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13 Bizarre Home Remedies Our Grandparents Taught Us That Actually Work

by June 9, 2017

Today we are surrounded by toxic food, medicine, and supplements. They can cause worlds of side effects and health issues. That’s exactly why you should always resort to natural remedies!

There are tons of different natural remedies out there that can be used to treat, well, basically everything. There is a high chance that we all have had a grandparent or two preach to us about a natural remedy. It turns out that those same natural remedies they have preached to us about are actually extremely effective. You could replace all of your medications and household cleaners with everything below. Here are the top 13 most effective home remedies!

Baking Soda

 Baking soda is one of the most useful household items there is. It can be used for, but not limited to, cleaning your teeth, eliminating odors, household cleaning, keeping the ants out, getting rid of a heartburn, and more.


 Celery can be used for lots of things and it is great for our bodies, but according to grandma’s remedy, celery can cure bad breath! This also goes for chewing on some parsley too.


 Eating raisins can bring about a lot of benefits, but they can be especially proclaimed for their effects on arthritis.

Earaches and Lemons

 earaches are an excruciating thing to experience, and if you do have one you’ll go to any measures to get rid of It. Thankfully you don’t have to go far because all you have to do is squeeze a lemon into your ear!

Horsetail Herbal Tea for Hair Loss

 horsetail herbal tea has an extraordinary amount of silica in it. This can repair remaining hair follicles and stimulate more hair growth.

Yams for Menopause

 yams are packed full of vitamins and antioxidants which help reduce menopausal symptoms. Be sure to get real yams, and they can additionally reduce your cholesterol levels!

Twizzlers for Calluses

 Twizzlers have estrogen-like ingredients which make them great for getting rid of calluses. All you have to do is mash some together, add a little petroleum jelly and rub gently but firmly.

Olives and Motion Sickness

 if you can manage to make it to an olive before throwing up, the tannin will regain control of your which will help with nausea!

UTI infections and Baking Soda

 simply adding a pinch of baking soda to a glass of water can make your urinary tract more alkaline, killing infections.


 apricots are full of potassium and fiber and they are excellent for relieving bloating. Just enjoy some fresh apricots for breakfast and your bloating will soon be at ease.

Duct Tape and Warts

 have a wart that you cannot seem to get rid of? All you have to do is cover it with duct tape and voila! Cover it with duct tape for 2 days and that sucker will be long gone!


have a headache? Enjoy some almonds and your headache will soon be alleviated!


 garlic is good for basically everything, but it is especially good at soothing skin irritations. All you have to do is rub the affected area with a clove of garlic regularly and the irritation will be tamed.

How To Detoxify And Get RID Of Psoriasis Once And For All

by June 9, 2017

Psoriasis is a terrible disease to suffer from, and like most health issues, the big pharmacy only makes money off of it.

Psoriasis is a serious skin condition that can completely change your life – for the worse. It is an immune mediated disease that causes red, irritated, and flaky skin. It typically affects the elbows, knees, or the scalp, but it isn’t limited to these areas. While scientists aren’t sure where psoriasis exactly comes from, they do know that genetics play a big role. From past research they have found that the skin cells in patients with psoriasis reproduce at a much faster rate.

Plaque psoriasis is the most common form, but there are other types including guttate, inverse, pustular, and erythrodermic. While there are medications out there for psoriasis, they are little effective and have tons of side effects. That’s why you should try this natural remedy! Pustular psoriasis is characterized by white pustules surrounded by red skin. The pus consists of white blood cells. It is not an infection, nor is it contagious.


  • 2 green apples
  • 6 ribs of celery
  • 8-10 leaves of kale
  • ¼ lemon


Blend all ingredients together and apply the mixture to the affected area twice a day, every day. It should reduce the symptoms of your psoriasis and eventually slow down the progression of the disease overall.

4 Natural Ways to Erase Brown Spots From Your Skin

by June 9, 2017

Dark spots are one of the worst signs of aging to experience. They look bad, and they are pretty apparent. You’ve probably tried some of those expensive creams that didn’t do a thing at all, right? Well, besides the fact that it broke your wallet.

People have suffered from dark spots since human existence. This is not a new thing, and like always, mother nature has us covered from the beginning. All of those expensive creams, medications, and ointments are more than expensive – they’re actually bad for your body. They have chemicals in them that are never meant to be on your body, and can become addicting for your body.  This ensures that you will continue buying their product.

You never needed those pharmaceutical creams in the first place. Mother nature provides the best of all medications – and these 4 foods will transform your face. Whether you cut it up, mix it, or squash them, applying these foods to your face will unload a splendor of youthfulness. Just see for yourself. Why not, it’s extremely inexpensive!











Mix licorice powder and milk to make a paste. Rub it on affected areas, and rinse off with warm water after 30 minutes.



Mix sandalwood powder with lemon juice and rose water. Apply to your face every night for two weeks.

