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The Painkilling Cayenne Cream Remedy That Anyone With Stiff Joints or Sore Muscles Needs to Try

by June 11, 2017

This is one remedy you will have to see to believe. It will have you feeling so much better in very little to no time!

This remedy works so well because its main ingredient is Cayenne. Cayenne works wonders on muscle pain and cramps of all sorts because of the capsaicin in it. It is also really good at reducing inflammation. By using this remedy and working on a better more healthy lifestyle you will see results quickly.

The rub I am going to be telling you how to make is one of my all time favorites. However, it is one you will need to remember to stay hydrated when using and make sure you are relaxed. We should make sure we are taking in enough water regardless so this should be relatively easy to do.

Cayenne Muscle and Joint Rub:


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup beeswax
  • 4 teaspoons organic Cayenne powder
  • 2 teaspoons organic turmeric powder
  • 2 teaspoons organic Ginger powder
  • 20 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 8 oz. glass jar


  • Take a glass bowl and add in the coconut oil and beeswax.
  • Set this in a saucepan full of three inches of water (more if needed.)
  • Let the water simmer and mix occasionally.
  • Do this until everything is melted.
  • Add in the rest of the ingredients still mixing.
  • Once mixed well pour into the jar and let cool before sealing.
  • Apply directly to the affected areas. This rub should last about eight weeks.

Make sure to wash your hands after using this and remember that you should stay hydrated and relaxed when doing so. This should get rid of all of your aches and pains with ease. Let us know how it works for you! Enjoy!







10 Ways Your Body is Trying to Warn You About a Hormone Imbalance

by June 11, 2017

If you are dealing with unexplainable weight gain, constipation, thinning hair, brittle nails and fatigue you might have an issue that is all too common these days. could you be suffering from a hormone imbalance?

There are several different types of hormonal imbalances. For example, when you are feeling fatigued you could be having issues with your adrenal glands that produce stress hormones. Menstrual issues often indicate an imbalance with testosterone or estrogen and so forth. We often are unaware of these issues as we do not usually get our thyroid or adrenals checked often.

When considering whether your hormones may be imbalanced you need to consider what possible type of imbalance it may be. The following tips will help you to balance your hormones without having to do anything too drastic.

10 Ways To Fix The Underlying Cause of Hormonal Imbalance

1. Eat more healthy fats.

Healthy fats stimulate the production of hormones that suppress cravings and boost energy.

2. Reduce your consumption of sweets.

Excess consumption of sweets will overload the function of hormones. Limit their intake and if possible eliminate them completely.

3. Teach yourself to relax.

It is important to relax. Do not allow yourself to stay tense 24/7. You need to do whatever makes you feel calm and content from time to time.

4. Minimize your medications.

If there is something you can cut out do it.

5. Cut out the chemicals.

Lower your exposure to harmful chemicals as a means of balancing your hormones back out.

6. Reduce stimulant intake.

Whether you like tea, coffee, or soda best cut back as much as possible. These are things that can and will interfere with your hormones.

7. Try to sleep better and more often.

Not sleeping properly can have a negative effect on your whole body. Lack of sleep prevents your body from releasing the hormones that are supposed to refresh the cells.

8. Be good to your microbiome.

Ingest more fermented foods because they are good for your gut flora.

9. Avoid reactive inflammatory foods.

Do not eat anything processed.

10. Reduce your grains for two weeks.

You could be dealing with a metabolic problem induced bu carbs. try taking a break and see if you notice any improvements.

For more on hormone imbalances please take the time to watch the video below. Taking care of your body is extremely important. Maintaining a balance of hormones is actually much easier than it seems. These ten things will really make a huge difference and have you feeling a million years younger in no time at all!

Top 7 Herbs to Cure Your Liver

by June 10, 2017

Our liver is our second largest organ, second only to our skin. And it does a number of important jobs that make it possible for us to live.

Without our liver, we cannot live, and sadly, we can damage it without even knowing. Our liver works day in and day out, cleansing our blood and producing bile for our digestive system to properly digest fat. Of course, due to its many important functions, it is of the utmost importance to keep the liver in prime health, and a liver cleanse is a great way to accomplish this.

And for those of you who have never encountered issues with your liver, you may not know where to start. However, that’s okay, because we have compiled a list of powerful liver detoxifying herbs to help you get a jump start!

1. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle has been used for over two thousand years. During that time, experts have observed its wonderful effects on the liver and gallbladder. Many experts suggest detoxifying with milk thistle on a regular basis, especially if you consume alcohol, as it rids the liver of the toxins left behind.

2. Borotutu Bark

Borotutu Bark is such a powerful liver cleanser, that it has been used in order to combat biliary colic and jaundice.

3. Peppermint

While many of us know peppermint’s wonderful breath benefits, we fail to notice its powerful cleansing benefits. Not only does it stimulate the bile duct, it also aids in reducing bad cholesterol.

