a Glass of Water Next to Your Bed for the Morning – Here’s Why!

by June 5, 2017

Have you ever woken up in the morning and taken a drink of the glass of water that you had poured the night before, only to find it tasted ‘off’? Have you wondered if the water somehow ‘expired’ over the course of the night sitting on your bedside table?

Here’s what really happens…

water, drinking water, water in the morning, morning hydration

Discovery News recently released this video, discussing the difference in your water:

While there is a slight change to the water itself, lowering the pH of the water slightly due to the absorption of carbon dioxide, causing it to be slightly more acidic, this isn’t what you should concern yourself with!

Over the course of the night sitting there in an open glass your water will collect the dust and dead skin cells that are circulating in the air of your room. Modern day bottled water and tap water are treated and therefore can last for a significant time sitting out, however even water can grow bacteria and algae when left alone too long!

water, drinking water, water in the morning, morning hydration

So, unless you enjoy drinking a glass containing whatever dust and particles found their way into your water over night, we recommend pouring a fresh glass first thing in the morning!

British Experts Find Cancer First Appears in Your Hands

by June 5, 2017

Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases to sweep through our modern world, with the rates of the disease rising and medical professionals still working towards finding a cure. Believed to be encouraged by our fast-paced lifestyle of processed foods, environmental chemicals and high stress levels – nearly everyone knows of at least one person in their life who has had to face this disease.

The treatment process still remains incredible complicated, and VERY hard on the body. There are many patients who do go on to live happy, healthy lives, but only after procedures such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. In some cases, the treatment is harder on the body than the disease itself, and the further advances the disease is when caught, the harder the treatment required will be.

cancer, cancer prognosis, signs of cancer, warning signs of cancer

It is for this reason that early detection is key! While there is a long list of different potential cancers, each with their own symptoms, British scientists are now pointing out that one symptom appears in the early stages of all cancers – and it can be seen in the hands!

These symptoms often present themselves in the form of cracks or swelling, along with a thickening of the skin of the hands. The hand become rough and harsh to the touch. While these are visible symptoms, it is important that you are familiar with your body as they may not be extremely obvious in the earliest stages!


Other early warning signs of cancer include:

Unexplained Weight Loss

If you have not made changes to your diet or lifestyle, and find that you are losing a significant amount of weight, this is often a sign of colon cancer or a host of other digestive diseases. It may also indicate a cancerous infection which is impacting your appetite and/or your body’s digestive system.


Frequent Fevers or Infections

Cancers like Leukemia cause the body to produce abnormal white blood cells, which then inhibits the healthy white blood cells from being able to fight against infections within the body. This may initially mimic flu-like symptoms, however they persist despite attempts to treat the flu.


Excessive and Continual Bleeding or Bruising

Never ignore the development of red spots on your face, or bruising on your chest, neck hands or fingers. These could be early warning signs of leukemia, caused by abnormal platelets and red blood cell activity.


Changes in Your Fingernails

Fingernails have long been found to be a great indicator of your overall health, revealing potential diseases, nutrient deficiencies, circulatory system concerns and more. If you find that there are dots under your nails and black or brown lines, these are all signs of skin cancer. White or pale nails generally indicate liver failure, which is a symptom of liver cancer.


Shortness of Breath or Wheezing

This is well recognized as the first signs of lung cancer, although it is often misdiagnosed an early indication of asthma. Watch for shortness of breath, wheezing, a sensation of tightness while breathing or difficult in breathing.


Difficulty Swallowing

When cancer is found in the areas of the throat or esophagus the cancer cells will have an impact on the delicate tissues that are found there. This will cause a difficulty in swallowing. This is also an early warning sign of lung cancer.


Chest Pains or Chronic Coughs

There are a number of cancers that have been found to initially present themselves in the form of pains in the chest area, chronic coughing or bronchitis, such as lung cancer and leukemia. The key point to remember when tracking these symptoms is that they either persist without letting up, or they will disappear and reappear in a series of repeating cycles.


Abdominal or Pelvic Pains

While pelvic pain may also be an indicator of other health concerns such as polycystic ovary syndrome or reproductive tract disorders, it is also an early warning sign for a variety of cancers in the abdominal area including ovarian cancer.


Rectal Bleeding or Blood in the Stool

As one of the first warning signs of colon cancer, you should always seek medical advice at the presence of blood in the stool! It may be nothing serious, but only a doctor can determine the cause.


Lumps in the Armpit, Neck or Groin

When there are changes to the lymphatic system (a common symptom of cancer) they generally present themselves as enlarged lymph nodes. This is a commonly discussed warning sign of breast cancer, with women being taught to self check for lumps, however in the armpit, groin or neck it could also be an early sign of leukemia.


If you experience any of the above signs, or have concerns for any reason, it is imperative that you seek medical assistance as soon as possible. A cancer diagnosis can only be confirmed by further testing, conducted by professionals.

5 Chair Exercises That Will Reduce Your Belly Fat While You Sit

by June 5, 2017

Studies show that if you do these 5 exercises you will burn fat all day long! After all, everyone is looking to shed a pound or two these days! Learn how below.