Red Lentils

 Soak lentils overnight. Grind them into a paste and mix with coconut oil and tomato paste. Wash off with warm water!


Mix Lemon Juice, raw honey, milk powder, and almond oil. Maintain the application on your face for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

Women Who Smoke Weed are Smarter than those Who Don’t

by June 9, 2017

Marijuana has been a controversial topic for quite some time now. To this day, there are still some people who argue that marijuana does not have medicinal benefits. However, in this world ignorance is as much bliss, as marijuana is medicinally beneficial – and that’s a lot.

There have been all kinds of studied performed on this potent herb. It has been clinically proven to fight hundreds of health issues, including cancer. Marijuana has also been proven to be a tremendous help in the fight against depression and anxiety, and it is also an essential supplement for people who suffer from epilepsy. But that’s not all. On a less medicinal note, new studies have shown that women who smoke marijuana are smarter than those who don’t. I know it seems a bit far fetched, but this was a real clinical study!

The study was conducted by ScienceDaily, and their team of researchers followed about 8,000 women from ages 5 to 30. First, they tested IQ levels at the age of 5. They found that women who had high IQ’s at the age of 5, were not only more likely to smoke weed, but they are 50% more likely to smoke! While the doctors weren’t sure why women with higher IQ’s were more prone to smoking cannabis, but they do note that people with higher IQ’s are more likely to be open-minded to new experiences and altered states, per say.

Another reason the researchers might think that women with higher IQ’s will smoke, is that more intelligent women, or people, are more prone to being bullied and searching for an emotional outlet. While IQ is still a controversial method of measuring intelligence, if there is a way, it is the most accurate reading we have today.

Why do you think women with higher IQ’s are more likely to smoke weed? Do you think it is because they are open to new experiences or is it an emotional outlet? Let us know!

Popsicles Made From 100 Different Polluted Water Sources Grab World’s Attention

by June 8, 2017

The world population has been growing and it continues. Due to rapid urbanization, our waters and marine life are paying the ultimate price.

Pollution has become more than a serious issue; it’s grave. Not even considering air pollution, the litter in our waters and streets is causing detrimental damage to our environment and we have to do something about it. That’s why these Japanese Designers have launched an art project to raise awareness about our growing water pollution. The project is called the Polluted Water Popsicles Project, and it is exactly how it seems. Although these popsicles look like something you’d find at an organic popsicle joint, they’re actually not edible at all – just like our water is undrinkable.

The project was led by Hung I-chen, Guo Yi-hui, and Cheng Yu-ti from the National Taiwan University of Arts. The students took the water from over 100 different regions and turned them into frozen popsicles. They then recreated them by using polyester resin. They additionally designed wrappers for the popsicles to depict the region it came from. There are all sorts of pollution in the popsicles from chopstick wrappers, plastic bags, bottles, and paper, you can really see how bad our pollution issue is from a different perspective.

Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist

by June 8, 2017

The human body is full of energetic points called meridians which are vital for your spiritual flow of energy. While it has been practiced and studied for thousands of years, science has just now proven they exist.

Today we are confident that we have everything about human anatomy figured out. While we do have extravagant medical advances, we are just beginning to understand the real science of the metaphysical self. We know how to take care of our physical bodies, but what about taking care of our metaphysical bodies?

Our bodies are covered in points where energy travels and resides. They are undetectable by the human eye, and they influence every organ and part in our bodies. These meridian points carry energy all throughout the body the same arteries carry blood. The meridian points in the body are responsible for all of the body’s major organ systems such as the endocrine, nervous, circulatory, immune, respiratory, digestive, skeletal, and lymphatic. One of the most difficult things we are having trouble accepting in the modern day world is that there are things that directly affect our health that we can’t even see; it’s all energy. As Nikola Tesla said, “as soon as humans can start to think in terms of energy and frequency, we will never conquer the world.”

Of course, it does sound a bit far-fetched, this is pure facts now. Although meridian and energy points have been practiced and studied for thousands of years it wasn’t until now that their existence has been proven by science. The existence of meridian points was studied and confirmed by scientists at Seoul National University. They refer to them as the ‘primo-vascular system’. There are twelve major meridian points and two single mid meridians. How did they prove it? Well, Korean scientists have been studying meridian points since the 1960’s. In a study published in the Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, researchers used contrast CT imaging with radiation on both non-acupuncture points and acupuncture points. The CT scans revealed clear distinctions between the non-acupuncture point and acupuncture point anatomical structures. This is why researchers believe that the primo vascular system is responsible for the effects of acupuncture.

The meridians affect our health in tons of different ways. When our health is vibrant, there is harmony between both forces in the body. If one of these forces is interrupted, it can throw the entire meridian system out of whack and cause illness. Practices like yoga and meditation work on these subtle energy channels, supporting the flow of energy through the body.

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