4. Dandelion Root

Dandelion root is wonderful for dissolving kidney or bladder stones, liver stimulation, hepatitis treatment, and liver cleansing. It can be made into a tea, or the root can simply be consumed.

5. Ginger Root

Foods containing high amounts of fiber support a healthy digestive tract. Ginger also benefits the digestive system, making the liver’s processes much simpler.

6. Organic Turmeric

This dark yellow root is related to ginger and is a proven liver and cell regenerator.

7. Chicory Root

Chicory root is known for its vibrant blue flowers and is a medicinal herb that has long been praised for its ability to cleanse the liver.

Ancient Homemade Syrup That Removes Phlegm From The Lungs and Cures Cough

by June 9, 2017

We all seem to deal with extra mucus a lot more often that we would like. When that happens this remedy can help big time!

This remedy works because carrots, or the main ingredient, are filled with beneficial antioxidants. Carrots are good for preventing cancer, decreasing one’s cholesterol, improving digestion, boosting one’s immunity and much more. If you are dealing with any of those issues or have a cough or excess mucus you should give this remedy a try.

Homemade Syrup for Phlegm


  • Carrots
  • 6 Tablespoons of organic honey
  • Water


  • Peel and cut your carrots into chunks then boil them until they are soft.
  • Strain the carrots and keep the liquid off to the side.
  • Mash the carrots or blend them.
  • Stir the honey into the water you cooked the carrots in and add your carrot mush back to this.
  • Mix it well.
  • Store it in a could place.


  • Take 5 tablespoons of this each day and you should be feeling better within just a few days.

This remedy will have you feeling better quick if you take the time to give it a try. For more information on carrots and their health benefits please watch the video below. Enjoy!

Avoid Cancer With Fungi and Mushrooms

by June 9, 2017

While mushrooms have long been associated with tasty eating and festival entertainment, it appears that they have a much more magical component, yet. According to various scientists, mushrooms hold the potential not only to prevent cancer but possibly to even heal it.

However, they wouldn’t be the first group of people to believe in the healing quality of mushrooms. The ancient Egyptians believed that by eating mushrooms, you were given a longer life. Of course, there may not have been as much science behind their beliefs, but the most recent research on the medicinal properties of mushrooms is turning out quite well.

According to one study, which was conducted by Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in 2009, maitake mushrooms had the ability to stimulate the immune systems of those who had breast cancer. Upon further research by Sensuke Konno, a professor of urology at New York Medical College found that the non-toxic concentrations of the GD or Pl ‘fractions’ found in maitakes, when combined with vitamin C, not only reduced the growth of bladder cancer cells by 90% within 72 hours but could also effectively kill them.

And maitakes aren’t the only ones that have been proven to be effective at fighting against cancer. Check out these other medically beneficial mushrooms:

Shitake (Lentinula edodes)

Shitake mushrooms are often found in Asian food. However, don’t let its delightful taste fool you: this food packs a serious medicinal punch! Many have long used this mushroom for its ability to enhance immune function as well as for the treatment of cancer.

Ganoderma Reishi Mushroom

Chinese Medicine considers this mushroom to be one of the greatest longevity tonics in existence. It is used to treat cancer, and also to improve vitality, strength, and stamina.

Turkey Tail Mushroom

Turkey tail has been used for hundreds of years in Chinese Medicine as an immune system stimulator, as well as for its ability to rid one of tumors.

Chinese Caterpillar Fungus

As yet another immune system stimulator, this mushroom raises virus-fighting T cells and natural killer cells to prolong the life of the white blood cells. In turn, the body is more equipped to fight against the disease.

And its no wonder that mushrooms have long been touted by the Chinese as an all-natural superfood. Check out their other benefits.

Naturally, Mushrooms Are:
  • Immune Boosting
  • Anti-Viral
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Anti-Cancer
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Antioxidant

If before reading this, you didn’t believe in the healing capacity for mushrooms, I am sure you do know. If you already have a healthy eating regimen in place, simply add a few of the above-listed variety to your diet today. You will be happy you did!

What Fitness Models Look Like When They’re Not Posing For Instagram

by June 9, 2017

Many people spend a lot of their time training and eating properly in order to maintain their appearance. However, it is important to remember that no one is perfect, even the people who do this.

Every person has bad angles and no one is going to look amazing all the time. We are all amazing in our own ways and even the people we think must have no insecurities still do. In the photos below, you can see the models while they are posing, and then also in the natural. Either way, they are beautiful. Learn to be content in your skin.

If you want to workout: go for it! Be the healthiest you can be, but remember no matter what there will always be some angle you aren’t looking your best in and that is perfectly okay. There is nothing wrong with you no matter how you look.

These fitness bloggers are well aware of their not so perfect angles and are just fine with them:


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