These days it is not uncommon to want to shed a few pounds! Losing stubborn belly fat can be extremely difficult though. You might be doing everything right – exercising, cardio, eating a good diet, and staying hydrated – and still no results. There are many different components of your body that can hinder weight loss. But if you feel like you have tried everything and still can not lose the weight, try these exercises.  Studies show that doing them first thing in the morning will make you lose weight all day long! It’s all about stimulating the right muscles in the right way.

Yoga not only helps decrease excess belly fat, but it also allows you to control your body and mind like you never have before! Try yoga for losing extra belly fat. Yoga is beneficial in so many different ways, and losing weight is one of them. However, if yoga isn’t your cup of tea, there are other options too! These exercises can be performed extremely easily, and they just require a chair. Sometimes we don’t have the time to go to the bed or do some mindful yoga. That is why these chair exercises are going to be your best friend.

1. Knee Pull-Ins

This exercise works your core and lowers abs to fight lower tummy flab.

  1. Sit tall on the edge of your chair.
  2. Place your feet firmly on the ground in front of you at hip’s width apart.
  3. Keep your back straight with you belly button pulling in towards the spine and lift your right knee towards your chest.
  4. Bring your arms towards your shin to get a bigger stretch in your lower abs.
  5. Do 20-30 reps, alternating your knees.

2. Double Knee Lift

This exercise works out all your abdominal muscles keep you trim and tight.

  1. Start in a sitting position with your knees touching.
  2. Place your hands and arms on the armrests. If your chair doesn’t have arm rests, simply hold the seat of the chair.
  3. Keeping your back straight, lift both of your knees to your chest.
  4. Lower your feet down to the ground, but do not let them touch.
  5. Repeat for 10-20 reps.

3. Oblique Pull Ups

These modified double knee lifts melt away love handles to define your waistline.

  1. Start in a sitting position, resting your arms on the armrests. Lean to one side of your chair to partial lift your bum off the chair.
  2. Repeat the same motion as the double knee lift.
  3. Follow up by leaning to the other side and repeating the motion.
  4. Do 10-20 reps on each side.

4. Floor Reaches

Like obliques, flour reaches fight fat storage in your hips and sides.

  1. Place your feet back on the ground and sit tall.
  2. Straighten your arms out to your sides at shoulder height.
  3. Twist your torso and lean forward to touch your left toes with your right fingers. Keep your arms still as you do so.
  4. Straighten up and repeat the motion, touching your right toes with your left fingers.
  5. Repeat the motion for 20-30 reps., alternating each time.

5. Pull Up

This exercise works out your core, arms, back and shoulders to get leaner all-around!

  1. Sit in a chair without wheels, pressing it against a wall for better stability.
  2. Place your arms on the armrests and push yourself up off the chair. At the same time, use your abs to pull up your knees.
  3. Hold for as long as possible and slowly lower yourself back down.



How Taking Turmeric Helps Your Body Block Fat and Your Liver Remove Toxins as Fast as Possible

by June 5, 2017

Turmeric is an amazing natural super food. It can be used to treat tons of different health issues, gets rid of wrinkles, and can even make your hair grow thicker. However, before you use it you must know this.

Turmeric has become increasingly popular over the past few years, and rightfully so! It’s an amazing superfood. More and more people are resorting to only natural ingredients instead of medications. People are also realizing that the food that is distributed to us is toxic and composed of man made chemicals. Turmeric is derived from curcumin, which is why it’s yellow. It has over 600 different health benefits! Most people these days are looking to shed a pound or two, and turmeric can even help you do that.

Turmeric is known for its ability to improve the function of the liver. It is a potent detoxifier, and it blocks fat from the liver. It does this because it is a result of the suppressed blood vessels. The suppressed blood vessels form a fat tissue. Turmeric eliminates toxins from the blood by producing enzymes that break them down. Simply making turmeric tea can eliminate up to ten pounds in just a week. The turmeric has thermionic effects which accelerate the metabolism, thus burning fat faster!

If you still aren’t convinced, here are 5 more reasons you should be taking turmeric daily!

It Soothes Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive disorder that can be excruciating when it comes to going to the bathroom. Turmeric can soothe the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome because it is a powerful anti-inflammatory compound.

It Lowers Cholesterol – Turmeric is also extremely effective in lowering cholesterol. Cholesterol can lead to heart disease because of the plaque it forms in your arteries. Turmeric can reduce this, according to the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. It also contains vitamin B6, which increases the health of your arteries.

It Helps Prevent Cancer – Turmeric has even been shown to prevent cancer. It has certain antioxidants that are able to prevent the colon from damage inflicted by free radicals. Because the cells in the clon replicate very quickly, they can easily become perforated. Turmeric can help destroy these cancerous cells. It has also been said that turmeric can prevent prostate cancer, the second cause of cancer death in males.

It Might Prevent Alzheimer’s – There is popular belief that turmeric can delay or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. It has such powerful anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that are known for staging of Alzheimer’s.  The Alzheimer’s research center at the University of California has announced it is planning to carry out human trials. They will be looking for signs that the same properties that provide Curcumin with its ability to break up and remove the buildup of plaque in the body’s blood vessels, will work on the plaque that builds up in the brain; a plaque which contains a substance called Amyloid-B.

It Reduces the Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis – By now, we are all familiar with the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric. Once again, because of turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties turmeric can significantly reduce the effects of rheumatoid arthritis.

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